Sentinel Vs ...
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who in the marvel universe is a pretty even match for a sentinel. i know some characters can go through them like m&ms, but where exactly do they fit in ability wise. you can use whatever version you like, but not nimrod or mastermould, just a regular street sentinel. id imagine the newer models would fit in higher, but how much higher. so one on one, a sentinel vs every marvel character, who draws and who loses against a sentinel.
hulk, juggernaut, or ghost rider would make a good fight for a sentinel
Soljer must be kidding, right? Sentinels get ripped up by EVERYONE in the MU.
The Punisher with a rocketlauncher
Batman With Prep Can Take Down 1 Million Sentinels!

Giant Man maybe..... um.... how about Luke Cage?
well to say colosuss took down 3 in one go then took one out with a punch i wouldnt say much but the omega series are hard for there reaction time and systems are better done up
hulk defeat supreme sentinel.......


Everyone you've guys have names beats a sentinel pretty easily.. Hulk.. I mean.. the guy... nevermind.. just.. he's.. ..
To fight a Sentinel you need a character like cyclops from back in the 60's before he became a lethal shot. I'd say Longshot would give it a good fight. Beast too. See the secret is to break the legs, it goes down, you break the head. Most heroes should know that ploy by now. I think its on hehe j'k I'd like to see original cable with no guns, and his low level tk vs that thing.
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