-=- I miss The Matrix Hype -=-

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Koala MeatPie
I just re-saw "the Final Flight of the osiris" On T.V, and it filled me with an adrenaline rush like only the MAtrix Could. I miss the Old Matrix Hype When we where all exited for the relaese of the second Movie, and the ETM.

heck, thats the reason I joined the forums...

sad sad i know,i know sad we have to do something about it.

I thought THe Path of Neo may do it, but yeah the Matrix Reloaded was the whole reason I joined this particular forum in the first place. The only thing that could possibly do it is another Matrix movie, but they would have to do it right... It would be hard but I think there would be a way to make a fourth one, or TV series would be cool.

Yep, I joined these forums because of The Matrix movies. Man that was a long time ago.

2003 messed

Koala MeatPie
I joined because I Couldn't get past a certain point in ETM, and found this place... 2003.


(No pun intended)

And wow, it has been revived almost 1 year after its creation...

Well its pretty much died, because I remember posts would be up in the hundreds in one day. Now it gets what one or two a week at the best. I miss all the anticipation and suspense until Reloaded came out, then the even more speculation and anticipation waiting for Revolutions and the disappointment that followed, from others not myself. The general viewing public wanted black and white, good vs evil, human = good, machine = evil. Good wins right? Well it was as spelled out for them, there wasn't definite end, which was planned, because they had the The Matrix Online to follow up, which was stupid for those of us that can't keep up on a weekly or monthly basis, I work offshore and can't play while I'm out here. I'd have to wait til I got home. Anyways... I wish something would come around that was as mind numbingly insane as it... Sadly nothing yet.......

I miss it too....am a huuuuuuge fan....love the trilogy as hole not partial...well there is hope that W. brothers will do something similar!

I mean V rocked all the way! ^^

They should make another matrix movie then

perhapse in 10-15-20 years there will be a remake! ^^

I doubt it..... I think this forum is on its way the the shit heap..... there is just no point to it. sorry to be the one to say this but there will most likely never be another matrix movie again. So i dont see a large point in this Forum anymore... we have discussed EVERYTHING to do with the matrix. it is dead

If they would've made it easier to stick with The Matrix Online, rather than monthly fee, maybe just pay ever so often for updates, may have been better. I still think there was plenty of potential to explore backstories and maybe some of the other lesser known stories, like from the comic book could have been explored in a live action series! I think they should have poured all the money and energies into making a Matrix: Resurrection series. They could have followed the same storyline they were following in The Matrix Online. They didn't necessarily have to have the same actors playing the characters, because they really would have been expensive, but as long they got them close enough it would have been cool! I think so anyway...

NO wait till it comes out on HD DVD with more extres eek!

Originally posted by coolmovies
NO wait till it comes out on HD DVD with more extres eek!


Uh ... what exactly?? The ultimate collection? I thought it was out already.. Oh well It will be much longer before I get an HD-TV anyway...

Am 100% sure that there will be a remake in 15-20 years...or a trick like Star Wars....lets now talk about the future or past of the Matrix world

yep it will come out in HD that will blow u away

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