(Tug-of-War)Hulk-Hercules-Gladiator-Doomsday-Superman-MartianManhunter vs Juggernaut
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Mr Master
Savage Hulk
Immortal Hurcules
Gladiator(fully confident)
Doomsday(Superman killer)
Martian Manhunter
Unstoppable Juggernaut
in a tug of war, who wins?
Darth Macabre
Is this a joke?
Poor Juggy,all by himself

He still wins...
one nanometer a year...
he still wins...
Originally posted by outarddwarf
He still wins...
one nanometer a year...
he still wins... Sad but true

Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
Sad but true
Not necessarily. Isn't the Juggernaut unable to be stopped when moving FORWARD? In tug of war he's moving backwards. So, unless I'm wrong, it's a loophole.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Not necessarily. Isn't the Juggernaut unable to be stopped when moving FORWARD? In tug of war he's moving backwards. So, unless I'm wrong, it's a loophole. Not really as he could tie the rope around his waist and walk forward.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
Not really as he could tie the rope around his waist and walk forward.
Then thats not TUG of war.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Then thats not TUG of war. Actually it has been employed as a use. But generally you get more power from a squating position then a running position therefore most peopleat the ends of the ropes are in a squating position.
Also if you watch a tug o war for long enough you see that the people in the middle generallt turn their bodies away from the center and begin basically walking the other way.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
Actually it has been employed as a use. But generally you get more power from a squating position then a running position therefore most peopleat the ends of the ropes are in a squating position.
Also if you watch a tug o war for long enough you see that the people in the middle generallt turn their bodies away from the center and begin basically walking the other way.
Yes...but this is a tug of war game. The people have to be tugging. Or else its just an all out strength competition.
insane genis
WOW...look at the tug of war boff...lol
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Yes...but this is a tug of war game. The people have to be tugging. Or else its just an all out strength competition. Most people do do that though in a tug o war so its been allowed and isn't illegal.

Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
Most people do do that though in a tug o war so its been allowed and isn't illegal.
Yeah well it should be. I always considered that cheating. Because its not tug of war if they start walking with the rope.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Yeah well it should be. I always considered that cheating. Because its not tug of war if they start walking with the rope. But it isn't therefore Juggernaut can use it and wins because of it.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
But it isn't therefore Juggernaut can use it and wins because of it.
I'm just bitter because I lost a tug of war match during my 5th grade picnic because of it. lol
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
I'm just bitter because I lost a tug of war match during my 5th grade picnic because of it. lol Really I'm sorry for that.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
Really I'm sorry for that.
It's ok....It was 9 years ago....lol Still haven't gotten over it because my gf's brother was on the other team.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
It's ok....It was 9 years ago....lol Still haven't gotten over it because my gf's brother was on the other team. Yeah that sucks.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
Yeah that sucks.
Most deff. But if Juggernaut can rap the rope around him and walk then he wins. If not then he gots pulled into the ground.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
Most deff. But if Juggernaut can rap the rope around him and walk then he wins. If not then he gots pulled into the ground. Yeah he can do it unless the thread starter says no.
This puts a funny picture in my head of all those guys cursing at Juggernaut for cheating.
Darth Kal-El
All incarnations including Trion Juggernaut loses.
Mr Master
Originally posted by newjak86
Yeah he can do it unless the thread starter says no.
Juggernaut can tie the rope around his wiast arms neck whatever, and walk the opposite way, obviously folks this is his only chance.
I love that yall still think Juggs would win.
Juggs rules but can he really not be pulled back by all that strength opposing him?
Originally posted by Mr Master
Juggernaut can tie the rope around his wiast arms neck whatever, and walk the opposite way, obviously folks this is his only chance.
I love that yall still think Juggs would win.
Juggs rules but can he really not be pulled back by all that strength opposing him? Yeah because his enchantment says so just like it says that he can not be harmed by physical means. the only way to negate it is by using an energy source such as magic to basically overpower the enchantment.
since none of these guys can he pulls all if them inch by inch centimeter by centimeter until he wins.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
Yeah because his enchantment says so just like it says that he can not be harmed by physical means. the only way to negate it is by using an energy source such as magic to basically overpower the enchantment.
since none of these guys can he pulls all if them inch by inch centimeter by centimeter until he wins.
More like yocto-meter by yocto-meter. It'd take him a 1000 years to reach 10 feet but he'd do it.
Could Juggernaut turn around before he is tugged like he's never been tugged before
Originally posted by Pepito
Could Juggernaut turn around before he is tugged like he's never been tugged before He could start out in that position he wouldn't have to turn around.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
More like yocto-meter by yocto-meter. It'd take him a 1000 years to reach 10 feet but he'd do it. Yes but still think about the powerhouses behind him that impressive.
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by newjak86
He could start out in that position he wouldn't have to turn around.
Mr Master
If Juggs can win this, his force of movement is equivalent to the mass of a star,
and a really big one at that.
Is this possible, can Jugg's enchantment be that powerful?
Darth Macabre
Originally posted by Mr Master
If Juggs can win this, his force of movement is equivalent to the mass of a star,
and a really big one at that.
Is this possible, can Jugg's enchantment be that powerful?
The only thing that would be able to stop him is by having a magical being more powerful then Cyttorak over power the enchantment.
Hulk tells everyone to stand back then rips off juggs arms and beats him with them.
Originally posted by bigboygreen
Hulk tells everyone to stand back then rips off juggs arms and beats him with them.
I feel sorry for the rope
Juggs definitely loses. I could be mistaken, but I beleive the enchantment goes something like "No force on Earth can stop the Juggernaut". Four of these guys aren't from earth. They win. Plot device doesn't work this time. The end.
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