Superman vs Jackie chan w/ talismans
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talisman powers
Tiger: Balance (of the Yin Yang variety) - When split in two, it divides the user into two individuals, one representing Yin and the other Yang. The power of the Tiger Talismen balances out the conflicting powers of the other Talismens.
Rabbit: Super speed
Dragon: Combustion - This talisman allows the user to shoot fireballs out of the talisman. It should be noted that Shendu, as the Demon Sorceror of Fire, was still able to *breathe* fire without this talisman
Snake: Invisibility
Horse: Healing Power
Sheep: Astral Projection
Monkey: Shape-Shifting (Animal shapes only) - The user of this talisman could change themselves or any other individual into an animal of their choice
Rooster: Levitation/Telekinesis
Dog: Immortality/Invulnerbility/Youthful Energy
Pig: Heat Beam Eye Blasts
Rat: "Motion to the Motionless" - This talisman is able to bring any inanimate object to life when affixed to it. Objects in the form of a living creature (for example statues or toys) will become that creature (including all eccessorires)
Ox: Super Strength
could jackie chan w/ the talismans beat superman??
With all talismans and Jackies martial arts it is more than possible that
he can win against Supes.
Oh I love Jackie Chan Adventures. And those talismans are nasty. I wish I had them.
The Talismans are magic. He'd murderize 'im. Supes would lose 10/10. Good fight.
yeah the talismans are pretty bad ass,
i think superman wins though but not after a close fight
Seeing that one of the talismans makes him invulnerable, everything is stacked against supes.
Remove some of the talismans e.g. invisibility and immortality to even the fight up.
Darth Macabre
I love those Talismans. Jackie wins.
i am so surprised people know what i am talking about.
the invisibility talisman and the one for inmortality r not that good,
yeah there good but superman good invounerability?? and invisible wont help much cause superman has x-ray vision
Originally posted by zachrivard
i am so surprised people know what i am talking about.
the invisibility talisman and the one for inmortality r not that good,
yeah there good but superman good invounerability?? and invisible wont help much cause superman has x-ray vision
Invisibility is good because when hes running at extreme speeds, supes wont know where to use his xrays vision because he's going to be both fast & invisible.
no but the dog talisman makes you completely invulnerable and unable to die under any circumstance. and makes u always have youthful energy. It gave Uncle youth back and during the talisman saga. He was better than Jackie. He totally beasted Tohru and Hakfu.
Exactly. Talisman Jacky beats the S**t outta Superman
would he beat thor or hulk, gl????
He could beat Thor and Hulk and GL. what could they possibly do to him.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
He could beat Thor and Hulk and GL. what could they possibly do to him.
idk jackie chan w/ talismans is not un beatable
actually he would beat Hulk but stalemate Thor and GL. He can take even the Godforce. He's totally immortal and invulnerable with the dog talisman.
i wish i had the talismans, and the demon powers, and the cool control over the shadow nijas
The talismans have never withstood a force like many comic characters can bring. I'm not saying all kinds of people would defeat him, but obviously no one weilding the dog talisman has ever been hit with a force enough to destroy a planet packed into the size of a fist.
And neither have any of the other talismans brought him to Superman levels of strength, speed, etc.
idk the talismans are bad ass
Originally posted by Juntai
The talismans have never withstood a force like many comic characters can bring. I'm not saying all kinds of people would defeat him, but obviously no one weilding the dog talisman has ever been hit with a force enough to destroy a planet packed into the size of a fist.
And neither have any of the other talismans brought him to Superman levels of strength, speed, etc. Do you think Supes would win?
Originally posted by brainchild81
Do you think Supes would win?
Of course.
He's faster stronger, and I see nothing any of those talismans can do to hurt Superman.
Meanwhile Superman could just... throw him at the sun or something.
Originally posted by Juntai
Of course.
He's faster stronger, and I see nothing any of those talismans can do to hurt Superman.
Meanwhile Superman could just... throw him at the sun or something. WTF?! Don't be silly. They're magical for one thing. Supes is vulnerable to that kind of stuff. He can shoot beams from his eyes. Again magical beams. He can turn invisible and just sneak him. There are a few ways T.Jacky'd beat the snot outta Supes. Throwing T.Jacky to the sun just means T.Jacky flies back angry about Supes trying to kill an immortal.
Originally posted by brainchild81
WTF?! Don't be silly. They're magical for one thing. Supes is vulnerable to that kind of stuff. He can shoot beams from his eyes. Again magical beams. He can turn invisible and just sneak him. There are a few ways T.Jacky'd beat the snot outta Supes. Throwing T.Jacky to the sun just means T.Jacky flies back angry about Supes trying to kill an immortal. Superman has mounted resistant against magical attacks so it would depend on the level of magic, which isn't nearly as powerful as magic attacks that have hit Superman.
Invisible? Superman could see the very molocules of the universe shift, or hear them..
Originally posted by Juntai
Superman has mounted resistant against magical attacks so it would depend on the level of magic, which isn't nearly as powerful as magic attacks that have hit Superman.
Invisible? Superman could see the very molocules of the universe shift, or hear them.. This isn't technological invisibility though, it's magical. Supes ain't gonna see nothing but stars. And he can fly. How do you know how powerful the talismans are? Or do you just assume they're weak so Supes looks good? I've seen Cap MArvel knock Supes out w/a couple of punches. Everything Talisman Jacky does is going to hurt Supes, whereas I doubt Supes could do anyhing to hurt Jackie.
what's the point of having Invulnerability and healing?
Originally posted by Scoobless
what's the point of having Invulnerability and healing?
idk just in case
Originally posted by Scoobless
what's the point of having Invulnerability and healing?
I was about to ask the same thing.
Can anyone give examples of things that have been done with these talismen?
Well, they open dimensional gates for demons, and used in conjunction can pull off a bunch of high end effects.
All of them together would make Jackie into a Captain Marvel-esque super hero that can turn invisible and turn Supes into a hamster.
I don't know if he'd beat Supes though. If he turned him into an animal maybe.
I gotta see some old episodes to remember. They've doen some pretty god-like s**t though. Gave life to a Statue and a Stuffed moose. Power enabled a chicken to shoot eyebeams, a pig to flyOriginally posted by Scoobless
what's the point of having Invulnerability and healing? Just so you'll be cool in case you don't have both talismans. Jackie could turn Supes into a small fish. Fight would be over
Darth Macabre
He can heal others with the Horse power.
the talisman are bad ass, if u guys didnt already get that
Originally posted by illadelph12
Well, they open dimensional gates for demons, and used in conjunction can pull off a bunch of high end effects.
All of them together would make Jackie into a Captain Marvel-esque super hero that can turn invisible and turn Supes into a hamster.
I don't know if he'd beat Supes though. If he turned him into an animal maybe.
Magical transmutation wouldn't work, as it has already been tried on him by Blaze.
While I don't know if Jackie would win, It sounds like it should at least be a good fight (and not just for supes...but many characters.)
Cosmic Cube
Superman takes the talismans from him. Nyeah-heah.

Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Magical transmutation wouldn't work, as it has already been tried on him by Blaze.
While I don't know if Jackie would win, It sounds like it should at least be a good fight (and not just for supes...but many characters.) T.Jacky'd totally kick Supes's ass. and yes he'd kick many other Superheroes a$$es also even *sob* Spidey Batman and Wolverine

Any scans of this Blaze encounter?
Originally posted by brainchild81
This isn't technological invisibility though, it's magical. Supes ain't gonna see nothing but stars. And he can fly. How do you know how powerful the talismans are? Or do you just assume they're weak so Supes looks good? I've seen Cap MArvel knock Supes out w/a couple of punches. Everything Talisman Jacky does is going to hurt Supes, whereas I doubt Supes could do anyhing to hurt Jackie. Captain Marvel's enchantment I would also class above these as normal magic rolls off of Captain Marvel anyways... he's powered by the gods. lol. Also he can deliver the FORCE neccisary being exponentially stronger and faster than Jackie with talismans...
None of the talismans have had magical force, blasts or whatever, to lead believe their magic strong enough to stop Superman before he grabbed Jackie by his head and hurled him across the universe.
Needless to say, Superman is even faster than Jackie's thoughts of summoning power from the talisman so most of them would be uselss.
Originally posted by Juntai
Captain Marvel's enchantment I would also class above these as normal magic rolls off of Captain Marvel anyways... he's powered by the gods. lol. Also he can deliver the FORCE neccisary being exponentially stronger and faster than Jackie with talismans...
Marvel also said he was lucky...
It's different when Supes sees it coming.
Dude, Jackie is cool and shit......... but this is SUPEZ !!!
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Marvel also said he was lucky...
It's different when Supes sees it coming.
True that.
Darth Macabre
It doesnt really matter what Superman can do. With the Dog talisman Jackies indestructable. This fight goes on for days.
Those talismans are hardcore, I agree. Magical, too. Supes's biggest weakness next to Kryptonite. And I believe Superman gets whooped Chinese-style by Jackie here.
Ok another kid show fighter.
Jackie Chan gets murdered even with talimans, Superman uses superspeed and takes all the damn talimans out of jackie's hand then crushes his head in his palm.
no the talesmans r inside is body or soemthin
Arent the talismans even more powerful if you have all of them?
What's the source of power for each talisman?
Originally posted by Maestro
What's the source of power for each talisman?
Chinese mystical magic.
And Superman couldn't just take them out of his hands. They're inside of him. Plus, Jackie will have super speed as well. And yes, the talismans are indeed more powerful when you have them all.
Superman goes down hard.
Now a Supes fan will come and belittle the talismans so Supes has a chance.
idk if the talismans r inside him or not,
for the purpose of this fight they will be inside him
Originally posted by Metalmanx
Chinese mystical magic.
And Superman couldn't just take them out of his hands. They're inside of him. Plus, Jackie will have super speed as well. And yes, the talismans are indeed more powerful when you have them all.
Superman goes down hard.
Jackie Chan super speed is not no where near Superman's near light speed.
Superman rips Jackie Chan in half. End of story.
i think i'd be a pretty even fight, what if he had the demon powers and control over the shadowkon
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by zachrivard
i think i'd be a pretty even fight, what if he had the demon powers and control over the shadowkon
That would just be over kill in my opinion. I mean Shendu's talismans are more then enough to beat Superman, especially when there inside Jackie. Sure Superman is faster but with the Dog talisman it would be like punching a ragdoll. Whatever Superman does it wont stop Jackie.
Plus Invisibility, Superspeed, and Superstrength it would make for a good long fight.
If superman threw him into the sun, jackie would never get out.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
If superman threw him into the sun, jackie would never get out.
Too bad Jackie would still come back.
"Rooster Talisman: Levitation/Telekinesis". Jackie can levitate himself right back to Earth. To continue his stomping of Superman.
if jack uses his t to make him invisible super wont be able to see him , since supers powers are vulnerable to magic .And although super can still hear jack and easily discover his location , he wont be able to do it if he is moving at super speed while firing lasers from his eyes and mouth , and he also has a high telekinesis power able to lift tanks with ease , he could use the telekinesis to distract super while he transform him into a bug.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
That would just be over kill in my opinion. I mean Shendu's talismans are more then enough to beat Superman, especially when there inside Jackie. Sure Superman is faster but with the Dog talisman it would be like punching a ragdoll. Whatever Superman does it wont stop Jackie.
Plus Invisibility, Superspeed, and Superstrength it would make for a good long fight.
Super man uses x-ray vision to see him will he's invisible. There super strength and then there's supermans super strength. Superman moves planets Chan doesnt. Jackie speed apromiately 600 miles per hour. Superman's speed greater then light. Jackie chan is way way way way way out classed.
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
Super man uses x-ray vision to see him will he's invisible. There super strength and then there's supermans super strength. Superman moves planets Chan doesnt. Jackie speed apromiately 600 miles per hour. Superman's speed greater then light. Jackie chan is way way way way way out classed.
u r obviously a fan boy of superman, its ok i was once one too
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by JediMasterLuke5
Super man uses x-ray vision to see him will he's invisible. There super strength and then there's supermans super strength. Superman moves planets Chan doesnt. Jackie speed apromiately 600 miles per hour. Superman's speed greater then light. Jackie chan is way way way way way out classed.
Individual powerwise yes Jackie would be outclassed. But put all of the talismans together, and Superman is the one who would be outclassed. In my own atleast.
If Jackie chan is invincible, it doesn't matter how "out classed" he is. Way outclassed people win all the time.
If Superman has no way of taking out the talismans and some of the powers will be like mystical blasts and bolts which bypass Superman's defences and Jackie has total immortality, then theres no way Superman can win. Technically no being without the power to negate the talisman wins.
Sir Whirlysplat
Throws him at the Sun

Supes wins

Superman woudn't win that way because Chan is apparently immortal and also can fly - I got to get those talismans
yep the talismans give him mad powers. I doubt that Supes could stand up to them. Seriously Supes couldn't do anything to hurt him because of the immortality talisman and even if he could the horse would heal it in mere seconds plus he could animate giant robots to keep Supes busy. Shendu healed from having a giant hole in his chest in like 1 second. Oh and he could turn him into an ant with the monkey talisman power. He's way beyond Supes.
Is Jackie Chan a comic book character as well?
Anyway, the fight would be a tie, since Jackie Chan doesn't like to fight without a reason.
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