Savage Hulk vs. Classic Juggernaut vs. Gladiator vs. Hercules
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four of the most dominant powerhouses in Marvel......
each for himself... who is the last man standing ?
gautam soon as the match starts...he zips up to hulk...kicks his hulk becomes too powerful....then knocks hercules around(considering he stalemated a thor who was powered up..)..then throws juggy into the sun...
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by gautam soon as the match starts...he zips up to hulk...kicks his hulk becomes too powerful....then knocks hercules around(considering he stalemated a thor who was powered up..)..then throws juggy into the sun...
Throwing Juggy into the sun won't beat him...
Originally posted by gautam soon as the match starts...he zips up to hulk...kicks his hulk becomes too powerful....then knocks hercules around(considering he stalemated a thor who was powered up..)..then throws juggy into the sun...
ya with no PIS , CIS that whould happen
If Gladiator throws juggy into the sun, then he can't get back to earth.
Gladiator vs Olympus.....oh yeah!!!
Hercules gets pimped slapped outta there first. Followed by Juggy but it can't be by just trading blows. Maybe like someone said above me, sending him into space or in a sun. Then it's Glad and Hulk and that can last for days because you have confidance vs sheer rage. My final analysis is Hulk showing no signs of backing off, Glad begins to second guess himself and confidence starts to dwindle. Advantage HULK!!!
Gladiator knows Hulk's reputation and targets him first. He punches Hulk, who decides, he doesn't like being punched by cheap and even uglier versions of Superman, and hits him thrice as hard. The hit, or the one following will soon eat up Gladiator's confidence and if he backs up even a little, Hulk turns him into goo.
Meanwhile, the Juggernaut and Herkules will be slowly moving to Juggs' advantage. Eventually, Hercules will just have too much to bite in Marko, and gets slapped. Gladiator is knocked out at this point. And then it's Juggs versus Hulks. And we all know the big J is the best of the two.
The Juggernaut wins without a single scratch.
Not without injuries. It is damn sure that he will injure others.
juggernaut could get back from the sun. He managed to keep walking toward jean grey even after she telekenetically lifted him from the ground so, even if it would take like eternity, he could walk back from the sun.
P.S. Juggernaut wouldn't allow them to throw him to the sun anyway so it don't matter. SO JUGGERNAUT WINS! woot.
Juggernaut is just that damn good, thats why he himself could take Hulk out.
juggernaut is a demigod hulk owned gladiator and killed hercules juggy owned savage hulk so he takes this
Gladiator simply says a few miles in the air, watches these three idiots beat the snot out of each other, and when only one is left or he just gets tired of waiting he pushes the earth into the sun and goes home.
or hulk just leaps at him at beats him like hell
Lucid Lui
Classic Juggernaut wouldn't be able to touch Gladiator, and Gladiator wouldn't be able to hurt Juggs. So it pretty much stalemates there. The other two have already been beat down.
If BFR is an option then Gladiator wins that way, or he destroys the planet and see what happens then.
Black Adam
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
or hulk just leaps at him at beats him like hell
Or he flies higher then that and then pushes the planet into the sun.
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
or hulk just leaps at him at beats him like hell
I think with telescopic vision and superspeed Gladiator should be able to see and avoid a giant green ape "jumping" at him

but hulk could do it once he leaped to space
Black Adam
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
but hulk could do it once he leaped to space
and he would still avoid big green by flying higher
Lucid Lui
So Hulk leaps at him and Gladiator just moves slightly to the side and Hulk is now floating in space and out of the fight.

okay but i can't see gladiator winnig
and even thor beat gladiator so he has no chance against these guys
Black Adam
Originally posted by Lucid Lui
So Hulk leaps at him and Gladiator just moves slightly to the side and Hulk is now floating in space and out of the fight.
and now that hulk is floating helpless in space Glads flings him into the sun.
The proceeds to do the same to the planet.
even thor beat gladiator
Black Adam
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
even thor beat gladiator
No Pis Or CiS in these matches. At least thats what i've heard all this time.
That being said he flings them all to the sun. If juggy somehow manages to get back. he flings him there again.
The reason Glads wins is his power set. The other three are essentially just strong men while he has all of the powers of Superman. Honestly if he uses his near-light speed the other three shouldn't even be able to see him not to mention sucessfully land a punch.
what are u talking about gladiator has already been trashed by hulk
Black Adam
Originally posted by TheKahn
The reason Glads wins is his power set. The other three are essentially just strong men while he has all of the powers of Superman. Honestly if he uses his near-light speed the other three shouldn't even be able to see him not to mention sucessfully land a punch.
but.......he was beaten by Thor.
sorry couldn't resist.
yeah no pis then glads speed blitz and flings them all before they even know he's there.
Black Adam
Originally posted by juggernaut66666

your a joke
your an idiot.
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
what are u talking about gladiator has already been trashed by hulk
That is called PIS (or plot induced stupidity) it is when characters fight and fail to use there powers in a way that would ensure victory. In this case the writers completely ignored that fact that Gladiator is close to flash level speed, and had him fist-fight at a speed the Hulk could handle. You can't always go by comics as writers make mistakes (or just do a poor job in having characters use their abilities properly).
then hulk throws him into the sun

Black Adam
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
then hulk throws him into the sun
Not really.
oh now i get it because gladitor is so powerfull that he can't be thrown into the sun
Black Adam
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
oh now i get it because gladitor is so powerfull that he can't be thrown into the sun
No he can fly. Unlike the Hulk or jugs.
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
oh now i get it because gladitor is so powerfull that he can't be thrown into the sun
No, he can fly.
Lucid Lui
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
then hulk throws him into the sun

So... It seems we've found Wolverine666's successor: Congrats juggernaut66666. You're it.
Seriuosly, do you have any idea what you're talking about?
the hulk would beat Glad just he did in the annual 1997;Juggernaut would smoke Hercules easy.
The HUlk vs JUggy.Both of them could win.I would give the majority to the hulk. 6/10
classic juggernaut has already beaten savage hulk two times
Hulk is just to damn strong for all of them Hulk takes it.
hulk would be the first one to get his ass thrown into outerspace, if hes so strong then why did........ giantman,superman,rocky thing, cosmic spidey,thor,juggernault,silver surfer and ultron beat his ass? brute strength will never beat most of these guys, it really makes me sick to see people that i know are smart say crazy things, i have nearly ever comic ever made and i have seen hulk get his butt served to him on a silver platter so many times that it made me feel sorry for him, all he wanted to do is be left alone, and he is nowhere close to being the strongest one there is, i dont care how mad he gets, you want proof?........ in one of my books hulk was trapped in adessive-x, he could not break out, captain america had to make hulk angrier so he could break out, it was stated that captain america had to get hulk at his most powerful to break free, that was his limit, he could not get any stronger, he barely broke free, stated by STAN LEE HIMSELF. but people still think he has unlimited strength. all class 100 characters have unlimited strength because it means that one minute they have trouble lifting a large boulder then they turn around and lift a whole city, the phrase unlimited strength is there to explain why did that happened.
Originally posted by james2099
hulk would be the first one to get his ass thrown into outerspace, if hes so strong then why did........ giantman,superman,rocky thing, cosmic spidey,thor,juggernault,silver surfer and ultron beat his ass? brute strength will never beat most of these guys, it really makes me sick to see people that i know are smart say crazy things, i have nearly ever comic ever made and i have seen hulk get his butt served to him on a silver platter so many times that it made me feel sorry for him, all he wanted to do is be left alone, and he is nowhere close to being the strongest one there is, i dont care how mad he gets, you want proof?........ in one of my books hulk was trapped in adessive-x, he could not break out, captain america had to make hulk angrier so he could break out, it was stated that captain america had to get hulk at his most powerful to break free, that was his limit, he could not get any stronger, he barely broke free, stated by STAN LEE HIMSELF. but people still think he has unlimited strength. all class 100 characters have unlimited strength because it means that one minute they have trouble lifting a large boulder then they turn around and lift a whole city, the phrase unlimited strength is there to explain why did that happened.
So you say I win an argument only to come back and use it on another thread?
THere is a standard for proof here that Higher End feats are used when Lower End feats conflict with them (PIS). Uber SHowings beyond thier established powers (Glads vs Hulk, Spider-Man vs Firelord, Wolverine vs Hulk, and more) fall under the SMvsFL rule.
Using "Hulk got choked by a Snake." or "Hulk got stuck by that Glue." or "Hulk got killed by a Tree." as evidence isn't valid as it is PIS.
hercules has no chance
juggs is tossed far away without trouble, as usual
it comes down to hulk and gladiator. tough match.
Originally posted by Betageuze
four of the most dominant powerhouses in Marvel......
each for himself... who is the last man standing ?
Last man standing? Juggernaut.
Originally posted by Morgrulesall
the hulk would beat Glad just he did in the annual 1997;Juggernaut would smoke Hercules easy.
The HUlk vs JUggy.Both of them could win.I would give the majority to the hulk. 6/10
Err...not that I want to turn this into a Juggernaut vs. Hulk thread again...but how is the Hulk going to beat Juggernaut?
He won't. Juggernaut wins this match after several years of fighting.
What makes you think the Hulk will suddenly tire after several years? I mean, it might happen, but only if his adrenaline goes down. If the Hulk knocks Juggernaut out of sight, the battle is over for Hulk. The Juggernaut comes back(providing the Hulk is still around) and he can knock him out from behind if he's very quick. Juggernaut knocks Hulk out of sight, The Hulk will come looking for him until he's found him. The fight starts over.
Originally posted by Dinalfos
What makes you think the Hulk will suddenly tire after several years? I mean, it might happen, but only if his adrenaline goes down. If the Hulk knocks Juggernaut out of sight, the battle is over for Hulk. The Juggernaut comes back(providing the Hulk is still around) and he can knock him out from behind if he's very quick. Juggernaut knocks Hulk out of sight, The Hulk will come looking for him until he's found him. The fight starts over.
Believe it or not, but the Hulk CAN fatigue after a severely long fight. It just takes him an extremely long time for this to happen, but it can. And really, he can only get SO mad. I remember one comic where he became so enraged that he almost had a heart-attack/stroke. So clearly, there is some sort of limit that he can reach. Even if it is seemingly limitless.
Originally posted by Dalak
So you say I win an argument only to come back and use it on another thread?
THere is a standard for proof here that Higher End feats are used when Lower End feats conflict with them (PIS). Uber SHowings beyond thier established powers (Glads vs Hulk, Spider-Man vs Firelord, Wolverine vs Hulk, and more) fall under the SMvsFL rule.
Using "Hulk got choked by a Snake." or "Hulk got stuck by that Glue." or "Hulk got killed by a Tree." as evidence isn't valid as it is PIS.
I agree with this but however some of these things could happen, Wolverine (as much as i hate to go here) has proven he can take punishment from class 100's, hanging with the Hulk is not that far out of reach considering his agility is Superior to Hulks. Rhino is class 80-85, with very high durability, getting a KO on the Hulk isn't that far out of reach either, should it happen all the time, NO, but could it happen 1-2/10, yes. Doc Oct, had his adamantium arms, hitting with class 20 force multiple times every few seconds, should Oct beat Hulk everytime, NO, but could it happen 1-2/10, of course.
Not all of it is PIS, some of the people hulk has fought have powersets very much capable of KO a non-enraged to a moderately en-raged Hulk. Now if he was FULLY enraged, IE Onslaught saga, then I would have to throw up the PIS flag real quick, but thats not the case in these fights, or most fights Hulk is in.
But as for the fight, Gladiator wins this fight EAAAAAASSSSYYYYY, the guy travels at light speed and sends everybody into orbit, or just tosses the moon at earth, or mars, or venus, or he flings all three of them into the sun before the fight even begins.
The only one I see him having trouble with is Juggernaut, as Glads powerset offers nothing to actually harm him, let alone kill/ko him.
He would probably just keep knocking him into orbit everytime he came back.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Believe it or not, but the Hulk CAN fatigue after a severely long fight. It just takes him an extremely long time for this to happen, but it can. And really, he can only get SO mad. I remember one comic where he became so enraged that he almost had a heart-attack/stroke. So clearly, there is some sort of limit that he can reach. Even if it is seemingly limitless.
It makes no sense. The Hulk doesn't have to tire because the radiation in his blood doesn't just prolong his stamina, it keeps it level. It doesn't give him an extra dose that runs out at some point, it keeps feeding him. Why does it keep feeding him? Because it keeps getting triggered by adrenaline. I would agree that once this adrenaline goes down, fatique would set in.
As for the stroke, was that Grey Hulk? Because he was incredibly sick at the time. Also, I remember several(if not dozens) of instances where he didn't have a limit to what he could archieve. It's also one of the main reason why the Hulk is Marvel's most famous brawler. If Hulk's writers make him uncompromisingly hit a limit, then you'd have a point. But I don't think that's the intention.
Originally posted by Dinalfos
It makes no sense. The Hulk doesn't have to tire because the radiation in his blood doesn't just prolong his stamina, it keeps it level. It doesn't give him an extra dose that runs out at some point, it keeps feeding him. Why does it keep feeding him? Because it keeps getting triggered by adrenaline. I would agree that once this adrenaline goes down, fatique would set in.
As for the stroke, was that Grey Hulk? Because he was incredibly sick at the time. Also, I remember several(if not dozens) of instances where he didn't have a limit to what he could archieve. It's also one of the main reason why the Hulk is Marvel's most famous brawler. If Hulk's writers make him uncompromisingly hit a limit, then you'd have a point. But I don't think that's the intention.
If I recall correctly, I'm almost positive it was Green Hulk. One of his enemies was TRYING to make him as angry as possible, in order to induce said stroke. He just kept getting more and more enraged until he just couldn't take it anymore. To me, that says limit, no matter how high it is.
Yes, his adrenaline feeds his stamina, but it can't constantly feed him forever, even during a seemingly endless battle. Soon enough, he would just plain run out of adrenaline. He would EVENTUALLY have to acquire some sort of nutrition or rest, while Juggy will still be fresh as a daisy. Hulk can be knocked out with sufficient blows. Just ask Iron Man. Or Namor. Or Juggernaut for that matter.
Originally posted by golem370
Which is BS
What is?
Glads he is by far the most versatile of the bunch, and can match strength with all of them.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
If I recall correctly, I'm almost positive it was Green Hulk. One of his enemies was TRYING to make him as angry as possible, in order to induce said stroke. He just kept getting more and more enraged until he just couldn't take it anymore. To me, that says limit, no matter how high it is.
Yes, his adrenaline feeds his stamina, but it can't constantly feed him forever, even during a seemingly endless battle. Soon enough, he would just plain run out of adrenaline. He would EVENTUALLY have to acquire some sort of nutrition or rest, while Juggy will still be fresh as a daisy. Hulk can be knocked out with sufficient blows. Just ask Iron Man. Or Namor. Or Juggernaut for that matter.
I'd like to see that in context.
There's just no proof that he would run out of adrenaline if he doesn't cool down by himself. There just isn't. Also because the adrenaline doesn't just feed his stamin and strength but it also sustains him in every other way. When enraged, he doesn't need food, water or sleep. And there's no reason to believe that extended periods of non-stop fighting would suddenly put an end to that. And it hasn't. Not under normal conditions anyway.
And yes, a non-enraged Hulk can be Kayoed. However, Iron Man may not have kayoed an enraged Hulk. Funny, because Iron tried to hit a non-enraged Hulk on another occasion as hard as he could(during flight!) and he ended up hurting his hand. And the Hulk? He didn't even feel it. You should also remember that Hulk is often used as a tool to give other characters high showings. We refer to this as PIS. Would you accept Aunt May laying the smack on Colossus with her pinky?
So yeah, The Hulk himself has plenty of low showings. Big deal, so have other characters. You can ask Firelord. Or Juggernaut for that matter. Btw, The Juggernaut knocked out Prof. Hulk. That's an important distinction.
Originally posted by Dinalfos
I'd like to see that in context.
There's just no proof that he would run out of adrenaline if he doesn't cool down by himself. There just isn't. Also because the adrenaline doesn't just feed his stamin and strength but it also sustains him in every other way. When enraged, he doesn't need food, water or sleep. And there's no reason to believe that extended periods of non-stop fighting would suddenly put an end to that. And it hasn't. Not under normal conditions anyway.
And yes, a non-enraged Hulk can be Kayoed. However, Iron Man may not have kayoed an enraged Hulk. Funny, because Iron tried to hit a non-enraged Hulk on another occasion as hard as he could(during flight!) and he ended up hurting his hand. And the Hulk? He didn't even feel it. You should also remember that Hulk is often used as a tool to give other characters high showings. We refer to this as PIS. Would you accept Aunt May laying the smack on Colossus with her pinky?
So yeah, The Hulk himself has plenty of low showings. Big deal, so have other characters. You can ask Firelord. Or Juggernaut for that matter. Btw, The Juggernaut knocked out Prof. Hulk. That's an important distinction.
The Hulk Iron Man knocked out was pretty damn enraged if you ask me. Iron Man just had to dump all of his energy into one punch in order to put him down.
Namor also took on an enraged Hulk and KOed him with one hit. Where's DarkCrawler when I need a scan?
Professor Hulk or not, Juggernaut still kicked his ass hard. And he could do that to any Hulk (save War Hulk since he was upgraded with Celestial Tech).
Originally posted by Metalmanx
The Hulk Iron Man knocked out was pretty damn enraged if you ask me. Iron Man just had to dump all of his energy into one punch in order to put him down.
Namor also took on an enraged Hulk and KOed him with one hit. Where's DarkCrawler when I need a scan?
Professor Hulk or not, Juggernaut still kicked his ass hard. And he could do that to any Hulk (save War Hulk since he was upgraded with Celestial Tech).
Yes, I know about the showings. I saw most of them. They conflict his higher showings.
And no, Juggernaut couldn't do the same to Savage Hulk. Prof. Hulk's main weakness is his calculating intellect. During the fight, he kept wondering who his attacker was and why he was attacking him. Hell, he even tried to save him from drowning in quicksand! Would Savage Hulk even remotely care who he was? Probably not. Would Savage Hulk even remotely care about his safety? No, probably not. Would Savage Hulk accept a cold hard blow from behind? No, as soon as he realizes the force of the punch, he'd go raving mad pissed, because "nobody punches Hulk and lives!". The nature of the fight would've been an entirely different one, where Juggernaut doesn't have the advantage of a punch pulling or reasoning Hulk.
Originally posted by Dinalfos
Yes, I know about the showings. I saw most of them. They conflict his higher showings.
And no, Juggernaut couldn't do the same to Savage Hulk. Prof. Hulk's main weakness is his calculating intellect. During the fight, he kept wondering who his attacker was and why he was attacking him. Hell, he even tried to save him from drowning in quicksand! Would Savage Hulk even remotely care who he was? Probably not. Would Savage Hulk even remotely care about his safety? No, probably not. Would Savage Hulk accept a cold hard blow from behind? No, as soon as he realizes the force of the punch, he'd go raving mad pissed, because "nobody punches Hulk and lives!". The nature of the fight would've been an entirely different one, where Juggernaut doesn't have the advantage of a punch pulling or reasoning Hulk.
And so I ask you again. What could even Savage Hulk do to Juggernaut?
P.S.--Juggy wouldn't have drowned anyway. He could've just started walking once he reached the bottom and eventually pulled himself out.
I always read that Hulks strength...came from an extra-dimensional source....which had a seemingly limitless amount of energy or "strength" to supply him with. Even with that being said though their is n way he could EVER beat Juggs physically unless his powerset somehow changed after this Planet Hulk saga
Originally posted by Metalmanx
And so I ask you again. What could even Savage Hulk do to Juggernaut?
P.S.--Juggy wouldn't have drowned anyway. He could've just started walking once he reached the bottom and eventually pulled himself out.
Nothing. Did I ever say he could? They are going to stalemate in a straight fight, unless Juggernaut plays smart. You know, making him to calm down. But he better not screw up, because the Hulk isn't really THAT dumb.
I know that Juggernaut wouldn't have drowned. Professor didn't, because he figured he was just your average superhuman fighter, not the Juggernaut himself.
Originally posted by crucifixio
I always read that Hulks strength...came from an extra-dimensional source....which had a seemingly limitless amount of energy or "strength" to supply him with. Even with that being said though their is n way he could EVER beat Juggs physically unless his powerset somehow changed after this Planet Hulk saga
It wouldn't matter in this fight, Gladiator Throws the moon at earth and its "no more continues remain" for Hulk, and Hercules, Juggernaut just floats in space until he decides what to do.
shouldn't Juggs have more exotic powers than just being unstoppable and really strong....for some1 who is an avatar of a god ...he is pretty one-dimensional
Originally posted by crucifixio
shouldn't Juggs have more exotic powers than just being unstoppable and really strong....for some1 who is an avatar of a god ...he is pretty one-dimensional
He uses only a fraction of the gems total power, it is unknown what he could really do if he devoted himself to discovering its true power.
Originally posted by Apolloknight
I agree with this but however some of these things could happen, Wolverine (as much as i hate to go here) has proven he can take punishment from class 100's, hanging with the Hulk is not that far out of reach considering his agility is Superior to Hulks. Rhino is class 80-85, with very high durability, getting a KO on the Hulk isn't that far out of reach either, should it happen all the time, NO, but could it happen 1-2/10, yes. Doc Oct, had his adamantium arms, hitting with class 20 force multiple times every few seconds, should Oct beat Hulk everytime, NO, but could it happen 1-2/10, of course.
Not all of it is PIS, some of the people hulk has fought have powersets very much capable of KO a non-enraged to a moderately en-raged Hulk. Now if he was FULLY enraged, IE Onslaught saga, then I would have to throw up the PIS flag real quick, but thats not the case in these fights, or most fights Hulk is in.
But as for the fight, Gladiator wins this fight EAAAAAASSSSYYYYY, the guy travels at light speed and sends everybody into orbit, or just tosses the moon at earth, or mars, or venus, or he flings all three of them into the sun before the fight even begins.
The only one I see him having trouble with is Juggernaut, as Glads powerset offers nothing to actually harm him, let alone kill/ko him.
He would probably just keep knocking him into orbit everytime he came back.
Now I didn't say all losses the Hulk had were PIS, and I never have.
Doc Ock shouldn't be able to get any wins in against the Hulk simply because of his Human Durability. 1 Clap and he's down, and if he tries to grab Hulk to stop that well he's now essentally the ball on a chain with Hulk as the Absorbing Man
Rhino is 80-85 against a Base Mid-Tier Class 100 Hulk. If it was that simple Thing would have beaten Hulk more than once in Hard Knocks where Hulk was explicitly weakened (I've heard, I've never seen scans of the fight and it's hard to find them). Doc Sampson can't even KO the Hulk that easy and he's a fellow Gamma Mutant with the capability to be stronger than a Base-Line Hulk if he grows his hair out.
Wolvie hanging with Regular Class 100's are okay, because no all of them have teh Healing Factor that Hulk does, but that is why Wolvie should never get a win in on Hulk. Long Distance Toss, Sonic Clap.
And as I've said before in this thread, Glads takes this without any trouble. Because if necessary he can knock Juggs into a Black Hole/Worm Hole if necessary and have the Ringout Stick.
Hulk vs Juggs I will leave to another thread, but my stance has been shown on multiple occasions (Hulk Smash PHysics, Juggs is Ringouted. No BFR? Stalemate until Hulk's punches begin to affect the Magic of the Juggernaut directly) And if you want to argue Juggs vs Hulk anymore I suggest it be taken to an already established thread on the matter.
Originally posted by Dinalfos
Nothing. Did I ever say he could? They are going to stalemate in a straight fight, unless Juggernaut plays smart. You know, making him to calm down. But he better not screw up, because the Hulk isn't really THAT dumb.
I know that Juggernaut wouldn't have drowned. Professor didn't, because he figured he was just your average superhuman fighter, not the Juggernaut himself.
Okay, my bad. I believe I misunderstood your points with a lack of knowledge on the two, especially Juggernaut. My apologies.
I still believe, however, that even an enraged Hulk can be put down by Juggernaut. Constant pounding has the potential to put him down. Especially if Juggy, too, is enraged. Whenever that happens, someone gets their ass kicked.
Originally posted by crucifixio
shouldn't Juggs have more exotic powers than just being unstoppable and really strong....for some1 who is an avatar of a god ...he is pretty one-dimensional
Well, he's the avatar of (basically) the God of strength/durability. There are other Celestial Gods that are bretheren to Cyttorak, but he just happens to exhibit that power.
Plus, it has been shown before that Juggy discovered some other powers he has, including being able to actually cast out magic spells in the form of some sort of magic beam. I don't know the comic off-hand, but I've seen the scans before.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Okay, my bad. I believe I misunderstood your points with a lack of knowledge on the two, especially Juggernaut. My apologies.
I still believe, however, that even an enraged Hulk can be put down by Juggernaut. Constant pounding has the potential to put him down. Especially if Juggy, too, is enraged. Whenever that happens, someone gets their ass kicked.
Can we move Hulk vs Juggs to another thread? There are points that you aren't taking into effect on Hulk's side.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
I still believe, however, that even an enraged Hulk can be put down by Juggernaut. Constant pounding has the potential to put him down. Especially if Juggy, too, is enraged. Whenever that happens, someone gets their ass kicked.
I doubt it. An enraged Hulk isn't just going to stand there. He's going to be fighting like crazy. And the Hulk has taken "punishment" from characters stronger than Juggernaut.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
I still believe, however, that even an enraged Hulk can be put down by Juggernaut. Constant pounding has the potential to put him down. Especially if Juggy, too, is enraged. Whenever that happens, someone gets their ass kicked.
I doubt it. An enraged Hulk isn't just going to stand there. He's going to be fighting like crazy. And the Hulk has taken "punishment" from characters stronger than Juggernaut. Not necessarily physical characters, but still.
I just bumped the most recent Hulk vs Juggs thread for this argument to take place in so we can stop hyjacking this one. Diabloman made it but eh, he's gone and the thread remains.
You did what? Mate, you just plunged us into a new age of digital darkness. May the proverbial heavens be with us.
Originally posted by Dinalfos
You did what? Mate, you just plunged us into a new age of digital darkness. May the proverbial heavens be with us.
Well it seems that thread was closed, and the big one you are worried about I couldn't find in the search.
Originally posted by Dalak
I just bumped the most recent Hulk vs Juggs thread for this argument to take place in so we can stop hyjacking this one. Diabloman made it but eh, he's gone and the thread remains.
You did? I don't see it anywhere. I could always go bump the legendary Juggernaut vs. Hulk thread.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
You did? I don't see it anywhere. I could always go bump the legendary Juggernaut vs. Hulk thread.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
You did? I don't see it anywhere. I could always go bump the legendary Juggernaut vs. Hulk thread.
That's what I was told to do, so if we are to continue this debate it must be done. I couldn't find it in the Search though.
Originally posted by Apolloknight
I dunno, I don't think Apolloknight would like that too much. It's pretty epic really.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
I dunno, I don't think Apolloknight would like that too much. It's pretty epic really.
That's what I've heard, but that's what I was told by a Mod when they closed the thread by diabloman.
just for the record, gladiator would win this fight quickly by bfr. the other characters on the other hand, hulk and juggs mainly, would fight for a long time.
but for all intents and purposes of this thread, they don't matter once they are bfred.
The last 2 would be Gladiator and Juggernaut.....Problem is Juggernaut can't fly.But Gladiator will help him with that by tossing him into outer space.
Originally posted by crucifixio
shouldn't Juggs have more exotic powers than just being unstoppable and really strong....for some1 who is an avatar of a god ...he is pretty one-dimensional Well you be surprised what he can do I would show you more but right now I've gotta save them as goodies right Dinalfos
But yeah don't count out Juggs in this match just because you think you have a handle on them.
Originally posted by The_Fury
The last 2 would be Gladiator and Juggernaut.....Problem is Juggernaut can't fly.But Gladiator will help him with that by tossing him into outer space.
Technically, he'd still be in the fight. The rules state that if the fighter can get back to the battlefield on his own power, then he is not ringed-out. And Juggernaut can return from anywhere. Juggy will eventually hit something and then push off of that. His forward momentum and mystical enchantment will keep him moving until he reaches Earth again.
Catching Gladiator completely off guard, he...I dunno..snaps his neck. I dunno, I'm not saying Juggernaut wins, but that Glads can't truly defeat him.
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Technically, he'd still be in the fight. The rules state that if the fighter can get back to the battlefield on his own power, then he is not ringed-out. And Juggernaut can return from anywhere. Juggy will eventually hit something and then push off of that. His forward momentum and mystical enchantment will keep him moving until he reaches Earth again.
Catching Gladiator completely off guard, he...I dunno..snaps his neck. I dunno, I'm not saying Juggernaut wins, but that Glads can't truly defeat him.
Agreed, Juggernaut gets put into orbit by Gladiator, in a few weeks Juggernaut Returns, This time with his shield up, and Gladiator never touches him, from there, Juggernaut gets a lucky hit, or Gladiators Confidence would began to drop because his blows would be ineffective against Juggernaut, and like you said, Juggernaut, snaps his neck, breaks him in Half, or something else.
Uh, no.
Gladiator can pitch the ground underneath Juggs into space, kinda like with Blob. And he could aim it/him into a Worm Hold or something, and without help Juggs wouldn't be able to get back.
Juggernaut will not be winning this.
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