Venom VS. The Predator : Bungle in the Jungle
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The Setting : The Jungle
Eddie Brock is sent as a reporter to a South American rain forest to cover the story of some near-extinct reptile. While there, with his fellow journalists, they suddenly start to disappear and end up strung up, skinned, and beheaded with their spinal cords missing!!!! Eddie is the last one and as the Predator moves in for the kill, it soon discovers that Eddie Brock is more prey than it bargained for....
The alien symbiote envelops Eddie and just as the Predator goes to impale Eddie on his knife gauntlet, Venom appears and grabs the Predator's arm and slings him to the ground....and the battle is on!!!! Who wins this bungle in the jungle? Predator or Alien Symbiote???
predator blasts him with a sholder canon to the face since he is right below eddie on the ground and the most common thing eddie would do in situation would be to get right in the enemies face to lick at him with his monster toung and then try to eat his face off or something.
Eddie already fought guys similar to The Predator in Nights of Vengeance. Look how that one turned out. It would still be a good fight though.
Venom will smash his ugly head.
venom has spider-senses right?
No he doesn't. But alien suit can see in all directions.
No, he has a Spider sense as well. It's just not as potent as Spidey's.
Do you have any proofs?
I'd go with Brock on this one.
Check Wikipedia. I think they comment on it. I know that a couple of times he's been seen with the same half-mask thing that spidey does when his sense goes off.
Just cheked it.
"Powers and abilities
The various Venoms possess abilities nearly identical to that of Spider-Man, based on the symbiote's time bonded with the wall-crawler; being superhumanly strong, agile, has superhuman reflexes, and able to adhere to walls. Venom's living costume has the ability to take the appearance of most people, and blend in with their surroundings. The symbiote costume can also make itself into any form of clothing in both appearance and texture. They can also shoot webbing similar to that of Spider-Man, but as this is made from the symbiote itself, overuse weakens it. Venom has been known to use his webbing or his tendrils to suffocate his victims.
The amount of power each of the hosts has is determined by the symbiote itself, within the ability of the symbiote to grant them. While bonded to Spider-Man, it only slightly increased his abilities, but made Eddie Brock considerably stronger than Spider-Man and allowed him limited chameleonic abilities, and immediately granted Angelo Fortuano its full abilities - a factor in its abandonment of him when he failed to succeed to his liking - while the former Scorpion has only used the symbiote once, and it is unclear to what extent he has been enhanced.
The original Venom, Eddie Brock, had some notable skills aside from his superhuman abilities granted by his costume. He was highly skilled in investigative journalism and deductive reasoning. He was also extremely athletic, especially in terms of strength; his strength was of the order of an Olympic athlete. There was some relationship between the costume's ability to augment his strength and the physical condition he was in; the better shape he was in, the stronger the costume made him. As a result, he was considerably stronger than Spider-Man."
Hmmm. I'll look through my comics and come back to it later.
Originally posted by Marcus4600
No, he has a Spider sense as well. It's just not as potent as Spidey's.
yes yesyes
Black Adam
Originally posted by spideycarnage
yes yesyes
when has he shown it?
he has a spider sence, but it isent has "sharp" as spiderman's..pretty much the alien costume copied all of spidermans powers, strength agility, sticking to walls, it also copied his spidersence, but its dampened, beacuse the costume sences danger and needs time to singal the danger to eddie's nervous system.
check out any venom bio, pretty much u'll get the same results.
i still think from original above scenario it would go similar to what i said
What kind of Predator?
We're starting the fight in Melee range?
We talking Spider-man comics venom, or super-cracked out Venom-takes-on-Juggernaut style ?
bungle in the jungle, never a funnier title, i will go with predator, because if the fight goes south, he'll blow them both up.
true...but If venom has his arm there isnt much to stop him from just breaking the wrist gauntlet, danny glover did it. granted predators arnt weak by anymeans but Im sure they arnt in class 2000lb strength or any higher
Originally posted by Nataku8188
What kind of Predator?
We're starting the fight in Melee range?
We talking Spider-man comics venom, or super-cracked out Venom-takes-on-Juggernaut style ?
This is an experienced warrior class Predator; like the one in the first firm with Arnie....also, this is the classic Venom; not the one when he fought Juggernaut (because that was just dumb and you know it!!!)
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
This is an experienced warrior class Predator; like the one in the first firm with Arnie....also, this is the classic Venom; not the one when he fought Juggernaut (because that was just dumb and you know it!!!)
The durability feats were sick, but by no means should Juggy be running unles Venom is just that scary.
Originally posted by Howard_Jones
The durability feats were sick, but by no means should Juggy be running unles Venom is just that scary.
Yeah, I agree.....don't get me wrong, I love Venom to death. He's definately one of my favorite villains, but Juggernaut would've pounded him into paste and not batted an eyelash doing it.....Venom is barely underneath Juggernaut's notice!!!
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
Yeah, I agree.....don't get me wrong, I love Venom to death. He's definately one of my favorite villains, but Juggernaut would've pounded him into paste and not batted an eyelash doing it.....Venom is barely underneath Juggernaut's notice!!!
True enough. I guess they were trying to do an underdog sort of thing, and failed miserably.
Venom mops up the floor with the Predator.
Sam Z
Venom kills him... And there is nothing wrong with Venom taking punches from the Juggernaut, symbiotes were always shown to have insane durability. And physical attacks alone were never usefull against them.
The predator plasma whores him to hell. Venom is going to have tough time locating the predator.
As cool as Pred is, I'm gonna have to go with Venom cause of the setup. Predator was expecting an easy kill and all of a sudden gets an opponent who makes the Aliens look like ill-tempered dobermans. If Predator was prepared (as they usually are) he'd have a chance - but he's a hunter, eddie's a brawler, balls in his court.
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