Grenn Lantern VS. Magneto
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I have wanted to know for a long while, if Magneto can take on a Green Lantern, in this case it is Green Lantern against Magneto.
There is no Prep time, due to both participants getting sucked into a portal and ending up on an alternate world were there is no Lantern Cops. and no mutants.
All powers work, fight to the death, or really long K.O., to get back to own time and Universe.
could mags use his powers to take hal's ring?
its been done
damn it its been done, and i used that sorry ass search to. oh well, and yes Mags can try and use his power to take the ring.
Originally posted by Thorin
damn it its been done, and i used that sorry ass search to. oh well, and yes Mags can try and use his power to take the ring.
obviously he can try
im just trying to clarify if it COULD be taken by magnitism
lol, i could TRY to scale a wall, it aint happening though
oh, well i dont think he could take the ring, but i'm sure using the metal in it, he could maybe crush GL's ring finger.

Actually, he'd give GL a lethal elecrtomagnetic pulse in his head, and he'd have a planetary scale stroke. Battle over.
The ring will protect him from anything Mags does. GL creates a construct that absorbs magnetic energy, thus nullifying all of Mags attacks. GL wins.
GL could kill him in his sleep! he'd snore and accidentally blast Magneto into atoms!
Uh, one problem with your theory there. He doesn't just have power of metal. GL wouldn't feel the pulse until the last second. Has anyone else read Planet X?
I know what Mag can do. The ring protects the wearer from harm, period. Hal can turn someone into a duck while he sleeps! What is Mag going to do against that? The ring can truly do anything. That's why GL wins.
a GL maybe can give himself power over metal if he can make a laungage translater why not.
Well, this is a great fight...
I prefer Mag because his power cant really be worn down, as such, but the ring dies. Also, Mag could potentially draw power straight out of the core of the earth . He is also extremely intelligent. I realise that this is not my normal style of debat: presenting scenarios and plans of attack, but... still... Mag wins...
mags doesnt win in my book GL can do everything mags can and better and even more mags cant servive super novas i think or create suns.

Originally posted by TheKahn
its been done
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