Savage Hulk vs. Wonderman (the most powerful form)
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i ve heard that Simon was a kind of .. "re-born".... and now has Thor-strength level....
he has beaten a (weak) Tyrannus (formerly known as... the Abomination) .... within a few moments....
can he match the Savage Hulk ?
i have heard from a match.... where Hulk fought Wonderman, Namor, Iron-Man and Hercules ... all at the same time.....
do anybody know the result of this fight ?
Two things.
Mindless Hulk only fought all at the same time in the last round. Even there only Herc, Wman and She Hulk wer lasting. Namor was weak due to being on land by a heck of time, and the rest was cannon fodder.
Iroman would pop up time to time with his armour useless thanks to Hulk.
The first round was by turns, he didnt fought the 4 together.
Now, WonderMan at that time wasent at the most powerful, hes had "updates" since then.
If you mean the last version when he was reborn (ionic) then yes he can do quite well and has versability to go with him.
P.S: It ended being more than just two things, so sue me.
Adam Warlock
Wonder Man has flight and the speed advantage. But that won't stop the Hulk from hitting him. Hulk has hit very fast beings before. WM has to use all his powers in conjunction with a hit and run type strategy. Slugging it out with Hulk is nearly impossible.
Too close to call. Hulk is stronger, but WM can fight on practically forever and has the speed and flight advantage. I don't know if the Hulk could literally fight on forever, but if he can he takes it 6 times out of 10.
If not, Wonder Man takes it 6 times out of 10. Savage Hulk wasn't the brightest bulb out there.
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