Doomsday vs. Beta Ray Bill
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Darth Kal-El
Hunter/Prey Doomsday vs. BRB. This battle takes place in a jungle.
you know who wins why did you make this thread......oh yeah certain fanboys think that thanos could beat beat doomsday and others have the presumption to think thor could too.
Beta Ray Bill dies.
can you name some doomsday comics?
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
can you name some doomsday comics?
Death of Superman.
Doomsday Annual.
Hunter Prey.
Our Worlds at War.
Joker's Last Laugh.
Gog Wars.
thanks very much
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
thanks very much In Death of Superman he defeated the entire Justice League in a few panels, and then killed Superman.
In Doomsday Annual, he was killing Guardians in a flashback. They banished him away to Calaton.
In Hunter Prey he took on Waverider, kind of an amped up Silver Surfer with powerful control over time. Waverider describes what happened on Calaton, Doomsday took world destorying blast from a superpowered energy being and was downed, but later in the comic came back and killed him. As well as fighting Superman powered up by Motherbox, one of the most advanced pieces of tech in either Marvel or DC. In this comic he also died fighting Darkseid, only to raise again MINUTES later and be one of the first creatures in history to actually HARM Darkseid. Though, this was later retconned with Darkseids "Avatars" talk, saying that it wasn't him, just a projection of his thoughts and that NO ONE stands a chance against his actual form.
In Our Worlds at War he took on tons of Imperiex Probes at once also swatting Superman away easily and finally fell to Imperiex himself.
In Last Laugh we find a new Doomsday, now with intelligence, and Superman scares him into submission.
Next he's seen showing up to save the day against Gog, making Superman his iconic hero, and goes off to face tons of Gogs by himself. Gog having previously been shown to us stronger, smarter, and faster, and generally more powerful than Superman. So much more powerful in fact, that he went through the time/space/dimensions killing Superman over and over.
Does Beta Ray Bill get his hammer?
BRB kicks his ass into a dimensional portal.
it would be his only way of winning
Cosmic Cube
Beta Ray Bill hits Doomsday with a planet destroying blast, and destroys him.
Where would he get one of those from? Beats me. But if he had one, he would win.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
it would be his only way of winning
It's still a win.

doomsday is more durable then superman probably and supes can take a planet destroying blast and with enough force can throw planet destroying plants but he'd have to really put all his muscle into it.
this cosmic cube guy is the same as betagauze he is just against dd in every thread like betagauze against juggy
Juggernaut66666: I think he just stated a possible course of events. I still agree on the fact that Betageuze tends to underestimate Juggernaut with his threads. Well, fanboys can get quite fanatical at times, you should know.
And on-topic: Doomsday is my favourite in this fight, he is extremely endurable, strong and has the ability of evolving. Beta Ray Bill could use his superblast once and the 9 last fights we would be taking punishment like never before.
Originally posted by Khellendros
BRB kicks his ass into a dimensional portal.
That's what I was gonna say!
i dought that beta ray bill could hurt doomsday at all
Doomsday would eat him alive
Ya know what, I read a bunch of crap that does not give BRB any respect.
Contrary to popular information, the whole way that BRB became Beta Ray Thor, is by beating the absolute piss, easily, out of Thor, without BRB having any hammer or magical powers at all.
Just as himself, Thor came aboard his ship, and BRB just Smacked Him Down!
Then he picked up Thors hammer because he thought it was kinda neat.
That is when he became Beta Ray Thor.
Then, when Odin let them duke it out for Mjolnir, BRB did it again.
So, before he was ruined, Beta Ray Bill, with his new hammer and magics, was seriously bad as hell!
That guy that ended up getting ruined, was one of the Greats.
I remember Spidey staring at BRB googlie eyed at how powerful the guy was. Also, Beta Ray Bill has a duplicate of Mjolnir, and he's much smarter than Doomsday. He'd trick Doomsday into entering a portal, and that would be the end of it. Marvel battles are rarely only physical, which is why I like them. You give someone like Iron Man or Spider man the chance to analyze and think about a fight before they enter it, they can take about anyone.
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