Route 666?

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Has anyone ever seen Route 666? It was on Sci Fi, but I decided to not watch it. I was gonna, cause Lori Petty is in it, but then I switched to Shaun of the Dead, smile. So, anyone know what its about?

name is interiguing but u cant beet shawn of the dead lol

lol, I almost watched it every week when my dad sent it to me smile

ive only seen it once but i loved it i own it i keep on planning to watch it never get around to do it tho sad

You own like, the real DVD of it, or only vhs?


Lucky! Have you ever seen the "funky pete" little special feature?

i might of cant remember i watched the movie last year

Saw Route 666 some years ago, it's ok but not very good. Especially compared to movies like Shaun.
The ghosts of a prison chain gang that once worked the road now haunt it. A mob-informer on the run and the feds trying to save him from his enemies end up in the ghost's territory. Think '13 ghosts' on the road.
It's a real B-horror, the acting isn't spectacular and the ghost-effects a bit cheap. Still, it has some nice scares and kills, to bad the movie has a low pace. Good to see on tv though.

Originally posted by Pandemoniac
Saw Route 666 some years ago, it's ok but not very good. Especially compared to movies like Shaun.
The ghosts of a prison chain gang that once worked the road now haunt it. A mob-informer on the run and the feds trying to save him from his enemies end up in the ghost's territory. Think '13 ghosts' on the road.
It's a real B-horror, the acting isn't spectacular and the ghost-effects a bit cheap. Still, it has some nice scares and kills, to bad the movie has a low pace. Good to see on tv though.

Oh, thanks for the little summary!

Originally posted by b-dan
i might of cant remember i watched the movie last year

Well, you know the part where Shaun and Ed are listening to some Electrode, or whatever, and then Pete gets angry and pissy and gets in a big arguement with Ed and Shaun, and how Pete says F*ck all the time? Well they change all the f*cks with funk, and when Ed says prick, its replaced with prink, its hillarious!

I watched this movie some time ago. It was pretty stupid. I def don't recommend it to anyone.

In The Mouth Of Madness

Lost Highway

Check those two out.


I've seen In The Mouth of Madness. Man, that movie depressed me for like, two days. It was so weird!

i was depressed when i saw land of the dead

why were you depressed from land of the dead?

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