Punisher with the Venom Sybiote vs Deathstroke & Spider-Man
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Super Punisher vs Spider-Man & Deathstroke
Wow I'm so giving this to Punisher and in a big way!
Symbiote Punisher=Awesome.
Without allowing it to mimic previous hosts abilities, the symbiote will do nothing for punisher, except enhance his durability a bit. So was Venom the previous host or is it just the symbiote with a clean slate?
But would unisher be able to control the symbiote and even then spiderman has had much exxperience facing it. and now with the help of deathstroke They could probably take it.
He wouldn't try I believe he would consider it his Ultimate Weapon. I also said that the Venom symbiote the one on Brock & Parker.
Yeah, but that could easily have been just to clarify what symbiote one is talking about. There are several symbiotes not related to Venom/Spiderman etc. Technically, Venom's symbiote is Spiderman's symbiote as well.
Well He gets all of those abilities plus his weapons plus his training.
There was a "What If...?" comic where the Venom symbiote bonded with the Punisher:
The symbiote granted Castle superhuman strength, durability, and enhanced his agility and reflexes.
He also could use it in various manner, tentacles, wings, claws, even create guns with the symbiote substance.
The F4 sonic rifle wouldn't work, probably Deathstroke being the master planner he is will trick Castle making him follow Slade and the wallcrawler near a furnace and drop him in it after a fight to death.
That sounds alot like prep that Deathstroke would no his weakness of the symbiote
Punisher beat Daredevil, Spiderman, and Moon Knight at the same time with the symbiote, fairly easily at that. Sonics didnt work on it anymore, as the symbiote permanently bonded to Frank, and it was after it tried to bond with Spiderman, it just chose Frank instead of Eddie, so it's essentialy the same Venom as Eddie Brock, but with the Punishers experience. The way this fight goes really depends on what Deathstroke brings to the table, heavy firepower might be able to take down Venom/Punisher, but it is more likely that Spidey gets pulverized/shot (Punisher caused the symbiote to fire bullets instead of webbing) and DS gets ripped into bloody chunks. VP 8/10
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