Clark Kent vs. Hercules
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Clark Kent (Smallvile) vs. Hercules (Hercules: The Legendary Journeys) Who wins?
I think that it kind of depends on what point during smallville that you want to make this battle. Clark at the beginning, middle seasons or at current level.
During the first 2 to 3 seasons I'd give it to Hercules. He's older and mature, being of adult age with lots of fighting experience and techniques.
At current level, since clark is now a young man who has reach the point where his powers are growing up as well, pass what they were in ability and ranch than when he was in high school, I'd give clark a higher number of wins if we're just considering impressive powers.
In terms of fighting, Hercules is far more skilled and has a lot of fighting
experience. He also has vast strength, I once saw Kevin Sorbo Hercules toss something from earth to out of space in one of the episodes.
Clark has the advantage in speed, his heat vison and senses, although Kevin Sorbo Hercules does have enhanced senses, but not at clark's level.
Clark(current clark) also seems to be tougher. However, Kevin sorbo Hercules has fought superstrong beings, giants and gods which shows that while we've never seen him stop a decently speeding bus in its tracks without bulging(that was very nicely done on smallville)Kevin Sorbo Hercules could take any level strength punch that clark could sent his way.
In a fight, current Clark could use his speed and heatvision, along with his strength,toughness and great leaping ability. Kevin Sorbo Hercules could use his greater fighting experience and expertise, along with his strength, toughness and weapon's skill. I don't know who would win a majority but I know they both would win some battles.
If we consider Sorbo Hercules on the episode when he was immortal, than he would be too much for Smallville Clark Kent and would be better matched with full-grown Clark Kent as Superman
Hercules also beat some Irish Speedster (druid or God or something) in one episode
Originally posted by Scoobless
Hercules also beat some Irish Speedster (druid or God or something) in one episode
My brother told me about that episode.
If you'll refering to my post Arahan, Thanks. When we consider that Kevin Sorbo Hercules is semi connected to a supernatural heritage, then that could maybe spell some trouble for Clark.
So many things in Kevin Sorbo Hercules world were in some way, enchanted by the gods. If Kevin Sorbo Hercules just happens to have an instrument/weapon from his world, that he would used to counter Clark's long range abilities, with his weapons skill and expertise, it could during a fight cause a bit of trouble for clark Kent at any stage of power.
It's Clark at his current level. I think clark could pull a 5/10. I would give him more, but he is inexperienced.
Hurcules on the TV show had 'the strength of ten men' thing, and could die from an arrow shot if he missed catching it. Young Clark could punch a hole through his chest at superspeed.
The gods and those gifted of the gods on that show were pussies. Xena frequently kicked their ass.
I'd go with Clark (don't start the fan stuff). Hercules from TV isn't that strong, when he had the power of a true God he was strong but not a Smallville Clark level. Smallville clark still able to lift 15-20-30 tons...Got his speed, heatvision, and he is pretty smart. He fights better than the Supermen on the TV series or Movies....That kid got skill (kid?? Tom Welling is 28 and plays an 18 year old

Creio que como um Semideus Hercules nao teria chance contra o Kryptoniano Clark Kent por mais que usasse sua Super-forca e que fosse experiente em combate sua virtual imortalidade so o impediria de morrer , agora se ele se tornasse um deus completo ai sim o Super-boy poderia ter problemas nesta gama de poderes ele teria sua super-forca ampliada , uma invunerabilidade em um nivel superior a do Super ja que so raros artefatos podem matar deuses gregos e como ja passou seculos esses artefatos estao destruidos ou desacreditados , alem disso , alem do fato de ter telecinese e poder de criar e manipular energia de forma que pode criar escudos de forca .
good one, I belive Herk could squeak one extra win out than Clark.
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