Cable (reg) vs. Captain America
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cherry cola
Can Cap beat regular Cable?
Who wins?
I the winner of this was made pretty clear in Cable and Deadpool 25...
nathan summers
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
I the winner of this was made pretty clear in Cable and Deadpool 25...

the Darkone
Who won I didn't get that issue yet? show some scans if possible. Thanks
Cap beats Cable if it's h2h only. Cable beats Cap if there's other powers involved.
In the comic: Cable realizes he has no hope of beating Cap without using the items he's had Deadpool steal in order to recreate his powers, which is the only reason he wanted to fight Captain America.
nathan summers
Originally posted by MuffinmanMike
Cap beats Cable if it's h2h only. Cable beats Cap if there's other powers involved.
In the comic: Cable realizes he has no hope of beating Cap without using the items he's had Deadpool steal in order to recreate his powers, which is the only reason he wanted to fight Captain America.

Originally posted by Black Adam
was that what happened or what?
hmm good question

nathan summers
Cap goes to Providence to find out what the hell Cable is up to since there's been a lot of tech around the world that has been disappearing and is believed to be in Cable's possession. He Integrates himself into Providence. Starts to love the place, finally runs into Cable. Cable explains stuff, they tussle. Cable gives Cap an out of body experience, humbles and at once HUMILIATES the good Captain and they walk away amicably. Captain America had no hope to even beat Cable from the start. He's got WAY too much combat experience under his belt. Even more than Rogers.
Black Adam
Originally posted by nathan summers
Cap goes to Providence to find out what the hell Cable is up to since there's been a lot of tech around the world that has been disappearing and is believed to be in Cable's possession. He Integrates himself into Providence. Starts to love the place, finally runs into Cable. Cable explains stuff, they tussle. Cable gives Cap an out of body experience, humbles and at once HUMILIATES the good Captain and they walk away amicably. Captain America had no hope to even beat Cable from the start. He's got WAY too much combat experience under his belt. Even more than Rogers.
so he used powers then? I though he was powerless?I haven't been Reading C/d lately. so I really don't know.
Originally posted by MuffinmanMike
Cap beats Cable if it's h2h only. Cable beats Cap if there's other powers involved.
In the comic: Cable realizes he has no hope of beating Cap without using the items he's had Deadpool steal in order to recreate his powers, which is the only reason he wanted to fight Captain America.
i actually think cable would be able to beat cap even if it was h2h. cable is in the 10 ton strength class... and his hand 2 hand combat training is pretty high up there.
not to mention his bionics...
Cable basicly flat out admits that with out his powers Rogers would steam roll him but that he would never fight him unless he know he would win.
Originally posted by nathan summers
Cap goes to Providence to find out what the hell Cable is up to since there's been a lot of tech around the world that has been disappearing and is believed to be in Cable's possession. He Integrates himself into Providence. Starts to love the place, finally runs into Cable. Cable explains stuff, they tussle. Cable gives Cap an out of body experience, humbles and at once HUMILIATES the good Captain and they walk away amicably. Captain America had no hope to even beat Cable from the start. He's got WAY too much combat experience under his belt. Even more than Rogers.
You left out the part where Cap beats the shit out of Cable. THEN Cable uses his powers and tells Cap he wouldn't have picked a fight if he didn't know he'd win.
And he used the shit he had DP steal to mimic his telekinesis and telepathy.
nathan summers
'Nuff Said.
I'm really surprized that caps hero aura didn't protect him.
Black Adam
Originally posted by nathan summers
'Nuff Said.
What? A cover ?
It looks like Cable has a zipper on his right arm.
Originally posted by nathan summers
'Nuff Said.
Very cool pic
Cable with powers crushes the good Captain, no contest
In h2h only his cybernetic armor is class 10, but Cap has gone up against class 100s who are at that level on their whole body, so I say Cap would win in pure h2h
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