Full Power Spectre VS. Lucifer Morningstar
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Adam Warlock
Who takes it?
According to some, Spectre is a part of the Presence, therefore his power is equal to the Presence. Like different sides of a coin. Can Lucifer Morningstar overcome The Spectre?
Adam Warlock
According to other peoples logic, Spectre wins.
... Yeha basicly.
If Spectre is at FULL SUPER POWER mode, he should be able to kill anything below the Presence.
no, spectar is after all just a WRAITH of god, even though he gets his powers form the presence it is wrong to believe that the servant will ever be even close to the master, spectar will NEVER be close to the level of lucifer or micheal let alone god or the presence. lucifer wins, with reletive ease.
Lucifer Morningstar.
Spectre cant even beat Micheal and Lucifer and Spectre once met before when Lucifer was moving the moon from what ive heard and spectre asked what he was doing Lucifer told him to bug off i think and Spectre went away sad.
Lucifer is more a part of the presance then the spectre i mean wasnt he suppose to be his successor? HELLO
Yes but what if God want Lucifer down....than he his going down right? That is Spectre full power, permission of God.
YO dis guy^ be speakin the truthz.
why would the presance put ALL his power inside the spectre he would probably have to deal with Lucifer himself
Well just to humble Lucifer by telling him " I don't need to do it myself."
YO praizing be needed 4 my manz up ^ hurr.
thats not technallcly the spectre winning if its not even his own power but the presance im talking about his own power and not the presance he would lose.
Spectre is the God's anger personified.... If Presence want Lucifer down, he's down baby. Spectre on his own, is just a powerful spirit. Spectre main job was the will of the Presence. That is his actual power.
Yo dis cat be on the downstreamz wit da info ^ praizez be to him.
Damn you stalking me /\
YO allz yall listend up to dis bloke^ he got madz talkins.
Spectre doesnt win anything under his own power he would lose and ONLY if The Preseance put alot of his power into the spectre would he win but with out the power of the spectre to boost him he would loose horribly.
Originally posted by Mider
Spectre doesnt win anything under his own power he would lose and ONLY if The Preseance put alot of his power into the spectre would he win but with out the power of the spectre to boost him he would loose horribly.
That's the point of the "Full Power" thing. The real question is, what is Spectre's Full Potential? Can the Presence really make him omnipotent, or is there a cap to how powerful he can get? If there is a cap, Lucifer can probably take him. If Presence can fill him to infinity, NOTHING, including Lucifer, would be able to beat him, short of the Presence itself.
That said, I really have not seen ANY indication that the Spectre has a limit, when backed by the Presence. Evey time Presence has willed him to do something, he has been powerful enough to do it. I think that would include taking out Lucifer, if it really needed to be done.
Psycho Ninja
That's the point of the "Full Power" thing. The real question is, what is Spectre's Full Potential? Can the Presence really make him omnipotent, or is there a cap to how powerful he can get? If there is a cap, Lucifer can probably take him. If Presence can fill him to infinity, NOTHING, including Lucifer, would be able to beat him, short of the Presence itself.
That said, I really have not seen ANY indication that the Spectre has a limit, when backed by the Presence. Evey time Presence has willed him to do something, he has been powerful enough to do it. I think that would include taking out Lucifer, if it really needed to be done.
Yes, but he has been beaten by Phantom Stranger, just cuz he did somethin that God didnt willed to be done by him !!!
But in the other hand, he beated every magic force on Earth, without God willing him to do so !!!
But he has also been beaten by imps.........
Spectre without permission = "unpredictable"
Spectre with permission = undefeatable........
NB: unpredictable is can mean strong and weak at the same time you know........
Actually I see this as a tie.Against anyone else spectre would demolish them but Lucifer is one of the if not the only person capable of fighting God on a levil playing feild.It comes down to spectre's raw power to Lucifers experience using that kind of power.
under his own power maybe he has little or no power i dont know but i dont think that thats fair using the preseance power and i dont think that even at that would he be able to defeat lucifer morningstar he was going to be the successor of the preseance for goodness sake have you not read his bio ONLY his brother micheal is his equal and only the preseance is above the both of them.
Lucifer would beat most incarnations of Spectre mostly because the humans that bond to it limit the Spectre's omnipotence through pure lack of understanding. The human mind is limited, but Spectre's powers, as long as The Logoz is with the user, is not limited. It just needs the human judge.
Originally posted by Mider
under his own power maybe he has little or no power i dont know but i dont think that thats fair using the preseance power and i dont think that even at that would he be able to defeat lucifer morningstar he was going to be the successor of the preseance for goodness sake have you not read his bio ONLY his brother micheal is his equal and only the preseance is above the both of them. You have to understand, The Spectre is part of the Presence.
Originally posted by Juntai
You have to understand, The Spectre is part of the Presence.
that's the problem mider talks out his ass he has no clue what so ever.
I've heard that in Spectre V 3 that Spectre said he coulda won vs The Beast if the human host hadn't gone crazy with all power being given to him(Corrigan). If thats true then Spectre alone would own the Beast. then Lucifer would lose. Maybe Juntai would know, if thats true or not, could u tell us Juntai?

, at 1 point I believe he almost beat Michael.
Lucifer could still win if given enough prep time. He would also need major rest after this fight. Lucifer beat someone (also managed to kill Fenris who was immortal) whos been planning on killing him almost FOREVER! they both have had good fights they have been in that 1 or the other could pull out a win. to close to call
oh Mider bro its The Presence not The Preseance

whatever point is it shouldnt count as the spectre winning when using so much of his own power and read the bio oh dear friends im not talking out of anything sept my mouth and from information presented spectre being who he is is getting out of hand its rediculous now your saying he could defeat the presence and whatever he cant defeat Lucifer IMO and if you think he can i still think he cant under his own power.
I give the match to Lucifer.
He uses his mind as a powerfull weapon.
if the joker can outsmart the spectre so could Lucifer if black alice can somehow take his powers so could Lucifer and even more easily at that. Lucifer is like thanos times 1000
Solidus Snake
and spectre is the wrath of God which is thanos X 99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999
ha funny NOT he is no such thing Lucifer and him have met in the past and spectre was put to shame so much for his uber power.
Full power Spectre, Lucy is creamed!!!
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