Ok Galactus is very hungry and he needs to feast he comes apon this planet and needs desperatly need to feed who going to stop him.After each fight he get a power boost back up to 5% and fights agains
1.X-Men-Cyclops,Storm,Colossus,Rogue,Wolverine,Shadowcat & Havok
2. Alpha Flight- Guardian,Sasquatch,Box,Talisman,puck,Aurora,Norths
tar,Mayor Mapleleaf
3 Fantastic Four-Mr Fantastic,Human Torch,Sue,Thing,She Hulk,Cystal
4 Avengers-Thor,Iron Man,Wonder Man,Atlas,Rage.
5 Defenders-Silver Surfer,Savage Hulk & Namor the Submariner
6 Nova,Firelord,Terrax & Air-Walker
7 Current Thanos & Mangog
8 Odin & Zeus
1.X-Men-Cyclops,Storm,Colossus,Rogue,Wolverine,Shadowcat & Havok
2. Alpha Flight- Guardian,Sasquatch,Box,Talisman,puck,Aurora,Norths
tar,Mayor Mapleleaf
3 Fantastic Four-Mr Fantastic,Human Torch,Sue,Thing,She Hulk,Cystal
4 Avengers-Thor,Iron Man,Wonder Man,Atlas,Rage.
5 Defenders-Silver Surfer,Savage Hulk & Namor the Submariner
6 Nova,Firelord,Terrax & Air-Walker
7 Current Thanos & Mangog
8 Odin & Zeus