Marv from Sin City VS. The Punisher
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The Punisher takes a trip to Sin City to track down and kill Jigsaw but finds Marv instead....these two are going to get along like a mongoose and a cobra.....this just ain't gonna be pretty so place yer bets.....!!!! Who walks away from this bloodbath?

Punisher would get broke
Marv would take Punisher down.
Punisher is just like Kevin with a LOT of guns. And I've lost count of teh number of times Marv was shot in the Hard Goodbye.
I reckon Punisher would kick the teeth out of Marv for a bit. Then ol' Marvin would snap his spine over his knee.
who is this marv guy what can he do?
*jaw hits floor*
Marv is one of the main protagonists from Sin City comics.
He is about 7 foot tall, super strong, has a nice trenchcoat, has survived countless attacks and bullet wounds, taken out an entire swat team with his fists. He's just generally an innate bad ass.
so he's like walter from the mask comics or what? examples comming up
walter only broke his arm when a piano fell on him
servived being electricuted
being burned alive only lost his hair
being shot multiple times
smahes a guys head in with his bare hands
servived being stung by alot of bee's a whole box full like when you put bee's ina box to make know what i mean
Kind of.
The feats Marv have performed in the Hard Goodbye

Took out most of a swat team with his bare hands, getting shot repeatedly in the process.
Jumped through the windscreen of a moving car.
Scaled a very tall building at a sheer drop.
Took out two hitmen very easily. And nastily, too.
Shot a priest. (OMG)
Got hit by a speeding car repeatedly and survived.
Decked a coyote with one blow.
Smashed open a reinforced steel door at least 3 inches thick, by ramming himself against it repeatedly.
Killed about 5 armoured police with a tiny hatchet and his fists, getting shot at the same time.
Got shot a few more times.
Pistol-whipped violently, again and again, but just sat there and took it before breaking out of his bonds.
Got beaten up severely as all hell, and then beat his enemy by handcuffing them together so he couldn't jump around. Then he knocked him flat with one blow.
Sawed up his enemy, let his pet coyote eat the enemy's guts, then sawed his head off.
Tore a man apart with his bare hands.
Got machine-gunned all across the chest, and survived.
Executed in the electric chair. The thing is, Marv was so tough, they had to pull the lever twice to kill him off fully.
Awesomeness, no?
grey fox
Careful or Jgiant (Aka punisher8888 ) will arrive here and whine about .......
'how this thread has been done a million times' (fyi this is the third time) and how punisher would 'kick marvs ass' . Even though he cant understand the concept that while punisher is human it's blatantly obvious that marv is above the notch a little.....
sounds like a bad butt character not on walters level but darn he's almost there!
No, he's more than Walter. Seriously.
And Grey Fox, I agree with you totally. How could Punisher ever beat Marv? Or V, for that matter? They are both metahuman.
V is metahuman ? And Marv also ?? Why ?

You seriously think Marv's feats aren't metahuman? Okay, so he doesn't particularly have any powers, but hell. He is NO ordinary man, if you ask me.
And V is metahuman.
'how this thread has been done a million times' (fyi this is the third time) and how punisher would 'kick marvs ass' .
I know Punisher is cool, but you vote him for absolutely EVERYTHING. Well, that I've seen. There are some people tougher than him, you know.
you guys are really pathetic...marv is metahuman because he got hit by a car four times...ok...punisher was hit by a car too and still landed on his feet...he was shot about thirty times and lived...ok pretty impressive, but he woke up in a hospital...if it wasn't for medical attention he would have DIED...he survived getting eleticuted...ok thats pretty cool but he didn't survive the second time...bottom line is that marv can survive for a little longer than most, but eventually punisher is gunna kill is marv gunna survive about a dozen shots to the head...thats right he WOULD DIE...and don't tell me the same bull about how the same thing could happen to punisher because it know why because marv is no were near as experienced as ill leave it at that and before posting again anyone who thinks marv can win should explain how marv is gunna survive even two well placed bullets to the head...p.s. check out the punisher respect thread...i beg of will realize how wrong you guys are...ohh yeah punisher wins 14/10 times..
Okay, sigh, for the last time:
- Punisher is smarter
- Punisher is faster (yes he is, read a few Punisher comics)
- Punisher is definitely a better fighter
- Punisher is more experienced
- Punisher much better with weapons
- Punisher is at least as tough as Marv, especially when he's wearing his kevlar (and he's almost always wearing it).
All the points go the Punisher. Every single one of them. The only one that's perhaps up for debate is durability, but just like Pun, Marv remains a normal man of flesh of blood. A very tough one, but still a normal human being. Name me one thing that Punisher can't do but Marv can.
Originally posted by Etrigan
I know Punisher is cool, but you vote him for absolutely EVERYTHING. Well, that I've seen. There are some people tougher than him, you know. apparently you haven't seen all of the theads ive responded to involving punisher...i have admited many times how punisher would not win the majority...nightcrawler, deadpool, spiderman (without prep)...and the list goes on...just when punisher is put against street levelers he has a very good shot at winning...
"Jgiant (Aka punisher8888 )"
What an be compared to such a legend...thank you grey fox...i will treasure this post...
Originally posted by who?-kid
Okay, sigh, for the last time:
- Punisher is smarter
- Punisher is faster (yes he is, read a few Punisher comics)
- Punisher is definitely a better fighter
- Punisher is more experienced
- Punisher much better with weapons
- Punisher is at least as tough as Marv, especially when he's wearing his kevlar (and he's almost always wearing it).
All the points go the Punisher. Every single one of them. The only one that's perhaps up for debate is durability, but just like Pun, Marv remains a normal man of flesh of blood. A very tough one, but still a normal human being. Name me one thing that Punisher can't do but Marv can.
Nice argument, man. It amazes me how well people can support Punisher in these parts.
But can Punisher survive being smashed very hard on the head with a sledgehammer? I don't know. But marv did.
And I DO read Punisher. I know he's faster. But Kevin was faster, and Marv wasn't bothered by that. Punisher is a better fighter. So was Kevin. Punisher is more experienced. Not necessarily. Punisher IS better with weapons. True. But Marv seems to be awfully good at bullet dodging, not to mention bullet taking.
And Punisher is NEVER as tough as Marv. Frank is very damn tough. But I refuse to agree he is tougher than Marv.
And JGiant, I probably haven't seen all the threads you have ever replied in involving Punisher. But that doesn't mean I am "pathetic". Marv could win this. If somebody thinks Marv is better than Frank, doesn't mean they are stupid.
Originally posted by Etrigan
Nice argument, man. It amazes me how well people can support Punisher in these parts.
But can Punisher survive being smashed very hard on the head with a sledgehammer? I don't know. But marv did.
And I DO read Punisher. I know he's faster. But Kevin was faster, and Marv wasn't bothered by that. Punisher is a better fighter. So was Kevin. Punisher is more experienced. Not necessarily. Punisher IS better with weapons. True. But Marv seems to be awfully good at bullet dodging, not to mention bullet taking.
And Punisher is NEVER as tough as Marv. Frank is very damn tough. But I refuse to agree he is tougher than Marv.
And JGiant, I probably haven't seen all the threads you have ever replied in involving Punisher. But that doesn't mean I am "pathetic". Marv could win this. If somebody thinks Marv is better than Frank, doesn't mean they are stupid. Pathetic refering to this fight being done three times in the last two months...really people use the search option...anywho the only reason why marv loses to punisher is because of his is far supirior...marv is a notch above punisher in terms of durability...but not by much...and you mention the fight with kevin...ok...lets see...kevin wasn't using any weapons now was he...marv will be experiencing a fight with a small army when he goes against frank...and marv couldn't even survive (stay consious, he would have died without medical attention) a barage of bullets from a swat is he gunna survive frank...
Originally posted by Etrigan
Nice argument, man. It amazes me how well people can support Punisher in these parts.
I'll take that as a compliment lol.
I don't know either. Maybe, maybe not.
I disagree. Kevin was a good fighter, but nothing out of the extraordinary. He used pressure points and such, but he wasn't durable : a few good hits and he was down. The same can't be said from Punisher.
Yes, he's been around for more than 30 years in the Marvel Universe and has hundreds of appearances. Marv only a few (his own graphic novel and a few cameos in other comics - read Silent Night, great short story starring Marv)
Correction : good at dodging bullets fired by uninspired, lame policemen who couldn't hit a cow when they were sitting on one. I'd like to see Marv dodge some of Punishers well aimed shots.
Let's assume Marv is actually more durable (I am far from convinced, but okay), you still forget one thing: Kevlar. Punisher wears it all the time.
See you.
Originally posted by who?-kid
I'll take that as a compliment lol.
I don't know either. Maybe, maybe not.
I disagree. Kevin was a good fighter, but nothing out of the extraordinary. He used pressure points and such, but he wasn't durable : a few good hits and he was down. The same can't be said from Punisher.
Yes, he's been around for more than 30 years in the Marvel Universe and has hundreds of appearances. Marv only a few (his own graphic novel and a few cameos in other comics - read Silent Night, great short story starring Marv)
Correction : good at dodging bullets fired by uninspired, lame policemen who couldn't hit a cow when they were sitting on one. I'd like to see Marv dodge some of Punishers well aimed shots.
Let's assume Marv is actually more durable (I am far from convinced, but okay), you still forget one thing: Kevlar. Punisher wears it all the time.
See you. It seems that punisher is being extremely underestimated in this forum...he is human, borderline superhuman (durability and stamina) yes...but he is one of the most dangerous street levelers in comics...
he isnt more then marv seriously he got electricuted by the mask and he still didnt die then got hit by a machine gun and still servived, got hit with a flame thrower, servived a piano dropped on him, etc etc
He survived a barage of bullets thanks to medical attention
Black Adam
Originally posted by jgiant
He survived a barage of bullets thanks to medical attention
And I'm sure the Punisher can just heal that type of damage with his healing factor right?
Originally posted by Black Adam
And I'm sure the Punisher can just heal that type of damage with his healing factor right? Who the hell said that...ohh i get it...well since i have already explained myself on about three other threads about this fight i guess it wont hurt to say it for the hundreth time...punisher is not gunna get hit by this guy...if anything he will get hit in his kevlar vest...i am really getting tired of saying this...punisher is has a lifetime more experience than marv...frank deals with guys that could sh!t on marv ever week...marv is a minor inconvinience...
Punisher would beat Marv. He is faster, stronger, smarter, and his damage soak and durability are at least equal to Marv's. I don't think that Marv has much of a chance of beating Frank.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Punisher would beat Marv. He is faster, stronger, smarter, and his damage soak and durability are at least equal to Marv's. I don't think that Marv has much of a chance of beating Frank. yes i agree...
grey fox
Originally posted by who?-kid
Let's assume Marv is actually more durable (I am far from convinced, but okay), you still forget one thing: Kevlar. Punisher wears it all the time.
Kevlar means nothing , marv was ripping apart police who were in full riot gear , kevlar , visors, shields , batons the whole shiznit . And he still beat them all like red headed stepchildren.
That's very true.
I agree that Marv couldn't survive Punisher with full weaponry and all, seeing as he is much more accurate, but if it came to H2H, Marv would win. Punisher would definitely batter him badly, but Marv could take him.
Originally posted by Etrigan
That's very true.
I agree that Marv couldn't survive Punisher with full weaponry and all, seeing as he is much more accurate, but if it came to H2H, Marv would win. Punisher would definitely batter him badly, but Marv could take him. When is punisher never armed? Originally posted by grey fox
Kevlar means nothing , marv was ripping apart police who were in full riot gear , kevlar , visors, shields , batons the whole shiznit . And he still beat them all like red headed stepchildren. Listen to etrigan...once a marv supporter he has seen the light, punisher kills marv...end of story...
grey fox
Originally posted by jgiant
When is punisher never armed? Listen to etrigan...once a marv supporter he has seen the light, punisher kills marv...end of story...
No you overestimate punisher . He is just a very angry skilled human being . He is not the damn batman . He does not walk around every Mountie of every hour of every day armed to the teeth .
Originally posted by grey fox
No you overestimate punisher . He is just a very angry skilled human being . He is not the damn batman . He does not walk around every Mountie of every hour of every day armed to the teeth . Not armed to the teeth, but armed enough to take out this he is better than batman...well he did kick azreals ass...
Originally posted by jgiant
Not armed to the teeth, but armed enough to take out this he is better than batman...well he did kick azreals ass...
Hey dont push your luck to say that the punisher is better than marv is one thing but to try and say batman as well well thats just plain silly batman is on another level compared to the punisher.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Punisher would beat Marv. He is faster, stronger, smarter, and his damage soak and durability are at least equal to Marv's. I don't think that Marv has much of a chance of beating Frank. I'm not sure if Frank's stronger, but he would absolutely waste Marv. Frank shoots Marv in the head a couple of times and it's over.
Originally posted by sexyking
Hey dont push your luck to say that the punisher is better than marv is one thing but to try and say batman as well well thats just plain silly batman is on another level compared to the punisher. naw...if punisher has prep he could take batman...
Originally posted by jgiant
When is punisher never armed?
I didn't say that, I said IF PUNISHER WAS FIGHTING H2H rather than with guns. He could still be armed with a knife.
But I do say that Punisher would beat Marv if he had his guns on him. But then again, that didn't stop Marv from taking out a team of six or seven swat team policemen in kevlar, armed with SMGs and shotguns, batons, etc. Then again, Punisher is probably tougher than all of those men put together.
Gaah... I'm torn for choice! Marv is definitely tougher non-weapons wise, but I think Punisher has a pretty good chance anyway...
I'm stuck. Damn...
Originally posted by jgiant
naw...if punisher has prep he could take batman... He could honestly take him without prep.
Ha, no.
Punisher without prep stands NO chance against Batman.
But we're talking about Marv, not Batman.
Originally posted by Etrigan
Ha, no.
Punisher without prep stands NO chance against Batman.
But we're talking about Marv, not Batman. Punisher has a good chance against batman...he is just a man...punisher can take him...he could win...i say 6/10 if they are at war...
yeah dude your the same guy who thinks that wolverine can beat dr doom your very biased with your fav characters, batman with prep could take out the jla i dont think punisher could.
Originally posted by Mider
yeah dude your the same guy who thinks that wolverine can beat dr doom your very biased with your fav characters, batman with prep could take out the jla i dont think punisher could. plan worked better than i thought...i even said that i was just fukin around...anywho anyone who believes marv can beat pun is underestimating punisher...
anyone who thinks that punisher can beat batman even with prep is overestimating punisher, if punisher dont got a rocket launcher on him or nothing lke that he aint winning
PUnisher can cap bats in the head end of story...
you wish it was that easy you really do ever read when ra's al ghoul used batmans computer info on the JLA he nearly beat all of them punisher couldnt do that.
If he knew what ra's did...what batman knew...than it is possible...
so you really think marv beats punisher?
if its there first meeting then yes
The King of All
I think that this fight would be a good one. However, I see punisher taking the vast majority after a protracted battle. I say this because I see no advantage that marv has over Frank. Someone posted all of the advantages punisher has over marv , saying that the punisher wins in every area excluding (arguably) durability. I would say that Frank wins in durability too, after visiting the punisher respect thread I have become convinced that Frank has meta-durability. Marv may be tough, but Frank's tougher. Meaning that Frank wins because he has Marv beat in every factor affecting this fight.
Originally posted by The King of All
I think that this fight would be a good one. However, I see punisher taking the vast majority after a protracted battle. I say this because I see no advantage that marv has over Frank. Someone posted all of the advantages punisher has over marv , saying that the punisher wins in every area excluding (arguably) durability. I would say that Frank wins in durability too, after visiting the punisher respect thread I have become convinced that Frank has meta-durability. Marv may be tough, but Frank's tougher. Meaning that Frank wins because he has Marv beat in every factor affecting this fight. I am very happy you visited the punisher respect thread...punisher gets no respect from some (grey fox, black adam)...
The King of All
Yeah, the man is hardcore. Awesome respect thread, any one who doubts Frank should go there.
so if you hit punisher in the head and shoot him with out him wearing armer plus electricute him and put him up against a cayote he would servive almost unscaved or at least not giving a care?
The King of All
I believe that he would. Though certainly not unscathed, he's taken worse before and still managed to prevail. I don't see why this time would be any different.
Originally posted by jgiant
'how this thread has been done a million times' (fyi this is the third time) and how punisher would 'kick marvs ass' .
um 4th actually
Originally posted by Mider
batman with prep could take out the jla i dont think punisher could. Punisher with as much prep as Batman had against the JLA = JLA R.I.P. Can anyone explain what Marv can do to stop Pun from busting a couple caps in his head?
thats your opinion if he hates all villians so much and so badly that he wishes to kill every one of them why isnt he going after doom or juggs or anyone like that.
Originally posted by brainchild81
Punisher with as much prep as Batman had against the JLA = JLA R.I.P. Can anyone explain what Marv can do to stop Pun from busting a couple caps in his head?
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Which is the point of my post. I'm pretty sure Marv could beat Punisher h2h, if he caught him off guard.... but Marv couldn't do anything if Punisher just blasted his brains out.
But Batman could easily beat Punisher with prep. Punisher is much more brawns than brain (although he is quite smart, he's no Batman.) Batman has brawn written all over him, and probably has brain in neon lights underneath his mask.
Batman would have trouble fighting Frank with no prep, but with prep he takes him.
grey fox
Originally posted by brainchild81
Punisher with as much prep as Batman had against the JLA = JLA R.I.P. Can anyone explain what Marv can do to stop Pun from busting a couple caps in his head?
Well he could i don't know.....DODGE.
Punishers damn 'own villains' aura isn't on people. Marv is not going to stand their with a target on his forehead .
Oh yes and lets all really believe j-giant who's punisher-ed up to his eyeballs , the guy who believes that with prep frank can kill THE DAMN JUSTICE LEAGUE ......
Originally posted by grey fox
Well he could i don't know.....DODGE.
Punishers damn 'own villains' aura isn't on people. Marv is not going to stand their with a target on his forehead .
Oh yes and lets all really believe j-giant who's punisher-ed up to his eyeballs , the guy who believes that with prep frank can kill THE DAMN JUSTICE LEAGUE ......

some people just dont like to admit their favourite characters can lose
Originally posted by grey fox
Well he could i don't know.....DODGE.
Marv couldn't dodge bullets, he's probably stand there and take em.
Batman is very adept as that, though.
You don't have to belive certain poster just the logic that presenst itself. I mean how much tougher is Marv than the Russian? Or Bushwhaker?
Anyone that can be killed by a bullet is fair game for Frank.
it was never stated that he could die from bullets though, in sin city did he take any in the head?
He did have lots of face wounds, many likely from gunshots
But at one point he said
"They should have shot me in the head, and enough times to make sure."
Originally posted by Mider
it was never stated that he could die from bullets though, in sin city did he take any in the head?
One. Wendy hit him with a grazing shot in the head. Knocked him out, but didn't kill him.
as i said on the last thread, both marv and punisher are being underestimated. marv's h2h defeat of a fully-armed SWAT team is as impressive as anything punisher aught do, and that was just part of a very long day for marv. which reminds me: people forget about marv's injuries in Sin City; it was all within a couple days. and at the end he was still full of fire.
and marv isn't a slouch with the gun, nor with agility. punisher has him beat in those categories, especially of course with the gun. marv is alot stronger than punisher, though, and yes, he is tougher/more durable. they're pretty similar in philosophy too.
i give marv an edge because unlike punisher, he has several ways to win. if punisher runs out of ammo before he can get a headshot (maybe even two), then he loses 8/10 (punisher is severely underrated h2h).
all in all, Marv 4-6/10.
Originally posted by grey fox
Well he could i don't know.....DODGE. Yeah. It's not like Punisher's an expert shot that's shot smaller targets that could move much faster than Marv could ever dream of
Originally posted by grey fox
Punishers damn 'own villains' aura isn't on people. Marv is not going to stand their with a target on his forehead . He doesn't have to. Marv's better @ taking bullets than he is dodging them. Marv's been capped by shooters with a fraction of the skill Frank's got. I like Marv alot, but he's not immune to "bullet poisoning". If bullets can kill you and you're not great a dodging them, you've got no business fighting Frank. Frank will light Marv up like a Christmas tree.
Originally posted by grey fox
Oh yes and lets all really believe j-giant who's punisher-ed up to his eyeballs , the guy who believes that with prep frank can kill THE DAMN JUSTICE LEAGUE ...... I do think J-giant is prone to lean towards Frank more often than not, but here, he's 100% right. Frank is ruthless and great @ ending lives. If Batman can beat the JL w/adequate prep, I don't see why Frank couldn't kill them. Maybe you just don't like Frank.Originally posted by Warmonger
You don't have to belive certain poster just the logic that presenst itself. I mean how much tougher is Marv than the Russian? Or Bushwhaker?
Anyone that can be killed by a bullet is fair game for Frank. Good post
I sure as hell like Frank, he's awesome. But he's not as good as Batman. Couldn't take out the JLA, I don't reckon.
Originally posted by Mider
anyone who thinks that punisher can beat batman even with prep is overestimating punisher, if punisher dont got a rocket launcher on him or nothing lke that he aint winning
Oh oh blasphemy. Somebody actually believes Batman can be beaten by somebody below Skyfather level !
Let's crucify the sinner !!
Originally posted by Etrigan
I sure as hell like Frank, he's awesome. But he's not as good as Batman. Couldn't take out the JLA, I don't reckon.
If Punisher has the same information about the JLA members... why not ? Frank is not as intelligent as Batman, but definitely as cunning as Batman.
The only way Frank would ever be able to get such information is to join the JLA, which is highly unlikely, considering his killing attitude.
Punisher wins end of story...
I think the Punisher would easily win.
So what is it like 6 people think frank can win while like two think marv would...grey fox and black adam just hate punisher, they are on a mission to prove that he is just a human with guns...
Originally posted by sexyking

some people just dont like to admit their favourite characters can lose I admit he loses sometimes...but the majority of the time the people he is put up against he can marv...
The King of All
One bullet directly to the head would put an end to Marv, and if the Punisher can shoot the web-slingers off of spider-man while he is in mid-air, and then proceed to shoot spidey himself, then I don't think that he would have too much shooting Marv.
And even if it was h2h, I wouldn't rule out the punisher. He has fought an abundance of characters such as Marv; the russian, that merc who's neck he snapped...the list goes on.
Yeah, and when Marv fights a guy with some decent fighting skills (Kevin), Marv bites the dust.
Marv is just a tough and cool brawler (with some skill).
isnt punisher just some guy with a few guns, i mean in that punisher kills the universe crap he defeated juggernaut witha nuclear warhead which is bull and apocalypse yeah right, apocalypse has taken a black bolt scream and laughed it off, while juggs laughs off a hit from thors hammer and the full power of dazzler as well as a full blown god force blast that could destroy the celestial dome and probably even destroy adimantium, and adimantiaum itself can servive a nuclear blast has wolverine ever been able to hurt juggs?
Originally posted by Mider
isnt punisher just some guy with a few guns, i mean in that punisher kills the universe crap he defeated juggernaut witha nuclear warhead which is bull and apocalypse yeah right, apocalypse has taken a black bolt scream and laughed it off, while juggs laughs off a hit from thors hammer and the full power of dazzler as well as a full blown god force blast that could destroy the celestial dome and probably even destroy adimantium, and adimantiaum itself can servive a nuclear blast has wolverine ever been able to hurt juggs? THat was bull i know...but punisher is not some guy with a few guns that is for sure...
One of the most experienced, skilled, and dangerous street levelers in he is the baddest mother fuker in comic history...
thats your opinion batman is also street level before he joined the jla and he was still better.
slade is also street level cause he is a merc but can deal with guys in the jla
spiderman is also street level with out his weapons spidy would kill frank.
joker is street level too but can also double as global as shown in last laugh with prep he'd own frank.
Kingpin has beat batman and he's a street level dude he would win against frank
No batman is a better h2h fighter and prep guy...puns a better all out war type of guy...
Spider-Man isn't street level...
Originally posted by Mider
thats your opinion batman is also street level before he joined the jla and he was still better.
slade is also street level cause he is a merc but can deal with guys in the jla
spiderman is also street level with out his weapons spidy would kill frank.
joker is street level too but can also double as global as shown in last laugh with prep he'd own frank.
Kingpin has beat batman and he's a street level dude he would win against frank everyone has their strenghts and weaknesses...overall for a street leveler frank is in the top ranks...
thats your opinion once again i have proof that he isnt so yeah thanks
Originally posted by jgiant
No batman is a better h2h fighter and prep guy...puns a better all out war type of guy...
Batman has waged a vast war on crime for longer than Pun.
Originally posted by Mider
thats your opinion once again i have proof that he isnt so yeah thanks didn't prove anything i knew that before...and i never said frank was the best i just said he was one of the...but he is THE badest mother fuker in comic history...i will stand by that...
Originally posted by Etrigan
Batman has waged a vast war on crime for longer than Pun. how long
he isnt the baddest mother lover ive seen batter thanks
Originally posted by Mider
he isnt the baddest mother lover ive seen batter thanks Batter? Like who...
Originally posted by jgiant
how long
1941, if i remember correctly.
So he is like mid 70's
like who?
Slade for one
Batman for another
walter perhaps he can probably take a few hits to the head he took a few machine guy blasts to his body and also got hit by a car all this did was burn his hair off nothing more serious then that, when he got his by a piano falling on him all it did was break his arm. also got hit by with a flame thrower, got attacked by a few wild animals and i mean a few didnt really hurt him, he gets hurt like just flesh wounds but other then that he's perfectly fine, i believe the mask shot rockets at him once he didnt get hurt very badly, he was electricuted too by the mask didnt keep him down for long. Got stung with enough bee's to kill a person still wasnt really affected sept for the wonds but thats it. after that he killed the guy trying to off him in a pretty fanese way showing he isnt stupid
deadpool is another bad dude im sooooo sure frank could take on juggernaut BULL.
Originally posted by Mider
like who?
Slade for one
Batman for another
walter perhaps he can probably take a few hits to the head he took a few machine guy blasts to his body and also got hit by a car all this did was burn his hair off nothing more serious then that, when he got his by a piano falling on him all it did was break his arm. also got hit by with a flame thrower, got attacked by a few wild animals and i mean a few didnt really hurt him, he gets hurt like just flesh wounds but other then that he's perfectly fine, i believe the mask shot rockets at him once he didnt get hurt very badly, he was electricuted too by the mask didnt keep him down for long. Got stung with enough bee's to kill a person still wasnt really affected sept for the wonds but thats it. after that he killed the guy trying to off him in a pretty fanese way showing he isnt stupid
deadpool is another bad dude im sooooo sure frank could take on juggernaut BULL. I meant overall...he is human...he takes damage that should classify him as meta human...and he still kicks ass when he is half dead...the way he deals with scum is mercilous...and what was that last part about frank takin on juggernaut?
grey fox
Punisher kills the marvel universe was a load of horseshit. As if a nuke could hurt classic juggs .....
Yeah, that's right.
It's pretty much equal.
Originally posted by jgiant
I meant overall...he is human...he takes damage that should classify him as meta human...and he still kicks ass when he is half dead...the way he deals with scum is mercilous...and what was that last part about frank takin on juggernaut?
Yeah I mean it took three rubber bullets point black to the face to knock him out.
King KAM
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Yeah I mean it took three rubber bullets point black to the face to knock him out. Marv took about 7 lead bullets to the head...and he was still alright.
marv wins if its there first meeting and all frank has is a few guns and no grenades he goes down hard he just doesnt have what it takes to kill a guy like this with out bigger arsenal
Originally posted by grey fox
Punisher kills the marvel universe was a load of horseshit. As if a nuke could hurt classic juggs ..... i agree...but i would say half if not more were possible...
Originally posted by Mider
marv wins if its there first meeting and all frank has is a few guns and no grenades he goes down hard he just doesnt have what it takes to kill a guy like this with out bigger arsenal marv gets downed by two good shots to the head...if not then punisher has enough in one clip to take him down...
already got shots to the head and he still wasnt hurt very much bullets dont do anything to this guy
Originally posted by King KAM
Marv took about 7 lead bullets to the head...and he was still alright. Didn't pass out? Kept fighting?
Originally posted by Mider
already got shots to the head and he still wasnt hurt very much bullets dont do anything to this guy
7 bullets ? When ?
Originally posted by Mider
already got shots to the head and he still wasnt hurt very much bullets dont do anything to this guy OK...sure...bullets don't do anything...thats why he almost died when he got shot by the swat team...he would have died if he didn't go to the hospital mind bullets apparently do affect marv...thats strange i though this was established...
yeah im so sure he'll just stand there while the punisher shoots him
Originally posted by Mider
yeah im so sure he'll just stand there while the punisher shoots him pretty much...he is a dumbass...p.s. punisher is like twenty times better than marv in a shoot out (that being extremely generous to marv)...
So i hope everyone is in agreement...punisher wins...p.s. i want to bump this because i like to see people argue for amuses me...
Originally posted by King KAM
Marv took about 7 lead bullets to the head...and he was still alright.
I must admit, I fail to remember that.
Originally posted by Etrigan
I must admit, I fail to remember that.
Because it's not true.
Depends on how Punisher is armed, if he has a gun, Marv takes a round in the head and dies 10/10
In h2h unarmed I say Marv wins 5.5/10, only because their fighting styles are very similiar but I think Marv has a bit more durability
If Frank has a knife in h2h he wins 7/10 at least
even in h2h punisher still has a chance...he took down this huge marv type hitman...check punisher respect thread...
Originally posted by jgiant
even in h2h punisher still has a chance...he took down this huge marv type hitman...check punisher respect thread...
I did, the Russian and Cyber Russian would crush Marv, but Frank lost to both the first time they met, and killed them later, I have the comics, and scans
Franks a beast in h2h, but so is Marv
Originally posted by Tassadar
I did, the Russian and Cyber Russian would crush Marv, but Frank lost to both the first time they met, and killed them later, I have the comics, and scans
Franks a beast in h2h, but so is Marv No i am talking about the other hitman, the one in the war journal...he took him straight h2h, he didn't lose...this guy was just as strong as marv, he took on like five or more guys at once and shook them off like it was nothin...
Originally posted by jgiant
No i am talking about the other hitman, the one in the war journal...he took him straight h2h, he didn't lose...this guy was just as strong as marv, he took on like five or more guys at once and shook them off like it was nothin...
O, my bad, I havent read all of War Journal yet, thanks for clearin that up

Originally posted by Tassadar
O, my bad, I havent read all of War Journal yet, thanks for clearin that up

No biggy, just check it out on the pun respect thread, click my link...
"Anyone else find Sado and jgiant really annoying?"
By: Thats My Monkey
Just thought i'd bring this thread back to let you guys see how annoying i once was, i think i got a little better...ehh maybe not. I do find people that call other people annoying...annoying...ironic? probably not. Well anyways i think this thread pretty much sums up Punisher vs. Marv, Marv isn't going to win due to him just not being good enough to hang with a guy that tangles with supers on a monthly bases, 616 anyways. Marv doesn't have the durability some people think he has.
You really do enjoy The Punisher dont you

Frankly it makes me feel all warm inside to see how passionate you are about it

Originally posted by suprmanvsbatman
You really do enjoy The Punisher dont you

Frankly it makes me feel all warm inside to see how passionate you are about it

Well as long as i can make one person feel that way, i guess life is worth living afterall. But seriously Punisher is like a really cool uncle to me.
Yeah wish he was my uncle lol, think about it no one would ever mess with you if you had The Punisher walking about with you, plus hes the kinda uncle that would probably give you alcohol when your not legally allowed to drink

punisher wins. 10/10
Originally posted by suprmanvsbatman
Yeah wish he was my uncle lol, think about it no one would ever mess with you if you had The Punisher walking about with you, plus hes the kinda uncle that would probably give you alcohol when your not legally allowed to drink

Yea definatly, though u better not get caught in any of that other illegal stuff, or you will be getting some tough love.
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