Batman Runs the Gauntlet
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1. Alfred
2. Jubilee
3. Robin
4. The Punisher
5. Captian America and Daredevil
6. 30 League of Shadow Ninjas(all at once)
7. Spawn
8. Deadpool
9. Wolverine
10. Spiderman
11. The Hulk
12. Superman
how far would he get...?? with two weeks of preptime, his advantage of stealth upon his enemies, all his resources from Wayne Enterprises including The Tumbler, and all his money to buy nething he needs (over a billion dollars).......
bumpidy bump bump....bump bump
If he manages to get past 4 he doesn't get past 5.
nananananana batman...Good thing basit aint here
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
If he manages to get past 4 he doesn't get past 5. You think Batman with prep can't beat those guys..?
He'd smash them, they wouldn't even see him coming.
It would be a cakewalk for Batman to do this.
He's gone blow for blow with Superman on less notice than an hour let alone 2 weeks.
And that's the peak of the list.
Oh I didn't realise there was prep.
Originally posted by braz
1. Alfred
2. Jubilee
3. Robin
4. The Punisher
5. Captian America and Daredevil
6. 30 League of Shadow Ninjas(all at once)
7. Spawn
8. Deadpool
9. Wolverine
10. Spiderman
11. The Hulk
12. Superman
how far would he get...?? with two weeks of preptime, his advantage of stealth upon his enemies, all his resources from Wayne Enterprises including The Tumbler, and all his money to buy nething he needs (over a billion dollars).......
Does anyone else find it odd that Spawn is listed before Deadpool, spiderman and wolverine?
Bats doesn't make it past Caps and Daredevil. Caps is his match at hand to hand and Daredevil is the kicker to put that team over the top.
Originally posted by KharmaDog
Does anyone else find it odd that Spawn is listed before Deadpool, spiderman and wolverine?
Bats doesn't make it past Caps and Daredevil. Caps is his match at hand to hand and Daredevil is the kicker to put that team over the top.
no, how is spawn ne better than those guys?......and batman IMO would get stopped at the yea, he'd def get past cap n dd...remember this is batman with prep, stealth and all of his resources...i mean hell, for all i care he could just run em' both over in The Tumbler batmobile

two weeks of prep? He would manhandle them all. Im pretty sure he can make some sort of weapon that involves kryptonite. And hes clever enough to outsmart Hulk.
^true i forgot about kriptonyte..he'd just strap some on supes on his bed while he's asleep just like in the comics and kill em'..and as for the hulk..thats another story that would be one hell of a fight seein batman chasin' down the hulk in the batmobile launchin missles at em goin like 200mph while the hulk's leapin half a mile in the air at a time..

The ninjas should be 4, Punisher 5, and Cap and DD 6. Punisher would probably do very well against said 30 ninjas, and would at LEAST be a more difficult fight for Batman. DD took out 100 ninjas by himself, why are 30 of them listed above him AND Cap, who is probably >= DD in h2h?
Spawn is powerful as hell. He should be just above Hulk, (cuz Hulk's retarded) not below Wolverine...
Now, with 2 weeks of prep, near unlimited resources, fairly good knowledge of his combatants, and a proper order in which to fight them... Batman takes it to Deadpool, who makes a momma joke while regenerating the gaping hole in his chest or recovering from an explosion. Then he shoots Bruce in the head.
And why do you not know Batman from anything but Batman Begins? WHY!?!?!?!?!?!
Like I said, no one on list could match Batman after TWO WEEKS of prep, when he's thrown down with THE VERY TOP CHARACTER on the list in a few moments let alone 2 weeks.
This should be a non prep gauntlet...
Originally posted by jgiant
This should be a non prep gauntlet...
i agree. but then superman and hulk would waste him.
Originally posted by Juntai
Like I said, no one on list could match Batman after TWO WEEKS of prep, when he's thrown down with THE VERY TOP CHARACTER on the list in a few moments let alone 2 weeks.
That's unfair, cuz Superman has one of the most exploitable weaknesses of anyone even near his power class. Plus Batman had already prepared for a situation in which he would have to put Superman down before that happened. Spawn would eat Batman's soul, prep or not. Hulk probably has a pretty good chance as well. Assuming Supes is conscious, if he decides to turn his Super Brain on for a good 3 seconds or so, he should also win his 10/10, no matter how much prep Batman gets. I'd also give Deadpool and Wolverine good odds, because, unless he knows a way to negate haling factors, Batman won't be coming up with much that will really put either down. (unless he goes and buys some tactical nukes...) Spiderman's durability isn't good enough for him to really survive any kind of prep death trap stuff, though he'd beat both Logan and Wade Wilson.
If this is unprepped, Batman kills some ninjas, takes 6/10 against Punisher, than gets rocked by DD and Captain America. Screw getting to Superman...
Originally posted by Dizzle
That's unfair, cuz Superman has one of the most exploitable weaknesses of anyone even near his power class. Plus Batman had already prepared for a situation in which he would have to put Superman down before that happened. Spawn would eat Batman's soul, prep or not. Hulk probably has a pretty good chance as well. Assuming Supes is conscious, if he decides to turn his Super Brain on for a good 3 seconds or so, he should also win his 10/10, no matter how much prep Batman gets. I'd also give Deadpool and Wolverine good odds, because, unless he knows a way to negate haling factors, Batman won't be coming up with much that will really put either down. (unless he goes and buys some tactical nukes...) Spiderman's durability isn't good enough for him to really survive any kind of prep death trap stuff, though he'd beat both Logan and Wade Wilson.
If this is unprepped, Batman kills some ninjas, takes 6/10 against Punisher, than gets rocked by DD and Captain America. Screw getting to Superman... Batman drawing on all of his resources though... his resources extend into stuff that could easily dispatch of most any of these people.
He's of the premier minds on Earth.
This is the man who built Brother 1 remember?
He also has access to New God tech, his own tech, in two weeks time he could easily steal Lex Luthor tech...
See what I'm saying?
Who here could stand up to Batman wearing Lex's powersuit a kryptonite ring and a motherbox applied with unmatched solo fighting tactics??
Answer, no one.
Originally posted by DrDoom101
i agree. but then superman and hulk would waste him.
Yeah but he doesn't have to fight them, he should just go against street level characters w/o prep and powerhouses w/prep...
Originally posted by Juntai
Batman drawing on all of his resources though... his resources extend into stuff that could easily dispatch of most any of these people.
He's of the premier minds on Earth.
This is the man who built Brother 1 remember?
He also has access to New God tech, his own tech, in two weeks time he could easily steal Lex Luthor tech...
See what I'm saying?
Who here could stand up to Batman wearing Lex's powersuit a kryptonite ring and a motherbox applied with unmatched solo fighting tactics??
Answer, no one.
Oh, JLA Batman, not regular Batman. My bad. (Though I don't think stealing from Lex should really count) Batman has 3 stages, you see...
1. Cool batman- Street leveler. Superb martial artist, and master detective. Earth's greatest, even. Has genius level intellect, and can create many advanced gadgets to aid him in fighting crime in Gotham. Batkicks a whole lot of street thugs.
2. JLA Batman- Cosmic level threat. genius among geni... (hmm, geniuses or genii... damn you English!)... Anyways, has contingency plans to take out any super hero that he has a fair amount of knowledge about. Can build machines far beyond any technology on Earth, machines powerful enough to physically take on superhumans. Nearly peerless master of any and all forms of hand to hand combat. Batkicks Darkseid.
3. Lord of the Omniverse (True Batman)- Multiomniversal entity. Used to posess both omnipotence and omniscience, both of which he upgraded himself. Omniscience was upgraded to Bat-Vision (aka omniscience v2.0) during a 15 minute prep session before Batman defeated Kirbilactus. (who has really turned into a punching bag for multiomniversal entities...) Batman also upgraded his omnipotence. He took all of his former omnipotence, and focused it into his right foot. He built a machine that is specifically designed to absorb infinite amounts of energy. (no more, no less) He then instantly kicked the machine an infinite number of times. (yeah, he can do that too) Taking the energy from the machine, he harnessed the infinityxinfinite energy, and once again channeled it into his foot. He repeated the process an infinite amount of times. Instantly, of course. (That's just how fast he kicks) Now, after this was all done, he took the energy into himself and now presides as the top dawg, the Lord of the Multiomniverse.
Batkicks anyone he damn well wants to. Usually JP or the entirety of Dark Horse Comics, both of which he always promptly resurrects.
1-6 bATS GETS PAST, 7 is difficult.
Originally posted by Dizzle
The ninjas should be 4, Punisher 5, and Cap and DD 6. Punisher would probably do very well against said 30 ninjas, and would at LEAST be a more difficult fight for Batman. DD took out 100 ninjas by himself, why are 30 of them listed above him AND Cap, who is probably >= DD in h2h?
Spawn is powerful as hell. He should be just above Hulk, (cuz Hulk's retarded) not below Wolverine...
Now, with 2 weeks of prep, near unlimited resources, fairly good knowledge of his combatants, and a proper order in which to fight them... Batman takes it to Deadpool, who makes a momma joke while regenerating the gaping hole in his chest or recovering from an explosion. Then he shoots Bruce in the head.
And why do you not know Batman from anything but Batman Begins? WHY!?!?!?!?!?!
lol im not even into comics..this movie was the exact reason i started getting back into liking batman....(almost as much as when i was little)...and thus, therefore got me back into all the other comic characters i used to like and now i end up on one of these boards arguing about things like this....

Oh... Then whatever works, I guess. Comics are the shizit.
Originally posted by braz
no, how is spawn ne better than those guys?
Do you know anything about the character Spawn?
He couldn't beat Hulk and he probably couldn't beat Spawn, against the others he might have a chance but from 5 on it will be hard.Although I don't think this list gerts harder with time, since he could beat supes much easier than hulk, and spawn much harder than spidey. Oh and Ninjas are probably not that big of a problem for him with prep stealth and such....
Originally posted by KharmaDog
Do you know anything about the character Spawn?
yeah man, i actually have like a whole collection of spawn comics and ive read a few of em'....he's got those magic chains, gunz, healing factor(bullet holes seal up immediately), superhuman strength, he can disappear, and he can move through the air with his cape....and, so what? thats around the same area as wolverine, spiderman,and deadpool isnt it?
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