Maxam vs Mindless Hulk
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Powers/Abilities: Maxam can grow in size and strength up to Class 100, at which point he is virtually indestructible. He is immune to telepathic assault.
In his normal state he is a mediocre warrior, though he can be pushed into a savage, frenzied state in which he is virtually unstoppable. He also has knowledge of sophisticated technology.
He had rocket units on his boots that allowed him to fly.
He briefly held the Time Gem, which unlocked his memories. Presumably if he'd held it longer he could have eventually accessed its full powers.
Height: (Normal) 5'10"; (Maximum) 8'2"
Weight: (Normal) 175 lbs.; (Maximum) 1275 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Cosmic Cube
Mindless Hulk.
Class 100 vs "An infinity of physical power."
If you think Maxam can fight the Pre-retconned Beyonder to a standstill, then maybe he has a chance.
damn, you ARE on a mission . . .
and it wouldn't be easy, but we should change the old maxim from 'you don't fight fire with fire', to, 'you don't fight hulk with strength'. why:
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Mindless Hulk.
Class 100 vs "An infinity of physical power."
If you think Maxam can fight the Pre-retconned Beyonder to a standstill, then maybe he has a chance.
When did Hulk hold his own against the Beyonder ?
Hulk went toe to toe with the Stranger and the GalaxyMaster
<<but we should change the old maxim from>>
hehe. no pun intended.
(none noticed it seems . . .

Doesn't hulk, when angry,get stronger. also, mindless hulk has technically unlimited strength, the angrier he gets the stronger...
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Smaxxer
When did Hulk hold his own against the Beyonder ? Secret Wars II
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by mailedbypostman
Doesn't hulk, when angry,get stronger. also, mindless hulk has technically unlimited strength, the angrier he gets the stronger...
Mindless Hulk doesn't have get madder. He has near infinite strength to start with. No matter how strong you are, he's stronger. Unless, of course, you have infinite strength.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by leonidas
damn, you ARE on a mission . . .
and it wouldn't be easy, but we should change the old maxim from 'you don't fight fire with fire', to, 'you don't fight hulk with strength'. why:
Damn right!
Not to take away from the topic..but what was Maxim's origin. I know it was all shrouded in mystery, and I never got a chance to read the entire story in Infinity Watch.
Maxam was from the alternate future where Warlock had become the Magus and enslaved the galaxy. He was sent back to kill Adam in his younger/weaker state. Amnesia got in the way of his mission, and he joined the Watch for a time.
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