Heart of the Universe Thanos & Infinity Gauntlet Warlock vs The Morningstar Brothers
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the morningstar brothers? lol only LUCIFER is the morningstar, anyway in my book it goes to lucifer and micheal.
All depends
The way I see it
Lucifer = LT
LT doesnt create multiverses kgkg.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
LT doesnt create multiverses kgkg.
you don't have to , to win battles
LT doesn't get mind tricked by demons etc.
yea but he does get killed by sumthin that created a single multiverse.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
yea but he does get killed by sumthin that created a single multiverse.
Lt never got killed simple absorbed
you can't kill something beyond the concept of death itself.
Originally posted by kgkg
Lt never got killed simple absorbed
you can't kill something beyond the concept of death itself.
Originally posted by kgkg
Lt never got killed simple absorbed
you can't kill something beyond the concept of death itself.
yea well the infinite gauntlett killed DEATH itself, how does that fit into ur theory?

Originally posted by leonheartmm
yea well the infinite gauntlett killed DEATH itself, how does that fit into ur theory?
Never killed Death
Simple put it into a paralyzed form (trapped stated)
Death is a concept , LT is beyond any concept of reality.
he has said this many time.
Originally posted by kgkg
Never killed Death
Simple put it into a paralyzed form (trapped stated)
Death is a concept , LT is beyond any concept of reality.
he has said this many time.
umm, so is lucifer but hes been killed before.{remember that the MEGAVERSAL death has no domain over him and lucifer can create entire concepts like time, space, life and death from scratch} and yes the infinity gauntlett did KILL many concepts like order chaos, eternity n death
in comics even GOD can die{saint of killers killed god once, and swamp thing also killed god}
Originally posted by leonheartmm
in comics even GOD can die{saint of killers killed god once, and swamp thing also killed god}
maybe in DC not marvel.
that's the problem when comparing the two universes.
Originally posted by kgkg
maybe in DC not marvel.
but then again, if dc people killed a dc god, then it doesnt matter, marvel cant kill their own god which mean they cant kill a dc godtype either, so lucifer and micheal win

Originally posted by leonheartmm
but then again, if dc people killed a dc god, then it doesnt matter, marvel cant kill their own god which mean they cant kill a dc godtype either, so lucifer and micheal win
no just shows DC god is stupid.
how does GOD loose
heck they have the JLA messing the Spectre
Cosmic Flame
It's called Heart of the UNIVERSE for a reason. It only affects one reality, not the multiverse. Thanos said in every issue that he destroyed HIS reality, HIS universe, not the great Marvel multiversal continuum. Only an M-body of the LT was absorbed, not the LT itself. If the LT were actually absorbed into Thanos, I suspect that all universes, multiverses, pocket dimensions, etc. would fall into chaos, cease to exist or some other horrific circumstance, because one of the two primary anchors and balances would no longer exist.
As much as I love Thanos and Warlock, the brothers take this.
the brothers do take this i agree, but i dont agree on what the hotu is, if indeed it was ust universal it wouldnt have to be more powerful than the infnite gauntlett{which could destroy a single universe with reletive ease} and LT nullified that with a single snap of his fingers, thotu actually killed{i wouldnt say absorbed because LT didnt show that he was just being ABSORBED he had his hands up in agony and defeat} the tribunal, it most certainly IS multiversal or it cannot have affected the great guardian of the multiverse.
DC GOD never died, why do people keep saying that??? Preacher is not in the DCU History or Continuity... Lucifer and Michael would probably win.
Also where in Swamp Things history says that he almost killed DC's GOD??? I checked on the Swamp Thing history page and no where does he ever have a chance to kill GOD. Yes they had The Word/GOD show up and he could have destroyed Swamp Thing but Tefe stopped him before he had a chance, Tefe spoke the same sound as The Voice which speaks in everything. God/The Word though has been talked bout by The Spectre as though he is still alive, and in Lucifer they talk about GOD/The Word as if he is still alive in The Silver City.
Originally posted by kevdude
DC GOD never died, why do people keep saying that??? Preacher is not in the DCU History or Continuity... Lucifer and Michael would probably win.
Also where in Swamp Things history says that he almost killed DC's GOD??? I checked on the Swamp Thing history page and no where does he ever have a chance to kill GOD. Yes they had The Word/GOD show up and he could have destroyed Swamp Thing but Tefe stopped him before he had a chance, Tefe spoke the same sound as The Voice which speaks in everything. God/The Word though has been talked bout by The Spectre as though he is still alive, and in Lucifer they talk about GOD/The Word as if he is still alive in The Silver City.
i think it was when john constantine unleashed the swamp thing's true potential.
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
It's called Heart of the UNIVERSE for a reason. It only affects one reality, not the multiverse. Thanos said in every issue that he destroyed HIS reality, HIS universe, not the great Marvel multiversal continuum. Only an M-body of the LT was absorbed, not the LT itself. If the LT were actually absorbed into Thanos, I suspect that all universes, multiverses, pocket dimensions, etc. would fall into chaos, cease to exist or some other horrific circumstance, because one of the two primary anchors and balances would no longer exist.
As much as I love Thanos and Warlock, the brothers take this.
If you wanna go by words, it says in Lucifer's own comic that he created a Universe. It doesn't mention multiverses or alternate realities when he kills Michael and creates his own realm. It's assumed, but never directly stated.
And no, Lucifer cannot create time and abstract concepts. He is beyond many of them, but he cannot create them on a whim. That power was given only to Michael, and he needs to DIE to unleash it. That's what the Demiurgic power is, and that's why it isn't really a question as to if Lucifer should survive it or not. Lucifer cannot create matter. Michael creates, Lucifer shapes. That's how it worked in the beginning, that's how it worked in Lucy's private existance.
I vote HOTU and IG, on the assumption that IG can RIVAL LT's power, and HOTU is beyond it, where I don't think Lucifer and Michael are really all that and a bag of chips, as people assume them to be now.
LT was not able to judge Thanos when he posessed the HOTU, even if all realities were not destroyed. When he commanded everything to cease existing, but some places obviously survived, has anyone ever thought that it was because his mind did not encompass the concept of other realities? Like if he decided they all should die, they will, but he didn't so they lived? Just a thought, since he directly compares the IG to the HOTU, and says HOTU is much more powerful; Controlling it externally versus BEING a part of everything.
I thought we settled this I and only I win

Shut up MarDC, !!! Shut Up !!
Its supposed to be The Presence's 2 favourite boys, not THE MORNINGSTAR BROS !!!!
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
It's called Heart of the UNIVERSE for a reason. It only affects one reality, not the multiverse. Thanos said in every issue that he destroyed HIS reality, HIS universe, not the great Marvel multiversal continuum. Only an M-body of the LT was absorbed, not the LT itself. If the LT were actually absorbed into Thanos, I suspect that all universes, multiverses, pocket dimensions, etc. would fall into chaos, cease to exist or some other horrific circumstance, because one of the two primary anchors and balances would no longer exist.
As much as I love Thanos and Warlock, the brothers take this.
True about HOTU it only affected a single universe/reality:
As for the LT bit i dont agree with that and its not supported. Yes it was an Mbody but thats how he manifests into universe its how all the abstracts manifest into the universe as well because none of them have a physical body of their own. However they are still there in force through these M-bodies. Their essence and their power is housed in these M-bodies so LT was defeated regardless by HOTU in The End. That was made quite clear. There is no evidence whatsoever that only part of him was absorbed. Thats speculation.
Who can blink first wins.
Thanos w/ HOTU wins.
Together Lucifer and Micheal could do anything HOTU and IG could do.
Cosmic Flame
So you're saying that Thanos was able to use a universal tool to totally absorb the entirety of the Living Tribunal from every reality across the multiverse? There's no evidence to support that theory either. For all we know, what was absorbed by Thanos could have been nothing more than a shard of the LT. Maybe he was in the ice cold room having a beer waiting for the rest of him to arrive. And seeing as how the abstracts have multiple M-bodies, their power must be divided in some way. Every M-body isn't the same: after being Infinity's avatar, Quasar encountered an M-body that didn't know him.
IMO it's sloppy Starlin writing. A few months later he had Galactus nearly being destroyed by a nuke. Thanos, if anyone, is certainly more than capable of comprehending other realities than his own. He's traveled down the dimensional corridor before, and Galactus followed his lead against Hunger because Thanos had more extra-dimensional experience.
I suppose I just have an issue with the idea that an artifact/relic/talisman can bestow enough power on the wielder to be able to totally remove the Living Tribunal from existence.
Why does everyone question the power of HOTU, but almost never the power of Lucifer? It states in his own comics that he helped create a universe. I don't think it ever once mentions him shaping many different realities when constructing his private realm. So if DC's original Creation only involved one universe, it would stand to reason that something with power enough to consume at least an entire universe, and possibly more, cuz the whole LT thing's an unknown, should be able to destroy Lucifer and Michael.
Go Heart of the Universe. And screw terminology! (oh, and sonce the IG granted control over all realities, and Thanos directly compared the HOTU to the IG, in that whatever he could control wiith the Gauntlet, which included many realities, was now a PART of him with the HOTU. Which would mean that he may indeed have consumed a "multiverse", and Warlock still managed to be outside of it.
Also, is Eternity not defined simply as a living universe with huge amounts of power? If Eternity by himself is a universe, Thanos did indeed absorb many, since he was definitely more powerful than Eternity when holding the IG, proving that he is multiversal when controlling the HOTU.
Cosmic Flame
The IG doesn't grant its weilder control over all realities, because all realities are based on the same principles as 616. Why would you suggest that he consumed a multiverse when he explicitly states that he destroyed his own universe?
Infinity/Eternity represent space/time for this universe and others based on the same principles. For other realities where physical laws are diferent (if some of them even have physical laws), those at the top of the food chain may be different. All universes in the multiverse aren't the same. They aren't based on the same principles.
Please don't misunderstand me. I'm not disputing that Thanos with THOTU is virtually immeasurably powerful. I just don't think that it's truly all powerful.
actually no, lucifer CAN create concepts like time it was explicitly stated that he could when he created the universe in the void, he created "THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR, TIME" and made it go"FORWARD" those are the actual words used in the comic, and no, that was a unique thing, the reason for creating that UNIVERSE was to heal micheal, to stop the dc multiverse from being destroyed, and to create a universe OUTSIDE god's creation. lets not forget that lucifer and micheal MADE the mainstreams dc multiverse to begin with, for god. so their power cannot be denied, either one has more power than the hotu and YES nuthing was said about WHAT the heart of the universe destroyed but we have a couple of things or evidences which suggest that it was the multiverse. thanos KILLED{or defeated and overpowered, whatever u wanna call it} eternity, infinity and the living tribunal. now one could also say that since death was not shown, in the scan, that means death is superior to the tribunal, but that is not the case, since the tribunal was clearly overpowered, that means that the explosion MUST have been multiversal, also, thanos said that he was below NO ONE, and he proved that by defeating the tribunal BADLY that means that he had ATLEAST power greater than that of the guardian of the multiverse itself, one who is beyond all concepts. has no other form in multiple universes and has cancelled the power of the infinite gauntlett with a single snap of the finger{ the same IG that killed etenity infinity. order chaos etc, with next to NO effort} now even if thanos was not actually above ALL. like the true god, he still was much much more powerful than the living tribunal, now if u look at all this it seems pretty damn stupid to speculate and say that it was just ONE universe that was destroyed and no other just cause there no direct proof of the multiverse dying, the way i see it, there no proof of a single universe dying either, and there is more than enough evidence to solidly suggest that the multiverse was destroyed{another thing, since like eternity, death, the livingtribunal had no counterparts, then if he was destroyed the guardian of the multiverse would be gone forever wouldnt he, but we have seen him after tha, which would suggest that the destrucion/ recreation theory of the MULTIVERSE is the right one} ofcourse no1 can be 100% sure if marvel does not explicitly discuss the matter, but we shouldnt say that only the 616 reality was destroyed.
another thing we should realize is that there might be different writers takin on the same subject as all marvel is connected just like dc/vertigo, this causes confusions in the universe/multiverse thing
K Von Doom
Does this mean Korvac has the power to affect the multiverse as well, seeing as he withstood the LT's judgement?
withstanding LT's judgement{which was bull btw} and killing or greatly overpowering and badly defeating LT are two very different things.
Cosmic Flame
Why would it not be correct to say that only 616 was destroyed when Thanos, throughout all six issues of the end, constantly referred to destroying HIS universe, and nothing else? I would imagine that he would know and acknowledge that his actions were multiversal, but he says nothing to that effect. He acknowledges that Adam Warlock was beyond the scope of his power, as he was with Atleza anchoring the 616 reality. If his actions were multiversal, there wouldn't be anyone left.
There's plenty proof that one universe dies, because that's what he says. Just because an M-body of the LT is present doesn't immediately imply that the actions have multiversal impact, just as his absence doesn't necessarily imply that something does not have multiversal impact. HOM illustrates that fact, as does the destruction of the lighthouse in Excalibur.
So you say that we should view his power and actions as multiversal when he himself says otherwise? I just can't swallow that.
Cosmic Flame
Originally posted by leonheartmm
withstanding LT's judgement{which was bull btw} and killing or greatly overpowering and badly defeating LT are two very different things.
Which was also bull.
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
Why would it not be correct to say that only 616 was destroyed when Thanos, throughout all six issues of the end, constantly referred to destroying HIS universe, and nothing else? I would imagine that he would know and acknowledge that his actions were multiversal, but he says nothing to that effect. He acknowledges that Adam Warlock was beyond the scope of his power, as he was with Atleza anchoring the 616 reality. If his actions were multiversal, there wouldn't be anyone left.
There's plenty proof that one universe dies, because that's what he says. Just because an M-body of the LT is present doesn't immediately imply that the actions have multiversal impact, just as his absence doesn't necessarily imply that something does not have multiversal impact. HOM illustrates that fact, as does the destruction of the lighthouse in Excalibur.
So you say that we should view his power and actions as multiversal when he himself says otherwise? I just can't swallow that.
where the HELL do u get the m body idea from?
Cosmic Flame
The abstracts use M-bodies created in the Dimension of Manifestations.
K Von Doom
The bodies that abstracts (or even higher physical cosmic beings like Galactus) use in order to make an appearance somewhere where their actual presence isn't required. Or even when their actual presence is required, the abstracts use these anyway. Example of this was when Quasar was looking for the 'real' Eternity... he hopped around and it was shown that the Eternity during Warlock's trial was just an m-body.
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
So you're saying that Thanos was able to use a universal tool to totally absorb the entirety of the Living Tribunal from every reality across the multiverse? There's no evidence to support that theory either. For all we know, what was absorbed by Thanos could have been nothing more than a shard of the LT. Maybe he was in the ice cold room having a beer waiting for the rest of him to arrive. And seeing as how the abstracts have multiple M-bodies, their power must be divided in some way. Every M-body isn't the same: after being Infinity's avatar, Quasar encountered an M-body that didn't know him.
There is only one LT that guards over the multiverse you have no evidence to say he's split up into M bodies across the multiverse in each reality. The whole thing about LT that made him greater than most other cosmic entites is that he is beyond the restrictions of reality there is one of him in the multiverse as opposed to many other beings who have alternate reality counterparts. The LT you see in What Ifs is the very same one you see in 616 appearances. To lighten the load he has tribunals which deal with smaller scale matters in each universe. We saw one of them in She Hulk recently. However until you have evidence that shows that that was not LT in his entirety as was presented by the comic then all this talk is speculation. There is one LT who watches over creation, he delegates smaller scale work to cosmic tribunals however when a large scale problem arises he is there to deal with it.
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
IMO it's sloppy Starlin writing. A few months later he had Galactus nearly being destroyed by a nuke. Thanos, if anyone, is certainly more than capable of comprehending other realities than his own. He's traveled down the dimensional corridor before, and Galactus followed his lead against Hunger because Thanos had more extra-dimensional experience.
I suppose I just have an issue with the idea that an artifact/relic/talisman can bestow enough power on the wielder to be able to totally remove the Living Tribunal from existence.
Thats completely understandable. I just hope soon we have some clarification on what exactly the HOTU is and where it stems from.
If he could controll all realities then why is there the reailty gem for?The Infinity Gauntlet is among the most powerful artifacts in the Marvel Universe. The Gauntlet consists of the six Infinity Gems mounted on a gold glove. Each Infinity Gem grants its bearer complete mastery over one aspect of the Universe:
With possession of all six Infinity Gems, the bearer would have complete omnipotence over the Universe, though not necessarily the omniscience required to effectively wield that power. Later comics added the existence of a seventh gem called the Ego Gem.
Originally posted by golem370
If he could controll all realities then why is there the reailty gem for?The Infinity Gauntlet is among the most powerful artifacts in the Marvel Universe. The Gauntlet consists of the six Infinity Gems mounted on a gold glove. Each Infinity Gem grants its bearer complete mastery over one aspect of the Universe:
With possession of all six Infinity Gems, the bearer would have complete omnipotence over the Universe, though not necessarily the omniscience required to effectively wield that power. Later comics added the existence of a seventh gem called the Ego Gem.
The reality gem gives control over reality on a universal scale.
I HOTU is supose to be beyond LT Phenoix Force The Beyonder and all that I thought those emerged with Thanos to be a Near Supreme Being
Originally posted by golem370
I HOTU is supose to be beyond LT Phenoix Force The Beyonder and all that I thought those emerged with Thanos to be a Near Supreme Being
I dont understand what youre saying here lol
i wouldnt quite say its more powerful than beyonders, but LT and pheonix definately.
K Von Doom
So, is there just one HOTU? Or does each reality have its own? One HOTU would make sense, but then which reality would this one be found in (616 conveniently)? A lot of HOTUs in each reality would mean that every Thanos in each reality with the HOTU would be fighting each other for control of the multiverse.
I think every UNIVERSE has ONE HOTUU!!!
Originally posted by leonheartmm
i wouldnt quite say its more powerful than beyonders, but LT and pheonix definately.
Leon you say that again and i will hunt you down!!!!
How many times do i have to tell you that your idea behind the Beyonders is wrong. Very wrong. You have ideas between them and the Fake Beyonder mixed up.
The true Beyonders were in Marvel comics before the Fake Beyonder. Their 1st appearance was in Marvel two in one #63.
They exist in a dimension accessible through the Negative Zone. They were not and never have been beyond the multiverse.
The fake Beyonder was a new unrelated character created in the early 80's for Secret Wars. He became very unpopular with various editors and writers because he was too powerful. Some editors had the idea of linking him to the true beyonders and their cosmic cubes as a way of depowering him and as a cosmic cube his powers would be illusion based so thatwould explain away a lot of his feats. So thus the retcon was born, he became half a cosmic cube.
The true beyonders are within marvels multiverse so are under the jurisdiction of beings like Phoenix and LT. They have displayed nothing which shows they are beyond just Eternity level. They are restricted to reality and live on the physical plane beyond the Negative realm so that would suggest they are not. So i would place their power somewhere between the cosmic cubes (which they empower) and Eternity.
Do not say Fake Beyonder is representative of their power level because as all of his feats were written off and made non existent he is not.

Cosmic Flame
So then if HOTU is powerful enough to absord LT, then wouldn't it be powerful enough to do that to Phoenix as well, seeing as how they are counterparts of a sort?
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
So then if HOTU is powerful enough to absord LT, then wouldn't it be powerful enough to do that to Phoenix as well, seeing as how they are counterparts of a sort?
As Phoenix wasnt there who knows how it would stand up to HOTU. But given that its heavily suggested to be an aspect of the supreme being with Jean just its human face in creation i dont think it would fare too badly. But then thats just speculation. The Phoenix power has been shown to give a wielder power to humble LT (X-men Forever). Some like Illadelph believev that Phoenix ending Lt's existence as part of the natural order doesnt make Phoenix greater than LT because Phoenix does it at the end of creation and Lt's job is to guard creation so with no creation in place its more just a passing of the reins. However i believe the fact it was shown that anyone who taps into the power can usurp this natural order and use the power to bring LT's end at anytime of their choosing, under their own timetable shows that the power is greater than LT. Either way we know that its at the very least on his level.
Originally posted by ImmortalOne
I think every UNIVERSE has ONE HOTUU!!!
Hopefully we'll find out more about HOTU soon.
ahhh i see, a new thread a new beginning isnt that right gs. just like before uve forgotten how badly u lost the pheonix debate and u see that most of those people arent here in this thread and before u realize it VOILA! gs is at his bullshit again, n btw i would like to see u back up ur claims of the beyonders being what YOU say they are n me being wrong{as usual im doing this out of the necessity to maintain my dignity and not beating ur ass down}
Originally posted by leonheartmm
ahhh i see, a new thread a new beginning isnt that right gs. just like before uve forgotten how badly u lost the pheonix debate and u see that most of those people arent here in this thread and before u realize it VOILA! gs is at his bullshit again, n btw i would like to see u back up ur claims of the beyonders being what YOU say they are n me being wrong{as usual im doing this out of the necessity to maintain my dignity and not beating ur ass down}
What thread are you talking about Leon? For the last few weeks you keep referring to me having badly lost a phoenix thread. Im guessing its the Scarlet Witch one in which case I think you need to revisit that thread and you'll see that as far as on topic debating went Phoenix won and everyone conceded after Uncanny X-men 465 came out rubbishing their claims over Wandas abilities. You were saying?
As for Marvel Two in one ask Whirly he's read it. Back on the Specific Hierarchy Thread me and him were talking about it and its content.
Heres a piece from Wikipedia. Scroll down to the bottom bit titled "Behind The Scenes" It supports what i was saying.
Heres a bit about the Nuwali the race who serve the Beyonders and it also states about them living in a pocket dimension contained in the Negative Zone. So very much in our multiverse:
This is a bio of Kosmos (the Female Beyonder):
There you go Leon. No need to thank me.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
What thread are you talking about Leon? For the last few weeks you keep referring to me having badly lost a phoenix thread. Im guessing its the Scarlet Witch one in which case I think you need to revisit that thread and you'll see that as far as on topic debating went Phoenix won and everyone conceded after Uncanny X-men 465 came out rubbishing their claims over Wandas abilities. You were saying?
As for Marvel Two in one ask Whirly he's read it. Back on the Specific Hierarchy Thread me and him were talking about it and its content.
Heres a piece from Wikipedia. Scroll down to the bottom bit titled "Behind The Scenes" It supports what i was saying.
Heres a bit about the Nuwali the race who serve the Beyonders and it also states about them living in a pocket dimension contained in the Negative Zone. So very much in our multiverse:
i dont have time for ur bullshit gs n personally ur laughing sarcastically at ur own jokes doesnt bruise my ego either.
anyway, cosmos is a cosmic cube u idiot.
This is a bio of Kosmos (the Female Beyonder):
There you go Leon. No need to thank me.

i dont have time for ur bullshit gs n personally ur laughing sarcastically at ur own jokes doesnt bruise my ego either.
anyway, cosmos is a cosmic cube u idiot.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
i dont have time for ur bullshit gs n personally ur laughing sarcastically at ur own jokes doesnt bruise my ego either.
anyway, cosmos is a cosmic cube u idiot.

You're really not that stupid Leon. Please say this post was a joke.
Kosmos/The Beyonder is a cosmic cube who was created by.......Yep you've guessed it the Beyonders. So one with common sense would think that if im directing you to Kosmos' bio when im trying to inform you about the Beyonders that the bio must have some info pertaining to the Beyonders.

Now no more silly Beyonder comments.


i was referring to the part where u called kosmos "FEMALE BEYONDER"
Originally posted by leonheartmm
i was referring to the part where u called kosmos "FEMALE BEYONDER"
Because its true!!!

Leon seriously stop talking youre really not doing yourself any favours

Ok where does Eternity and Infinity compare to Kosmos. I thought PHOENIX (RACHEL SUMMERS) was beat by the Beyonder?
Cosmic Cube
What's the big difference between a universe and a multiverse? I mean, all the universes in a multiverse occupy the same space and time anyway. It's not like a multiverse is bigger than a universe. It's just more... 'multi'.
K Von Doom
Originally posted by golem370
Ok where does Eternity and Infinity compare to Kosmos. I thought PHOENIX (RACHEL SUMMERS) was beat by the Beyonder?
Kosmos, an evolved cosmic cube, is miniscule compared to Eternity and Infinity.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Because its true!!!

Leon seriously stop talking youre really not doing yourself any favours
atleast when i open my mouth i eject WORDS instead of rotten 9 month old bullshit.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
atleast when i open my mouth i eject WORDS instead of rotten 9 month old bullshit.
So instead of accepting that you were wrong and dealing with it like a man, you throw insults? Mature as ever i see.

Originally posted by GalacticStorm
The Phoenix power has been shown to give a wielder power to humble LT (X-men Forever). Some like Illadelph believev that Phoenix ending Lt's existence as part of the natural order doesnt make Phoenix greater than LT because Phoenix does it at the end of creation and Lt's job is to guard creation so with no creation in place its more just a passing of the reins. However i believe the fact it was shown that anyone who taps into the power can usurp this natural order and use the power to bring LT's end at anytime of their choosing, under their own timetable shows that the power is greater than LT. Either way we know that its at the very least on his level.
Man I would love to see Phoenix beating the LT. Anyone have scans of this ?
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