Hulk/She Hulk vs. Superman/Thor?
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First off this is a fight in which the only way to win is to fight to the death.
Second, Hulk is either Savage, 2099, grey or Current, your choice. She Hulk is from Avengers Dissasembled.
Superman is from Current, and Thor is any Thor no too far gone in his powers, were he can kill with like the blink of an eye.
Now, Superman and Thor have info on 2 things, ripping through both there respective unverses, and have prepared themselves for an all out war with them.
Takes place in the Savage Lands, and remember till the death.
Mismatch mate.
Superman by himself would defeat both SheHulk and Hulk.
Teaming him up with Thor just makes things even easier.

are you sure, almost every superman/hulk i've read here say superman gets his ass kicked, which i dont agree on, but i guess you may be right.
The Ion
Everyone here save for the extreme Hulk/Marvel fanboys agree Superman would beat him. That's why we have threads here with a handicapped Supes Vs Hulk and Supes still winning.
While the Hulk is a personal favorite of mine, I'd still have to give the battle to Supes and Thor. I mean c'mon...sure the Hulk may be stronger than Thor and Supes, but strength and invulnerbility is really all the Hulk has going for him...Supes and Thor have that PLUS a whole lot more...much more!!! Supes has super strength, speed, heat vision, arctic breath, etc...and Thor has Mjolnir, the greatest weapon (in my opionion) in the Marvel Universe. They wouldn't even be able to hit a good as invisible Superman and Thor could take the punishment from the Hulk & She-Hulk and then's what Thor can dish out the green duo wouldn't be able to withstand!!!
The Hulk and She-Hulk might get in a couple of good hits (maybe), and it might mean a few days bed-rest for Thor, but when the smoke clears and the dust settles, it's a victorious thunder-god and Kryptonian triumphant.
I disagree that Superman would win this by himself but with Thor the contest is indeed a mismatch. Supes and Thor 10/10. Now RKT would win this by himself, but we aren't talking about him, are we?
The Hulks win this one.
Originally posted by bigboygreen
The Hulks win this one.
Then they wake up from their dream and die.
Originally posted by Validus
Everyone here save for the extreme Hulk/Marvel fanboys agree Superman would beat him. That's why we have threads here with a handicapped Supes Vs Hulk and Supes still winning.
Originally posted by bigboygreen
The Hulks win this one.

Doctor SKank
Both Thor and Supes can handle these two, on their own.

Doctor SKank
Originally posted by bigboygreen
The Hulks win this one.
Are you one of these guys who dreams that Hulks trousers will eventually split and you'll finally see his 'bigboygreen'

Is this thread for real? The Hulk team get their........... You all know how it ends. Thor and Superman 1,000,000,000,000/10
yup flight is better than running around jumping up and down trying to fly, plus supes is smart and fast enough to know that flying very fast towards them a couple of times will make them eventually get very beat up and pass out (which is how iron man beat hulk by using all his back fuels and power, but of course he was absolutely wankered after using all that force into one punch, but he still knocked out hulk, and superman is stronger than iron man and so is thor so point made.
bigboygreen you are worse than wolverine8888
Overkill. Supes and Thor.......easily.
Originally posted by Thorinn
are you sure, almost every superman/hulk i've read here say superman gets his ass kicked, which i dont agree on, but i guess you may be right.
He's taken everything Hulk has dished out to him, but always comes out ahead in the end.
Even at their mightiest, Bruce & Jennifer can't match the power & versatility Thor & Superman bring to this match. Big green death, all around the Savage Land. Thor & Superman win battle to the death.
This is not a fair battle. Speed outclasses strength. Besides, She Hulk is so far behind the other three in terms of strength, she'd be out in the first second of the fight. The Hulk may be stronger than both Thor and Superman, but the way Superman is written makes him virtually chanceless.
Unless Supes and Thor decide to play fair, but why would they?
The Fake Macoy
Unless this is H2H, then the Hulks have no chance.
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