Batman with prep guantlet
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3.captain america
5.wolverine panther
8.iron man lantern (kyle)
12.silver surfer
batman has prep time and gets full info about each superhero or villian.
batman gets one hundred days of prep. how far does he get?
bats dont need a hundred years, he needs only 1 week for 1-8..and needs a 1 month for 9-12.
Darth Kal-El
100 days you mean. yah, i agree with you
Originally posted by Darth Kal-El
100 days you mean. yah, i agree with you
oh yea whoops

With all the info on the others, I'd think he could get through 8 (Superman gets beat too because of the K-nite weakness). Kyle, Surfer, and Thor would curbstomp him.
I dont think he could get by anyone from 9-12
Originally posted by tdawg14
I dont think he could get by anyone from 9-12
well i never read the comic or saw any scans, but dient batman take out the whole JLA once? correct me if im wrong. he can beat the guys toward the end with prep.
oh yeah, give the bats adiquate time to prepare, and he can kick almost anyones ass. guy is a freakin geneius.
The Ion
People forget that Batman's tactics for beating the League were the result of years of studying his teamates. A lot of times people make it seem as if it's something he does casually.
With that said, Thor would roast him alive. He gets past Kyle thanks to years and years of studying various Green Lantern's.
I agree with Ion.
Batman could take anyone there but Thor and SS.o But he has a plan not to lose. Look Below.
" Dick, I think i want to retire and I know u R the best one to take over as the Batman. So, will u?"
"Bruce Of course i will."
"Great. theres a guy with a hammer claiming to be thor. As ur first act as Batman take care of him."
"Sure. Bruce."
2 mins later we see the ashes of the shortlived Batman v2.0
And for SS the same thing but instead he uses Tim Drake.
If he gets really lucky he gets passed Iron Man, if he gets really, really lucky he might be able to beat Kyle but there is nothing he can do to beat Thor.
6 he might lose. 10, 12 are the once where Batman will lose
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
If he gets really lucky he gets passed Iron Man, if he gets really, really lucky he might be able to beat Kyle but there is nothing he can do to beat Thor.
He could always talk Thor out of it...
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