Who can defeat Thanos? Below Skyfather
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Who can defeat Thanos? Below Skyfather
who has and who can?
well obviously the silver surfer......

Originally posted by RAGE17
well obviously the silver surfer......
Actually SS has defeated Thanos
Originally posted by golem370
Well try to think of someone
Originally posted by kgkg
Actually SS has defeated Thanos
indeed he has....

Drax (he stalemated him, that must count for something)
Originally posted by armandovalles
Drax (he stalemated him, that must count for something)
All will get owned
Drax got his ass kicked like there is no tomorrow
Strange even said only one who has a chance is SS.
and you know how he defeated SS
Sentry could beat him.
Strange was being humble...he has the better feats of the two of them (even if Strange sometimes lacks a bit in sheer output of force). Properly prepped, Strange could probably do it. Sentry (maybe), Mr. Majestic has a decent shot.
Really, though, there's probably no one. Thanos bridges the gap between Skyfather and everyone else. He's in his own class, and it's hard to find a suitable (single) opponent for him that's not above Skyfather.
All out own Thanos, or characters that just have a chance?
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
Adam Warlock
Cosmic Flame beat me to it. I was just gonna say that.
Adam Warlock can really beat thanos?
Adam Warlock
With the Soul Gem. Thanos fears it. Warlock was the first being that ever killed Thanos.
Adam Warlock
Well Gee. SS with the soul gem could do it as well.
Adam Warlock
Warlock is the only being who can wield the soul gem properly. The soul gem has vampiristic tendencies. It sucks the juice out of anyone who uses it. Warlock has an affinity to all the gems, not just the soul gem.
Like this:
Thanos with the IG = Kid with a Machine Gun
Warlock with the IG = Navy Seal with a Machine Gun
Like it matters.
The soul gem is an external power, even if he does cary it around 23/7.
And without it I doubt he could take Thanos.
long pig
Strange. I'd even say (As taboo as it is), Strange's raw power equals that of Thanos. Yada Yada, fanboy fanboy. But, Strange is his clear superior in versatality.
In "The End"?
Yeah, I have that. It goes against Strange's previous battles. It makes no sense.
Strange has not only blasted THROUGH a basically fully fed Galactus, putting him out, he's mentally owned him.
Compare Strange feats against Thanos' feats when they fought Galactus. Strange's shield took the same blast that Thano's shields failed to take.
If you were to allow Strange 2 minutes preptime, with no CIS PIS, he would handle Thanos. Strange could just throw a friggin purple gem at him. It's basically a soul gem, but can only used as offense.
With no plot devices, pis, or prep?
Warlock - He's done it before.
Doomsday - A beast
Cyborg Supes - No pis, can match thanos power for power
Surfer - Same as Cyborg
Strange - He's fought death itself and done well.
Zatanna (surprise, surprise, I know)
Thor - Well Written
Superman Blue (totally different power base)
Cosmic Flame
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on his relationship with the gem. There's a reason that Adam still has it. He's the only person around that can keep it in check. Warlock also has cosmic as well as magical power, and he's one of the few schemers near Thanos' level (he managed to get the IG for himself, after all). He's also one of very few people Thanos respects. Even after calling Thanos out after the whole HOTU affair, Warlock was free to walk away.
I think he has the right mix of innate skills and abilities to pull it off. Now whether this would happen is a different story. They know each other so well I don't know how it would actually play out, but I do think Warlock could do it.
Adam Warlock
It's bonded to his forehead. He carries it with him 24/7.
He's the Yin, Thanos is the Yang.
They are like brothers. They both exist outside the influence of Chaos and Order.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by Cosmic Flame
Maybe, maybe not. Depends on his relationship with the gem. There's a reason that Adam still has it. He's the only person around that can keep it in check. Warlock also has cosmic as well as magical power, and he's one of the few schemers near Thanos' level (he managed to get the IG for himself, after all). He's also one of very few people Thanos respects. Even after calling Thanos out after the whole HOTU affair, Warlock was free to walk away.
I think he has the right mix of innate skills and abilities to pull it off. Now whether this would happen is a different story. They know each other so well I don't know how it would actually play out, but I do think Warlock could do it.
Your exactly right. I agree. Good post.
Warlock beating him is up in the air, but he could pull it off.
long pig
This same attack broke Thanos' shields and laid him out.
Yeha, I guess Adam could pull it off.
And Avalonofthewind, Stop trying to enforce yout "Superman owns everything beacuse of his speed" belif. Acording to that theroy, Sups shpuld also be able to defeat Galactus and Phenoix (A sure way to end this is to sick GS on you, heh.)
When Thanos ALLWAYS beats people above his power, it's not jobing.
Have i mentioned that Doomsday and Darkseid has never shown enhanced speed? I guess this means superman can defeat him no trouble without PIS as well.
could any of these guys beat thanos or have a chance against him?
black bolt
green lantern hal
maestro hulk or guilt hulk
iorn man enhanced armor
long pig
Actually, Superman being killed by DD is PIS. At the least he could have stalemated him, at best he could ring out.
Originally posted by jacobo0o
could any of these guys beat thanos or have a chance against him?
black bolt
green lantern hal
maestro hulk or guilt hulk
iorn man enhanced armor
None of those guys will beat him
Sentry is a big maybe since we still don't know much
Thanos takes multiple of those guys at the same time
oh well
it was worth a try lol
Adam Warlock
Sh!t! LOL! I just took a look at your new sig and actually read it LP.
I kept on thinking you were Ion. LOL!!!
Superman died beacuse DD had posin claws.
Originally posted by long pig
Does it matter who broke what?
Fact is Strange in many occasion knows he can't take the Titian
Fact is Thanos was able to give mad Thor (with gem) ----- a battle
Something Strange , Adam , SS , Drax couldn't , and the so call magic etc couldn't contain Thor.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Yeha, I guess Adam could pull it off.
And Avalonofthewind, Stop trying to enforce yout "Superman owns everything beacuse of his speed" belif. Acording to that theroy, Sups shpuld also be able to defeat Galactus and Phenoix (A sure way to end this is to sick GS on you, heh.)
When Thanos ALLWAYS beats people above his power, it's not jobing.
Have i mentioned that Doomsday and Darkseid has never shown enhanced speed? I guess this means superman can defeat him no trouble without PIS as well.
Where did I say anything about Supermans speed?
Perhaps you should reread threads to find where I have said something like that.
In case you haven't noticed, my list has dc and marvel characters in it...and I never said anyone owns anyone. The thread simply says, who can defeat thanos. It was never said that it would be easy or every time.
Adam Warlock
Warlock survived a similar blast like that. No shield whatsoever. It floored him, but he got back up faster than the Kryptonian did.
Beacuse I rember you made this topic about superman being able to beat thanos if there was no PIS, and the strat was throwing him into the sun or something.
Other then that, Thanos is supirior to Superman in almost every way. He's about as strong (Near Thor level) so I can't see how Superman would take it for any reason besides speed.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Beacuse I rember you made this topic about superman being able to beat thanos if there was no PIS, and the strat was throwing him into the sun or something.
Other then that, Thanos is supirior to Superman in almost every way. He's about as strong (Near Thor level) so I can't see how Superman would take it for any reason besides speed.
Maybe you should reread the thread. It wasnt I that said that.
If you can't see how Supes could get wins, maybe you should read more Superman. No PIS changes a LOT of factors.
Originally posted by jacobo0o
could any of these guys beat thanos or have a chance against him?
black bolt
green lantern hal
maestro hulk or guilt hulk
iorn man enhanced armor
Everybody on that list could beat but Sentry (he has the potential, but he's lacking feats), Hulk and Iron Man.

Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
With no plot devices, pis, or prep?
Warlock - He's done it before.
Doomsday - A beast
Cyborg Supes - No pis, can match thanos power for power
Surfer - Same as Cyborg
Strange - He's fought death itself and done well.
Zatanna (surprise, surprise, I know)
Thor - Well Written
Superman Blue (totally different power base)
I agree with that list!

What about Champion?
Originally posted by dvampire
Everybody on that list could beat but Sentry (he has the potential, but he's lacking feats), Hulk and Iron Man.

funny shit

Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Well, for one, that was Long Pigs topic, not mine.
2nd Superman wasn't the only one involved in it.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by dvampire
Everybody but Sentry (he has the potential, but he's lacking feats), Hulk and Iron Man.
Sentry calmed the Hulk. Sentry whooped Terrax and Attuma pretty easily. Sentry can absorb energy from everywhere and anywhere. His powers have still yet to be defined. Sentry has the best chance from anyone on that list Jacoobo made. You shouldn't let your biasness influence your decisions. We have too many of that here already.
I'm not saying Sentry could beat Thanos, but he has a good chance.

Originally posted by dvampire
Everybody on that list could beat but Sentry (he has the potential, but he's lacking feats), Hulk and Iron Man.
Yeha right.. Somebody who's greatest feat is the power of a nucleat device. I guess we have nothing to wory about when faceing thanos, we can just Nuke him.
And Lobo? Can Lobo beat Darkseid? Lobo has nothing on thanos but strenth. Thanos could defiently dispatch him.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Yeha right.. Somebody who's greatest feat is the power of a nucleat device. I guess we have nothing to wory about when faceing thanos, we can just Nuke him.
And Lobo? Can Lobo beat Darkseid? Lobo has nothing on thanos but strenth. Thanos could defiently dispatch him.
No one take vap seriously don't worry about it
It’s all kool
It is amusing tho
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Well, for one, that was Long Pigs topic, not mine.
2nd Superman wasn't the only one involved in it.
I mean Elaborate on how Superman could claim victory.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
I mean Elaborate on how Superman could claim victory.
Been there, done that..and why just Supes out of that whole list and everyone elses characters?
The Runner
Beacuse nobody else is defending their charaters, besides Dvampire and I am debateing with him.
As for the list, Most of them are Superman look-alikes. SS has lost too many times to Thanos. He COULD win, but he won't. Warlcok I agree with. Zantanna is basicly chaos magic Wanda, so we don't know if whe could unless they acualy fought.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
I mean Elaborate on how Superman could claim victory.
He thinks Superman can probably win by speedblitzing Thanos and punching him.
Adam Warlock
Current Darkseid maybe... Naaah....
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Beacuse nobody else is defending their charaters, besides Dvampire and I am debateing with him.
As for the list, Most of them are Superman look-alikes. SS has lost too many times to Thanos. He COULD win, but he won't. Warlcok I agree with. Zantanna is basicly chaos magic Wanda, so we don't know if whe could unless they acualy fought.
Check out the Superman respect thread. A lot of good stuff concerning, strength, speed, durability, and resistance.
Cyborg is an enhanced Superman with a lot more powers.
Surfer has lost, but without PIS, things could be a lot more interesting.
Zatanna's recent little trick with Despero definitely shows she's got tricks up her sleeve.
Doomsday has been explained ad nauseum.
Strange has handled worse things.
Warlock has already done it.
Thor has already done it.
Superman blue is actually more powerful than regular Supes in many ways.
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Sentry calmed the Hulk. Sentry whooped Terrax and Attuma pretty easily. Sentry can absorb energy from everywhere and anywhere. His powers have still yet to be defined. Sentry has the best chance from anyone on that list Jacoobo made. You shouldn't let your biasness influence your decisions. We have too many of that here already.
I'm not saying Sentry could beat Thanos, but he has a good chance.
How am I being bias?

Fine Sentry will beat Thanos, is that better?

Originally posted by Adam Warlock
He thinks Superman can probably win by speedblitzing Thanos and punching him.
Thats one way to do it. Then again, you have a vendetta against the guy since you believe Spiderman can beat Supes. Hell, you even went out of your way in his RESPECT thread to disrespect the guy.
So don't act like you have credibility over me.
Big Superman hater.

Strange can.
Thor only did when Thanos was cocky and let him get close enough to hit him on the head with his hammer.
SS loses. Besides which, marvel lists Thanoses speed at 7, so he's as fast as SS anyway.
Doomsday will win unless Thanos manages to outsmart him.
Superman is strong, but he's still not up to faceing the mad titan. Same for Cyborg.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by dvampire
How am I being bias?

Fine Sentry will beat Thanos, is that better?
Saying Hulk and Iron Man could... That's a dead giveaway there.
Originally posted by Adam Warlock
Saying Hulk and Iron Man could... That's a dead giveaway there.
You misunderstood my post man.

I said Hulk and Ironman whould lose to Thanos and that Sentry is lacking feats.

Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
Strange can.
Thor only did when Thanos was cocky and let him get close enough to hit him on the head with his hammer.
SS loses. Besides which, marvel lists Thanoses speed at 7, so he's as fast as SS anyway.
Doomsday will win unless Thanos manages to outsmart him.
Superman is strong, but he's still not up to faceing the mad titan. Same for Cyborg.
You are definitely entitled to your opinion. I haven't seen any strength feats for thanos suggesting what you say. The guy is intelligent, and he can laughs off energy blasts but he isn't invincible or physically invulnerable.
As for Cyborg, there is a thanos vs cyborg thread already. Quite a few people agreed that its a good fight.
No. He said hulk and Iron man coulden't as well.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
You are definitely entitled to your opinion. I haven't seen any strength feats for thanos suggesting what you say. The guy is intelligent, and he can laughs off energy blasts but he isn't invincible or physically invulnerable.
As for Cyborg, there is a thanos vs cyborg thread already. Quite a few people agreed that its a good fight.
Marvel list him as class 7 durablity. In a purely phisical match Superman could take it, but with his power cosmic Thanos wins.
I Don't know that much about Cyborg superman, I think I've seen him all of one time, So I won't comment on that.
The only thing Superman and Sentry have going for them against Thanos is the element of surprise. Thanos is like Doom where he has a contingency plan for most well renouned super beings in the universe...being unfamiliar with Supes and Sentry would give them some kind of advantage til he figures out their powers....that is...unless he doesnt just blow them up.
Strange may have a change...Genis-vel may also...they rn't going to give Thanos any surprises though. Champion stands no chance considering he is one of the strongestand oldest people in the continuum like he says...That means Thanos planned for him long ago. Surfer goes down, Thor goes down HARD...
Why does Thanos always be given the prep time, but not the other fighters? In a fare fight against people like Superman, Surfer (if Thanos doesn't mess with his head), and Genis, they could and whould beat Thanos.
He's not giveing him prep time. He's saying the battle would go on long enough for Thanos to understand his power and act acordingly.
Originally posted by sam_drugbringer
He's not giveing him prep time. He's saying the battle would go on long enough for Thanos to understand his power and act acordingly.
Yes, but the other characters aren't stupid either though. They could do the same thing.

prep time and intelligence are tow different things...to say Thanos hasnt already planned for the contingency of fighting Adam Warlock or Silver Surfer again or saying that he cant form a strategy from observing his opponent in action, would be taking him out of character. U have to consider his superhuman intelligence, computing, and comprehension...Thanos thinks so fast and powerfully he can articulate a complex strategy to victory in microseconds...otherwise he would just be a suped up Drax.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
With no plot devices, pis, or prep?
Warlock - He's done it before.
Doomsday - A beast
Cyborg Supes - No pis, can match thanos power for power
Surfer - Same as Cyborg
Strange - He's fought death itself and done well.
Zatanna (surprise, surprise, I know)
Thor - Well Written
Superman Blue (totally different power base)
Warlock - big maybe
Doomsday - depends on what "victory" means. I'm thinking Thanos can indeed for a long time keep on killing Doomsday, and doomsday keep coming back. However, if he's smart, which we all know he is, he'll just get bored, teleport to his ship and back in under 2 seconds, with his nice shiney "imprison an asgardian God" gun. the end.
Cyborg Supes - don't know enough about him to be honest.
Surfer - no chance in hell. He's been shown to be Thanos' inferior waaaaaaaaaaay too many times.
Strange - i don't know for certain......i'd say it depends on the writer. I mean hell, if Namor could break the bands of Cyttorak....i don't know.
Zatanna - What could she throw at him magic-wise that he hasn't already taken and survived in his encounter with Odin? Does she have more powerful magic than Odin? If she does, then hell yeah.
Thor - well written? Ummmmm...............no?
Superman and Superman blue - again.....don't know quite enough about them, but......when it comes to strength, i don't know if they could beat Thanos right away. He's stayed at it with Champion (that had the Power Gem), with warrior madness Thor (that had the power gem), with Tyrant, etc. When it comes to Heat Vision, Thanos' cosmic blast vision took out both Thor and Thing in one go. I don't recall how Supes' heat vision fared against Thor. Freeze Breath.......this could pose a big problem, but i don't see Superman using it really often......i don't know. Speed blitzing - teleport out of the way? i dunno.
As for Sentry or Genis, has either of them beaten Silver Surfer quite as many times as Thanos has? Has either of them displayed the kind of durability that Thanos did in his fight with a skyfather? I wouldn't be so sure that they can take him.
If proven wrong on any account, i shall admit to be....well......wrong
Originally posted by Wickerman
Warlock - big maybe
Doomsday - depends on what "victory" means. I'm thinking Thanos can indeed for a long time keep on killing Doomsday, and doomsday keep coming back. However, if he's smart, which we all know he is, he'll just get bored, teleport to his ship and back in under 2 seconds, with his nice shiney "imprison an asgardian God" gun. the end.
Cyborg Supes - don't know enough about him to be honest.
Surfer - no chance in hell. He's been shown to be Thanos' inferior waaaaaaaaaaay too many times.
Strange - i don't know for certain......i'd say it depends on the writer. I mean hell, if Namor could break the bands of Cyttorak....i don't know.
Zatanna - What could she throw at him magic-wise that he hasn't already taken and survived in his encounter with Odin? Does she have more powerful magic than Odin? If she does, then hell yeah.
Thor - well written? Ummmmm...............no?
Superman and Superman blue - again.....don't know quite enough about them, but......when it comes to strength, i don't know if they could beat Thanos right away. He's stayed at it with Champion (that had the Power Gem), with warrior madness Thor (that had the power gem), with Tyrant, etc. When it comes to Heat Vision, Thanos' cosmic blast vision took out both Thor and Thing in one go. I don't recall how Supes' heat vision fared against Thor. Freeze Breath.......this could pose a big problem, but i don't see Superman using it really often......i don't know. Speed blitzing - teleport out of the way? i dunno.
As for Sentry or Genis, has either of them beaten Silver Surfer quite as many times as Thanos has? Has either of them displayed the kind of durability that Thanos did in his fight with a skyfather? I wouldn't be so sure that they can take him.
If proven wrong on any account, i shall admit to be....well......wrong
Odin pretty much blasted him most of the time, he didn't really fight him imo. Thanos knows when to bounce to look good as well. With Mad Thor, he just happend to have a weapon handy to hold Thor (which was PIS..how can you restrain someone with the power gem?) Against Tyrant. He used his teleport device to get out while the getting was good.
Lock up Thanos in a room where he cant teleport out or leave in any way and put him against those 3 characters again. See how bad he gets beat.
Zatanna stopped time around Despero to win that battle, I dont see why that wouldnt be a viable tactic. Odin should have easily been able to do the same or much,much worse.
As the thread implies, I believe Normal Thor has a chance of winning...I just don't think it's likely.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Odin pretty much blasted him most of the time, he didn't really fight him imo. Thanos knows when to bounce to look good as well. With Mad Thor, he just happend to have a weapon handy to hold Thor (which was PIS..how can you restrain someone with the power gem?) Against Tyrant. He used his teleport device to get out while the getting was good.
Lock up Thanos in a room where he cant teleport out or leave in any way and put him against those 3 characters again. See how bad he gets beat.
Zatanna stopped time around Despero to win that battle, I dont see why that wouldnt be a viable tactic. Odin should have easily been able to do the same or much,much worse.
As the thread implies, I believe Normal Thor has a chance of winning...I just don't think it's likely.
He did have a weapon nearby, but it's not like he just went ahead and used it. Nope. He fought warrior madness Thor with the power gem for quite a long time. And then, when he got bored (not beaten, but bored), he took out the gun.
I agree that he wasn't AS strong as Tyrant, or winning, but he did survive what destroyed about half of Tyrant's fortress, and managed to steal Tyrant's orb, and managed to fight Tyrant and live to talk about it. And that IMO is indeed quite a feat of strength when you know Tyrant.
Didn't know about Zatanna's time stopping feat.......seems a bit too strong for my liking, but meh. Did she just do it instantly or tried to fight despero before, realized it's not working and resorted to it? Cause if she applies the same thing instead of going directly for the time stop thing which might or might not (i dunno) be faster than a cosmic blast from Thanos, then yeah, sure, she probably could incapacitate/beat him.
As for normal thor, he's already been beaten.
Thanos was trying to reason with Odin who was legitimately enraged with the Titan;hanos wasnt trying to mount a real offense; One doesn't enlist someone's assistance by trying to hurt them.
Originally posted by Wickerman
He did have a weapon nearby, but it's not like he just went ahead and used it. Nope. He fought warrior madness Thor with the power gem for quite a long time. And then, when he got bored (not beaten, but bored), he took out the gun.
I agree that he wasn't AS strong as Tyrant, or winning, but he did survive what destroyed about half of Tyrant's fortress, and managed to steal Tyrant's orb, and managed to fight Tyrant and live to talk about it. And that IMO is indeed quite a feat of strength when you know Tyrant.
Didn't know about Zatanna's time stopping feat.......seems a bit too strong for my liking, but meh. Did she just do it instantly or tried to fight despero before, realized it's not working and resorted to it? Cause if she applies the same thing instead of going directly for the time stop thing which might or might not (i dunno) be faster than a cosmic blast from Thanos, then yeah, sure, she probably could incapacitate/beat him.
As for normal thor, he's already been beaten.
Bored was short for "I won't be able to beat this guy, but let me pull out my PIS gun and end this"...lol
As for Zatanna, she came out of the blue with the words "potp orepsed" and froze him in time. I agree...a bit too powerful for my tastes as well.
Originally posted by Wynndar
Thanos was trying to reason with Odin who was legitimately enraged with the Titan;hanos wasnt trying to mount a real offense; One doesn't enlist someone's assistance by trying to hurt them.
But do you actuallly think that Thanos would have stood a chance in a real battle against him?
Thanos is lower than Odin. But the fact that he can engage him for a substancial amount of time by employing his raw physical power is quite impressive.
Originally posted by Wynndar
prep time and intelligence are tow different things...to say Thanos hasnt already planned for the contingency of fighting Adam Warlock or Silver Surfer again or saying that he cant form a strategy from observing his opponent in action, would be taking him out of character. U have to consider his superhuman intelligence, computing, and comprehension...Thanos thinks so fast and powerfully he can articulate a complex strategy to victory in microseconds...otherwise he would just be a suped up Drax.
But that's what I mean though, Superman also is highly intelligent, Thor is an intelligent fighter if written properly, and Genis.

i actually sort of forgot how how thanos' durability is...without forecields or tech, he withstood some moderate blasts from ODIN. freaking odin. with tech and forcefields, he survived a blast from galactus with little harm done...
i dunno, i can't imagine somebody under skyfather who has the offensive capabilities.
He's also taken shots from kosmos (the cube being) when she went mad, and was able to best her. In the same comic she was able to blink 50,000 people into oblivion in milliseconds.
Oh and as for that strange's forcefields surviving Galactus's energy beams, nobody stated they're his strongest, while when he blasted Thanos in enraged mode, he said "Very Impressive Titan. never before have i had to exert myself in order to pierce a mere force field". Also, i believe that comic is more recent than the strange one. Therefore Thanos' shields > Strange's shields.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
Odin pretty much blasted him most of the time, he didn't really fight him imo. Thanos knows when to bounce to look good as well. With Mad Thor, he just happend to have a weapon handy to hold Thor (which was PIS..how can you restrain someone with the power gem?) Against Tyrant. He used his teleport device to get out while the getting was good.
Lock up Thanos in a room where he cant teleport out or leave in any way and put him against those 3 characters again. See how bad he gets beat.
Zatanna stopped time around Despero to win that battle, I dont see why that wouldnt be a viable tactic. Odin should have easily been able to do the same or much,much worse.
As the thread implies, I believe Normal Thor has a chance of winning...I just don't think it's likely.
Thing is in that same battle
Odin K.O both Drax , and Silver Surfer ------ both have survived planet destroying blast.
Odin was trying a lot harder with Thanos.
Thanos written to that type of Durability will laugh at any attack by most heroes

The funniest is that Marvel would actually show Wolverine to do able to do better than some

Eros did comment during the IG series that he saw Wolverine as the least likely in being effective during the attack against Thanos before he plummeted his claws into his chest.
Actually, wasn't the purpose of that judgement trial after he first got IG was that he was unsuited for it unlike Thanos? He is experienced with the soul gem, but I wouldn't equate him being the best with the IG. He is the cause of the Infinity War and Crusade when he subconsciously (accidentally caused...) Goddess and Magus to manifest.
In regards to the pic. you provided, I actually got the impression that he did somehow evade that attack and not take the full brunt of it. In the same series, he was blasted down by the likes of Kang and Doom and it's pretty safe to assume
Galactus' blast > Kang or Doom
One-Shot K.O. Drax
K Von Doom
Originally posted by radioboy121
Actually, wasn't the purpose of that judgement trial after he first got IG was that he was unsuited for it unlike Thanos? He is experienced with the soul gem, but I wouldn't equate him being the best with the IG. He is the cause of the Infinity War and Crusade when he subconsciously (accidentally caused...) Goddess and Magus to manifest.
Warlock wanted to be supreme being after he got the IG (he mentioned something to the heroes that there was a new supreme being that could be trusted, or something like that) so there was a trial to see if he was fit to wield the IG, that and Eternity wanted the gems.
There was no trial for Thanos because he only wanted to replace Eternity (not a cosmic crime, by Tribuna'ls standards).
1st Shot Thanos takes
Originally posted by K Von Doom
Warlock wanted to be supreme being after he got the IG (he mentioned something to the heroes that there was a new supreme being that could be trusted, or something like that) so there was a trial to see if he was fit to wield the IG, that and Eternity wanted the gems.
Warlock and Thanos had the same goal.
Eternity, however, decided to attack Warlock's past and accuse him of being to unstable to wield the IG. Bringing up the HIVE, Warlock as HE, the Magus, etc.
LT agreed Warlock was too unstable minded to posses the IG.
2nd Shot Thanos takes - Odin w/ both hands this time
One-Shot K.O.s Surfer
3rd Shot Thanos takes
3rd Shot Odin takes...from Thanos
4th Shot Thanos takes
K Von Doom
Originally posted by Beyonder
Eternity, however, decided to attack Warlock's past and accuse him of being to unstable to wield the IG. Bringing up the HIVE, Warlock as HE, the Magus, etc.
The Living Tribunal would have known about Thanos' past as well but no judgement was made about his ability to wield the IG because replacing Eternity wasnt a cosmic crime.
4th Shot Odin takes - Imprisoned in Force Block, no gun in sight
Originally posted by K Von Doom
The Living Tribunal would have known about Thanos' past as well but no judgement was made about his ability to wield the IG because replacing Eternity wasnt a cosmic crime.
Well, actually yes. But it was more of arguments made from the facts at hand by Eternity, rather than just having facts. Eternity's argument was the reason.
Thanos was actually born from parents. Warlock was an experiment among other problems that Eternity brought up.
Both wanted to be Supreme Being, replacing Eternity. With Warlock however, Eternity argued Warlock to be unstable and could pose a threat to existence. Anyways, that was Eternity's argument.
5th Shot Thanos takes, against Gungnir this time
Destruction to Asgard
6th Shot Thanos takes
Thanos dragged by Odin, powerful impact
Struggling to his feat but still not K.O.ed
Both ready to continue but were interrupted, Thanos is still fine
I love that issue, though I don't know if I'd call Thanos "fine" at the end of that. If Odin had been thinking more clearly instaid of raging and blasting away he could have turned Thanos into a newt or something. I think Odin would have continued to wear Thanos down and eventually won that fight. However, the fact that he could even hang with Odin at all in a raw power slugfest, especially after the All-Father one-shotted both the Surfer and Drax, tells you where Thanos is at power-wise.
silver surfer dr.strange and thor are imo fully capable of beating thanos if their not jobbing,the surfer for some reason always ends up h2h with thanos i call that bad writing.warlock beats him every time cause he owns him not by fighting but with his mind and knowing the titan like the back of his hand.every being below sky father dont have the stamina and endurance to hang wit thanos.
Odin was clearly owning Thanos in that fight, but simply standing after that attack puts Thanos's defence quite high.
Originally posted by thesilverspider
silver surfer dr.strange and thor are imo fully capable of beating thanos if their not jobbing,the surfer for some reason always ends up h2h with thanos i call that bad writing.warlock beats him every time cause he owns him not by fighting but with his mind and knowing the titan like the back of his hand.every being below sky father dont have the stamina and endurance to hang wit thanos.
Not true fact is Thanos has taken SS best and laughed at it.
Strange has admitted he can't take him.
Thor he got his ass kicked without major amping
Thanos even defeated Mad Thor (with gem)
Hourman III he could have just gone back in time and killed him at his weakest point. Of course that was before he was depowered.
loki might be able to, the asgardian destroyer migh, the forgotten one was thanos's equal in power but lacked brains. i doubt even doom with prep could. problem is, thanos is the just about the best there is below skyfather, the only one who really stands a chance is adam warlock.
Perhaps Mangog, but he could arguably be put on Skyfather level.
i bet karate kid would whip him good
Originally posted by leonheartmm
...the only one who really stands a chance is adam warlock.
I gotta say it again: CLOAK!
He came the closest to bagging him in the Infinity Gauntlet. If Thanos hadn't had the Power and Reality gems on his fist he'd have been one tasty meal for the Darkness Within. The fact that Cloak contained him for even a brief time is amazing!
The only people who've been able to stand up to cloak have been high-level magic wielders like Nightmare, Mr. Jip, and Doc Strange.
Adam Warlock
Originally posted by Beyonder
Well, actually yes. But it was more of arguments made from the facts at hand by Eternity, rather than just having facts. Eternity's argument was the reason.
Thanos was actually born from parents. Warlock was an experiment among other problems that Eternity brought up.
Both wanted to be Supreme Being, replacing Eternity. With Warlock however, Eternity argued Warlock to be unstable and could pose a threat to existence. Anyways, that was Eternity's argument.
Plus Eternity has a grudge against Warlock. He thinks Warlock stole a small portion of his power.
Adam Warlock with soul gem wins easy.
King KAM
Just so all of you know, Sentry is above skyfather.
Onslaught at his peak? That whole alter reality thing would be *****.
King KAM
Originally posted by XerxesLogan
Onslaught at his peak? That whole alter reality thing would be *****. not enough
Originally posted by gautam
Morg w/ WOL runner is skyfather level, and Morg should stay in his place like a goodboy.
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
With no plot devices, pis, or prep?
Warlock - He's done it before.
Doomsday - A beast
Cyborg Supes - No pis, can match thanos power for power
Surfer - Same as Cyborg
Strange - He's fought death itself and done well.
Zatanna (surprise, surprise, I know)
Thor - Well Written
Superman Blue (totally different power base)
im waiting for someone to say Bruce Almighty....oooppss,i mean Batman.
Pre-Crisis Superman....
None of the heralds could do it...
Thor could possibly do it if he got a good godblast shot in...
Serious magic users like Strange could possibly do it...
the Darkone
Originally posted by jacobo0o
could any of these guys beat thanos or have a chance against him?
black bolt- hell no
green lantern hal - he will get his ass kicked like silver surfer
maestro hulk or guilt hulk- maestro hulk maybe or hell will join thanos
lobo- will get beat down with his own crowbar
sentry- not yet, thanos will still kick his ass
iorn man enhanced armor- scrap matel
the Darkone
Originally posted by Avalonofthewind
With no plot devices, pis, or prep?
Warlock - He's done it before.
Doomsday - A beast
Cyborg Supes - No pis, can match thanos power for power
Surfer - Same as Cyborg
Strange - He's fought death itself and done well.
Zatanna (surprise, surprise, I know)
Thor - Well Written
Superman Blue (totally different power base)
Warlock- it's 50/50 go either way.
Doomsday- will get own or transported to a black hole
Cyborg Superman/henshaw- Thanos eats him for lunch and dinner
Surfer- only beat him once so he can do it again but highly doubtful
strange- would give him hell, but in the end will fall to Thanos
Zantanna- Thanos will straight abuse her
Thor- has better chance then most against the mad titan
Superman- will get f**ked up beyond recognition
Superman Blue- will get f**ked also
the Darkone
I feel these people have a better chance then most,
Desak- god killer
Asgardian Destroyer- depends who is operating it
The Runner- with warp-speed with vast strength
The Magus (adam warlock darkside)- has beaten thanos before
Zuras- As prime eternal fought zeus to a stalemate
the doctor, or is he considered too high?
thor has a chance if he is written properly. could thanos withstand a godblast? hmm? didn't it destroy the destroyer and THAT was made to withstand celestials . . . ?
warlock only if he uses the gem.
dd could certainly do it but BFR is an option for thanos.
actually av DID make a good argument for the cyborg.
strange ALWAYS has a chance.
what about god-like cable?
could apoc if he was written correctly?
onslaught BEFORE his final tranformation.
if what armando says about genis is true, he seems like a candidate.
Originally posted by ZephroCarnelian
Pre-Crisis Superman....
None of the heralds could do it...
Thor could possibly do it if he got a good godblast shot in...
Serious magic users like Strange could possibly do it...
Pre-Crisis Supes was beyond Skyfather.
Adam Warlock
You guys think thanos can take doomsday without teleporting him just a straight up brawl...
The only chance Strange has is drawing power from a God Like Visanti Silver Surfer has no Chance. Thanos is way to smart to get beat by anybody but a Sky Father and only a extreme Sky Father.
Originally posted by id369
Adam Warlock
That’s the original thanos?

That Thanos ain't nothing to the to todays Thanos.
That one book where Strange and Warlock bring Thanos to that room and Thanos and Silver Surfer start fight Warlock says he don't have the power to separate these two.
the Darkone
Originally posted by Crease
:Wtf:Pre-Crisis Supes was beyond Skyfather.
Skyfathers>>>> pre-crisis superman
adam warlock is the only one i can think of n btw
dr strange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skyfather
n presrisis superman>>>>>>>>>>>>skyfather
the Darkone
Originally posted by leonheartmm
adam warlock is the only one i can think of n btw

dr strange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skyfather

presrisis superman>>>>>>>>>>>>skyfather
Originally posted by leonheartmm
adam warlock is the only one i can think of n btw
dr strange>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> skyfather
ya that's why he stoped MAD THOR , and got knocked out by BRB
Originally posted by kgkg
ya that's why he stoped MAD THOR , and got knocked out by BRB
no because CURRENT drstrange has defeated
dormammu{multiple times}
shuma gorath
inbetweener{two times}
death{two times}
galactus{a couple of times}
n has stalemated
the infinity gauntlett
and has actually RESISTED the power of the living tribunal n shown power greater than zom n cyttorak. all these beings are WAYYYYYY above skyfather level. dr strange is just about the most powerful mortal in the marvel mutiverse currently.
defeated death twice and galactus twice, huh? care to show us?
Originally posted by leonidas
defeated death twice and galactus twice, huh? care to show us?
i wud love to but i dont have the pages right now, theyv been posted many times before on these forums too so u can check with any1 if u think im makin shit up.
Originally posted by leonheartmm
no because CURRENT drstrange has defeated
dormammu{multiple times}
shuma gorath
inbetweener{two times}
death{two times}
galactus{a couple of times}
n has stalemated
the infinity gauntlett
and has actually RESISTED the power of the living tribunal n shown power greater than zom n cyttorak. all these beings are WAYYYYYY above skyfather level. dr strange is just about the most powerful mortal in the marvel mutiverse currently.
All involved prep and help from (from other demons and comics)
and ya CURRENT Strange couldn't take Mad Thor , ya Strange said he can't beat Thanos , Ya strange said Silver Surfer is more powerful than himself.
kgkg stop actin like an idiot, statin means nuthin if he beat am all, n most of these fights didnt include a lot of prep if any at all, n help. whered u get the help part from? it was only against galactus that he had help. actually whenever hes attacked him theres almost no simultaneous offensive by any1 else.
well, he knocked galactus down, once . . . is THAT what you're counting as a win? he also attacked death once, though the attack did absolutely nothing except disperse its image for a moment.
are THOSE what you're talking about?
Originally posted by leonheartmm
kgkg stop actin like an idiot, statin means nuthin if he beat am all, n most of these fights didnt include a lot of prep if any at all, n help. whered u get the help part from? it was only against galactus that he had help. actually whenever hes attacked him theres almost no simultaneous offensive by any1 else.
he doesn't need help really now
dormammu{multiple times} ------- ya and dormammu beats normal Strange easily
shuma gorath ------------- he did that in his own power.

Shuma owns strange
inbetweener{two times} --------- ya by using order and Choas
death{two times}
galactus{a couple of times} --------------- Ohh really now Galactus has traped strange like there is no today
again just shows that Strage has lot of prep and help , in most cases he can't take any of these guys
superman 1000 000?
batman 1000 000?
Originally posted by leonidas
superman 1000 000?
batman 1000 000? i don't think so

ya, why'd i figure you'd say that . . .
the doctor or jenny from the authourity oh yes
Dr Fate? hmmm who can be Thanos thinks to self yeah Magus is not a sky father cause he lost to like 3 x-men i think he really beat the crap out of thanos in the comics, thor yeah right Thanos beat thor AND the thing at once pfft not to mention most of the avengers only reason he lost is cause Warlock grabbed him and turned him to stone you all forget that Strange even with out his powers is amazing hand to hand he beat black panther and mantis oh and mantis took thanos down with a nerve pinch and thor too and she doesnt even have super strenght Strange has trained with super natural beings he beat both mantis AND black panther. Who else can beat Thanos hmmm maybe magneto, maybe not SS.......HAHA NO! cyborg superman maybeeeee cyborg superman could controll the source wall cause he has power over metal and the source is even stronger then LT the source is strong enough to take down Yuga Khan who took down both Darkside and Skyfather like it was a joke and singlehandedly at that he beat both new genesis and darksieds armies i belive i might be wrong, juggernaut might be able to beat him also eigth day jugs and the other guys who have powers like Juggs dont remeber what they were called. Thanos is like Doom times 10 doom almost killed Himself trying to get the power of galactus to get the power of the original beyonder while thanos outsmarted everyone to get the IG and even THOTU and the cosmic cube.
bleh sorry i cant put Yuga Khan he is above sky father since he is better then Darkside
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