invisible woman v crystal
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Adam Warlock
Crystal? Would this be the inhuman Crystal? The estranged wife of Pietro Maximoff?
There aren't often Inhumans threads besides Blackbolt ones. I think someone mentioned that Crystal has affected the inside of IW's forcefields before with her powers but it might have been when she was still Invisible Girl.
yeah, crystal has affected the insides of sues force-fields, though i don't know if it was invisable girl or woman
Adam Warlock
Ask Wyndarr. He knows a lot about FF4 battles. As for this battle, could go either way. It would matter who strikes first.
It'd be a comic I would buy............
actually crys DID affect inside her field. she had the air boil i think inside sue's field and push it out while hurting her at the same time but sue retaliated with her own attack that broke crys's concentration. by the end, it appeared crys had the upper hand, but the fight wasn't over. it WAS a great battle -- one of iw's better fights -- which is why i wondered how some might view a rematch.
and it WAS iw, not ig.
lol, proves sues not as protected as we all thought. so basically anyone that could affect the inside of her field(storm, crystal, magneto, polaris, and many others) stands a good chance at beating her.
Crystals powers have never really been defined...she does something crazy and new practically every issue she's in...she basically has power over physics, chemical, biological, and weather functions. Initially she and the other inhumans were more powerful than IW or other members of the F4.
I dont have the instance where she affected the air inside Sue's field and dont know what time in IW's career it occured. But, essentially, a fight between Crystal and IW would be pretty one sided. The only instance Crystal could EVENTUALLY cause IW some discomfort, is one where IW isnt trying to hurt her. Otherwise, IW would take Crystal down way before Crystal takes her down.
Crystal can: Maybe effect the environment inside IW's field...Crystal has also demonstrated some highly impressive telekenetic abilities (different in nature from mutant TK because its a manifestation of her power over physics?).
IW can: Just turn invisible and causually knock her out; attack Crystal's body with either projections like invisible spears; directly form invisible objects inside her body; cut off her air supply; make her retinas invisble and blind her; make the environment invisible and take away Crystal's ability to manuever...the list goes on...
Maybe Im downgrading Crystal here, but she was a full time member of the F4 for a period...but never regarded or showing the same impact as IW.
Crystal kicks ass though...its just that IW has that damn field....Making a skin tight field would neutralize the potential to make weather patterns inside of it...Crystal is much more dynamic than someone like Storm however, because she could directly attack Sue's bio-functions...but I think Sue would put her down or use invisibility powers to escape before this happens.
Originally posted by Wynndar
Crystals powers have never really been defined...she does something crazy and new practically every issue she's in...she basically has power over physics, chemical, biological, and weather functions. Initially she and the other inhumans were more powerful than IW or other members of the F4.
I dont have the instance where she affected the air inside Sue's field and dont know what time in IW's career it occured. But, essentially, a fight between Crystal and IW would be pretty one sided. The only instance Crystal could EVENTUALLY cause IW some discomfort, is one where IW isnt trying to hurt her. Otherwise, IW would take Crystal down way before Crystal takes her down.
Crystal can: Maybe effect the environment inside IW's field...Crystal has also demonstrated some highly impressive telekenetic abilities (different in nature from mutant TK because its a manifestation of her power over physics?).
IW can: Just turn invisible and causually knock her out; attack Crystal's body with either projections like invisible spears; directly form invisible objects inside her body; cut off her air supply; make her retinas invisble and blind her; make the environment invisible and take away Crystal's ability to manuever...the list goes on...
Maybe Im downgrading Crystal here, but she was a full time member of the F4 for a period...but never regarded or showing the same impact as IW.
Crystal kicks ass though...its just that IW has that damn field....Making a skin tight field would neutralize the potential to make weather patterns inside of it...Crystal is much more dynamic than someone like Storm however, because she could directly attack Sue's bio-functions...but I think Sue would put her down or use invisibility powers to escape before this happens.
crystals main powers were control over the elements, it was always weird she was displaying powers beyond that. actually, it's possible for characters who control the elements to creat damage in skin-tight fields. take unus and storm for example. she literally electricied him out of his own skin-tight field. storm could attack sues functions as well, storms powers are used to shut down brain currents in deadly genesis. considering she has complete control over electricity, it makes sence. though crystal could possibly sence sue even if she was invisable, i mean storm sences people through the wind, crystal could possibly as well. though this may be due to storms connection to everything and anything on earth and her powers.
How do you know what happens in X-Men: Deadly Genesis and no she doesn't have complete control over electricity.
sue WAS kicking crys's arse at the start. maybe tomorrow i'll look up the issue and throw up some scans. too damn tired now . . .
Originally posted by stormfront13
crystals main powers were control over the elements, it was always weird she was displaying powers beyond that. actually, it's possible for characters who control the elements to creat damage in skin-tight fields. take unus and storm for example. she literally electricied him out of his own skin-tight field. storm could attack sues functions as well, storms powers are used to shut down brain currents in deadly genesis. considering she has complete control over electricity, it makes sence. though crystal could possibly sence sue even if she was invisable, i mean storm sences people through the wind, crystal could possibly as well. though this may be due to storms connection to everything and anything on earth and her powers.
Storm and Crystals powers are different. Storm's powers are specifically concerning weather but some writers hype her up and give her some other funky abilities that are still extensions or manipulations of her weather powers...Dont take it personal if Crystal's powers are more integration of physics, biology, and chemistry...thus her control of weather is a by product of her control over physics and chemistry.
K Von Doom
I always thought Crystal had some kind of elemental powers. She created a storm inside Avengers mansion once with Thor (Masterson) so Cap got mad.
Originally posted by xmarksthespot
How do you know what happens in X-Men: Deadly Genesis and no she doesn't have complete control over electricity.
the preview pages in wizard. storms powers were utilized to shut fown a brain current.
yes, different but also very, very similar. they are the same except for the fact that crystal can also control fire, and storm cannot. crystals powers have always been elemental powers, if she has used other powers, then that's the writers fault, because to any crystal fan, she has elemental powers. your only assuming she has different powers.
No...she is depicted more often than not as having the powers I just described. "Elemental powers" isnt a technical term of anything...elemental is an archaic term that doesnt have the same association these days.
Nonetheless Chrystal started her "career" with control over the "archaic" elements. Then she got stronger and showed abilities that went beyond her initial powers or were creative extrapolations of them.
Comparable developments were shown by Magneto, Jean Grey, Iceman, Sue, Electro, Karma, Mystique, Moonstar and the list goes on.
WHY, i ask you, is it "stupid hype" when Storm develops the more elaborate aspects of HER powers as well?
It is given fact since the late seventies, that her powers are of energy manipulating nature and that they only take their most impressive form as Weather control.
Btw... The thread fight could go either way imo. It depends...AGAIN...on who is able to strike first!
I didnt call it stupid hype...I said they hype her in she is inconsistently depicted in her own book. I wasnt saying it was a bad thing. Most of the X-Men have had a period of "exaggeration". I wouldnt call it enhancement or growth because their powers were not changed and with the next writer they went back to normal. Colossus' powers increased. Iceman's powers changed when he no longer possessed a human body. However, Storm's powers are still weather based in her own book and she doesnt really demonstrate that she's now a bigger threat than she was in the 70's...
Originally posted by Wynndar
I didnt call it stupid hype...I said they hype her in she is inconsistently depicted in her own book. I wasnt saying it was a bad thing. Most of the X-Men have had a period of "exaggeration". I wouldnt call it enhancement or growth because their powers were not changed and with the next writer they went back to normal. Colossus' powers increased. Iceman's powers changed when he no longer possessed a human body. However, Storm's powers are still weather based in her own book and she doesnt really demonstrate that she's now a bigger threat than she was in the 70's... 1) I was summarising and interpreting the statements about Storm you (and some others) made on several threads.
2) Magneto was initially able to manipulate macroscopic ferromagnetic metal and to form magnetic forcefields, finish.
Now he can manipulate even non ferromagnetic metals, bloodstreams, gravity, electromagnetic waves, can strengthen his body, disrupt bioelectric fields, create black holes etc.
Iceman was initially able to cover himself with snow and to throw snowballs, finish.
Later he could cover himself with ice and create ice formations. Even later he was able to BECOME ice. Again later he wasn't able to do that anymore.
Now...well, i guess you know his current abilities.
Mystique was initially able to change her human appearance, finish.
Nowadays she is able to grow extra limbs, wings, talons, body armor, extra heads, to heal wounds, adapt to pathogens and toxins, develop night sight, relocate her inner organs etc.
You wouldn't call these enhancements or growth in power???
Well...nowadays Storm can manipulate electric fields, cause EMPs, create domes of compressed air etc in addition to more common weather phenomena...reasonable extrapolations of HER basic powers, i say!
It doesn't give her a bigger potential, but is an example for EXPRESSING existing potential.
It's not exaggeration at all!!!
If she would start DIRECTLY manipulating earth and stone without an official statement of Marvel that she has undergone a secondary mutation or something, then it would be exaggeration.
Another example: Letting Wolverine beat Lobo is an exaggeration of his abilities. Letting him develop class 100 strength due to some understandable phenomenon and then letting him win against Lobo would be no exaggeration, but just an enhancement of his my point?
Err...its right there..I used the iceman example. Storm is different though because she hasnt really had a "change"...some writers decide to illustrate her differently...but she hasnt had a definitive change in power like magneto, iceman, and colossus. Its kinda subjective...cuz this opinion is based on my interpretation of the comics I read...not concrete...Its a very opinionative statement.
yes, storm hasn't had a change in powers, we all realize that, she just has a better handel on her powers. she is exploring her powers because she manipulates ALL ASPECTS OF THE WEATHER. that includes things like pressure, and electricity, and water.
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