Rachel Grey Vs IW
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Rachel Grey Vs IW
Apparently IW can block out telepathy
In an all out no holds barred battle in a deserted cityscape
Who wins?
If IW's field neutralizes psionic energy as efficiently as it appeared to on Jean, Rachel's TK would have no hope either.
Originally posted by Wynndar
If IW's field neutralizes psionic energy as efficiently as it appeared to on Jean, Rachel's TK would have no hope either.
IW trapped Jean in a cocoon back in the 80's. Rachels tk is on a whole different level.
it wasnt a battle of their wills or anything though. IW just shut it off. Since then Sue has destroyed Exitar and Blasted a hole through Galactus...do u think she hasnt made any improvements since the eighties herself?
the effectiveness of her fields v telepathy is still undetermined -- try as i might i can't actually find a book where sue battles a telepath or even encounters someone capable of reading her thoughts or affecting her mentally!! and i've got about 200 - 250 ff issues hanging around . . .
it seems clear she CAN block tk force, as well as psi-bolts. if those are what are being used against her, i can't see iw losing. if tp is used against her, your guess is as good as mine, gs. (or, despite what some others MAY say (xposse-xposse-xposse

your guess is as good as their's also . . .)
Of the three instances provided to attempt to illustrate that IW can blocked mind control, one was attempted mind control by physical radiation, one was where Jean Grey had no telepathy, and one was where Psi-Lord was (telepathically) in her mind but unable to use telepathy on her and in the same issue she somehow manages to get in his mind with telepathic powers she does not have. So whether or not she can block telepathy is ambiguous. What has been illustrated is that she can prevent telekinesis by forcefield - however the level of telekinesis she can withstand is undetermined. Whether or not she can block telepathy is moot considering imo telepathy effects faster than IW's powers.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
IW trapped Jean in a cocoon back in the 80's. Rachels tk is on a whole different level.
Can you say Retconn

i think it depends how rachel uses her powers
1.as psi-bolts of tk, which probably can be deflected
2.to hurl an object, which IW has no problem as defense is her forte
3. Something creative like a black hole or disassembling her molecules
Wait a minute. How is Sue telepathy proof when Psycho-man's empathy worked on her?
<<Of the three instances provided to attempt to illustrate that IW can blocked mind control, one was attempted mind control by physical radiation, one was where Jean Grey had no telepathy, and one was where Psi-Lord was (telepathically) in her mind but unable to use telepathy on her and in the same issue she somehow manages to get in his mind with telepathic powers she does not have. So whether or not she can block telepathy is ambiguous. What has been illustrated is that she can prevent telekinesis by forcefield - however the level of telekinesis she can withstand is undetermined. Whether or not she can block telepathy is moot considering imo telepathy effects faster than IW's powers.>>
actually a very fair assessment. i can buy that tp MAY be faster than her fields, maybe, though i think it is a debatable point.
the telling instance in the franklin fight to me x, occurred when sue had to DROP her field for frank to read her thoughts and get into her mind. what happened WHEN he got in her mind is certainly odd, but what preceded it is, to me, a relevant example.
<<Wait a minute. How is Sue telepathy proof when Psycho-man's empathy worked on her?>>
after the initial conflict she was shown being able to block his influence.
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