kyp durron vs. mace windu

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furbys are evil
the setting is on yavin 4 out in the jungle

DE Calvin
which Kyp?

Dark Aristokrat
Doesn't matter. Mace Windu is black. He wins via Cool Black Guy syndrome.

DE Calvin
Originally posted by Dark Aristokrat
Doesn't matter. Mace Windu is black. He wins via Cool Black Guy syndrome.
Damn you Janus, stealing my lines.

Dark Aristokrat
Dude, I made those lines cool before you were born.

DE Calvin
I made those lines before you were cool.

Dark Aristokrat
No you didn't. Stop hatin', foo.

DE Calvin
Dam. Sorry, must be that haterade.

Dark Aristokrat
Shit, son. You can't afford haterade.

furbys are evil
DN kyp durron vs TCW mace windu

Dark Aristokrat
Clone Wars Mace is fiction. That cartoon poorly represents action events and therefore can't be used in debate.

DE Calvin
Originally posted by Dark Aristokrat
Shit, son. You can't afford haterade.
hahahahaha. How you gonna rip it like this, SON????

furbys are evil
no no no... from the movie not the carrtoon


Captain REX
The Clones Wars is not a movie.

In any case, Mace Windu defeats him. If Yoda were to die, Mace Windu would probably be the Grandmaster. Kyp Durron is just a powerful Jedi, but not powerful enough.

furbys are evil
clone wars attack of the clones same thing...

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