JLA runs the Marvel Gauntlet
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JLA Members here are:
Martian Manhunter
Wonder Woman
1. Excalibur (Captain Britain, Dazzler, Pete Wisdom, Sage, Juggernaut, Nocturne)
2. Young Avengers (Patriot, Vision, Wiccan, Stature, Hulking, Kate Bishop)
3. X-Factor ( Multiple Man, Wolfsbane, M, Strong Guy, Rictor, Siryn)
4. Fantastic Four!
5. Ultimate X-Men ( Ice Man, Jean Grey, Rogue, Nightcrawler, Storm, Shadowcat, Cyclops, Prof X, Iceman, Colossus)
6. Ultimates ( Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch, Black Widow, Iron Man, Wasp, Hawkeye, NicK Fury, Captain America)
7. Thunderbolts (Hyperion, Photon (Genis-Vell), Radioactive Man, Atlas, Speed Demon, Nighthawk)
8. Avengers (Iron Man, Sentry, Ronin, Wolverine, Luke Cage, Spider Man, Spider Woman)
9. Illuminati-Defenders (Dr. Strange, Hulk, Silver Surfer, Namor, Black Bolt,Reed Richards, Professor X, Iron Man)
10. Infinity Watch-w/gems (Adam Warlock, Thanos, Drax, Moonstar, Pip the Troll)
11. Heralds of Galactus (Silver Surfer, Terrax, Nova, Gladiator, Nova, Firelord)
12. Elders of the Universe (Champion, Runner,Ego,Grandmaster)
13. High-Tier Watcher
14. Galactus
15. Arishem the Judge
where do they stop?
Up to 11 and then they'd lose imo
7,8,9 and 10 are a tough battle for them though.
in fact they might actually lose at 7. its close... hyperion, Genis-Vell, radioactive man, and atlas will give them real problems...even speed demon.
Wally West
Would it be to fanboy-ish of me to say they stop at 8 as Sentry beats the team by himself?
After that I could definatly see them losing to 9 or 10.
how do you think they match up against 7?
Genis-Vell, Hyperion, Radioactive Man, Nighthawk, Atlas and Speed Demon?
Thats a really good match up. Close call.
Not past 8.,This is a good thread.Good job ,Godscribe.
Originally posted by Wally West
Would it be to fanboy-ish of me to say they stop at 8 as Sentry beats the team by himself?
After that I could definatly see them losing to 9 or 10.
Yes that would be very fanboyish lol

. Sentrys the only member who is Dc top gun level, plus hes still very much unproven so to say hes beyond Supes at this point in time would be unsupportable speculation. The Dc team has 3 members who can at least move at sublight speed are highly durable and have high class 100 strength.
They would tear apart the New Avengers without a doubt. Except for Silver S noone on the Illuminati has the reactions and speed necessary to withstand a speed blitz. SS on his own cant stand up to the DC team and Strange while he has a high potential for power he cannot always access it, he certainly cant do so as and when he pleases and if we were to go by average performances he would not be able to stand up to the team after theyve quite easilt torn through the rest of the team i havent mentioned who are non factors given the aforementioned high level abilities of 3 of the DC team.
I misread number 10 so the DC team will stop there. I didnt see Thanos.
Sentry is so fast he is moving ahead of everyone in time even as he stands still......................I know comic scinece. He should be able to manhandle the lot of them just because of that......................
Originally posted by soleran30
Sentry is so fast he is moving ahead of everyone in time even as he stands still......................I know comic scinece. He should be able to manhandle the lot of them just because of that......................
That was just a hyperbolic statement that hasnt as of yet translated into actual on panel feats, so until such times when thats no longer the case, statements like that are irrelevant.
I misread number 10 so the DC team will stop there. I didnt see Thanos.
What about Thanos? Infinity Watch would definitely be able to fight JLA without Thanos. Who would for example take out Drax before he decapitates MM and starts beating rest of the team?
Originally posted by Tshern
I misread number 10 so the DC team will stop there. I didnt see Thanos.
What about Thanos? Infinity Watch would definitely be able to fight JLA without Thanos. Who would for example take out Drax before he decapitates MM and starts beating rest of the team?
How's Drax gonna decapitate someone who's intangible?

They don't get past 9 to many heavy hitters.Dr Strange,Silver Surfer & Black Bolt beats them fast.Maxam is on Infinty Watch I think you could take Thanos and add Maxam and they would still win.
Originally posted by golem370
They don't get past 9 to many heavy hitters.Dr Strange,Silver Surfer & Black Bolt beats them fast.Maxam is on Infinty Watch I think you could take Thanos and add Maxam and they would still win.
Ive already been through Dr Strange and SS at level 9. The rest arent worth mentioning. Theyre not fast enough nor do they have the reactions to withstand a speed blitz from the likes of Supes, Wonder woman and MM. They'd be taken out in a matter of seconds.
Of course Drax could start with someone else. MM was a bad example, my bad.
I don't see this fight going past ten. Now nine would have obliterated most of their ranks. Only WW, SUPES AND MANHUNTER WOULD REMAIN.
Originally posted by LordFear
I don't see this fight going past ten. Now nine would have obliterated most of their ranks. Only WW, SUPES AND MANHUNTER WOULD REMAIN.
Thats a gd point LF. Godscribe needs to specify the conditions of this tournament, like whether they start again refreshed after each match up or whether they have to fight all the way through till they get stopped.
hey why didnt you add the eternals they could drop the jla and 10 and 11 are overkill........
Maxam is Indestrucable when he is at full strength. Silver Surfer is fast enough to counter anybodies speed in the JLA. Dr Strange vs Martian Manhunter Superman vs Silver Surfer Wonder Woman vs Black Bolt Professor X mind raping Aquaman and Hulk,Iron Man,Reed Richards,Namor vs Hawkman,Batman JLA gets DOA at 9
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
That was just a hyperbolic statement that hasnt as of yet translated into actual on panel feats, so until such times when thats no longer the case, statements like that are irrelevant.
actually his power description says he is 1 second ahead of everyone in the time stream..............its his power and clock keeps him exactly one second ahead

The Ion
Originally posted by soleran30
actually his power description says he is 1 second ahead of everyone in the time stream..............its his power and clock keeps him exactly one second ahead
Yes but his bio description is being totally contradicted by the current Sentry mini series. If you want to go by his bio then his speed is listed as a 5 - Escape Velocity. There's little on panel evidence to suggest Sentry can do anything more than fly and punch really hard.
if the Avengers dont get them at 8 there finished at 9, Strange can take all of them.
They'd be done at the Ultimates. Scarlet Witch could turn Supes' costume into kryptonite, and Iron Man's armor has yellow in it. Actually, Wanda could make all their costumes yellow if she wanted. If they get past the Ultimates, then the Avengers whip them, because Sentry is in there, and they've got some of the most resourceful fighters ever in there.
I just wish someone would have put Force Works in there. THAT would be a match. (you'd have to throw in War Machine though)
They will get stopped at 9.
Originally posted by Marcus4600
They'd be done at the Ultimates. Scarlet Witch could turn Supes' costume into kryptonite, and Iron Man's armor has yellow in it. Actually, Wanda could make all their costumes yellow if she wanted. If they get past the Ultimates, then the Avengers whip them, because Sentry is in there, and they've got some of the most resourceful fighters ever in there.
I just wish someone would have put Force Works in there. THAT would be a match. (you'd have to throw in War Machine though)
How would Wanda know to do all of that stuff? On top of that i doubt she could because Kryptonite doesnt exist in Marvel in the first place.
Superman, Wonderwoman and MM have displayed strength exponentially beyond and member of the Ultimates team, on top of that they have ridiculous reflexes and can all move at sublight speeds. Superman on his own going all out could mess up the whole team in seconds.
The Ion
Originally posted by Marcus4600
They'd be done at the Ultimates. Scarlet Witch could turn Supes' costume into kryptonite, and Iron Man's armor has yellow in it. Actually, Wanda could make all their costumes yellow if she wanted. If they get past the Ultimates, then the Avengers whip them, because Sentry is in there, and they've got some of the most resourceful fighters ever in there.
I just wish someone would have put Force Works in there. THAT would be a match. (you'd have to throw in War Machine though)
What would yellow do?
I thought green lanterns can't effect yellow.
The Ion
Originally posted by outarddwarf
I thought green lanterns can't effect yellow.
You were semi-right up until Green Lantern: Rebirth.
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
How would Wanda know to do all of that stuff? On top of that i doubt she could because Kryptonite doesnt exist in Marvel in the first place.
Superman, Wonderwoman and MM have displayed strength exponentially beyond and member of the Ultimates team, on top of that they have ridiculous reflexes and can all move at sublight speeds. Superman on his own going all out could mess up the whole team in seconds.
Actually, Ultimate Wanda could. You're forgetting that her abilites can change probability. She could do it, mostly because you're forgetting that she's probably read Superman. (half-sarcasm) To be honest, the key to the Ultimates winning would be Wanda using her abilites to lessen the powers of other member, and then the fight. However, they could still lose. However, the wouldn't beat the New Avengers. I'd pay to see that though.
Photon recently got another power boost. They stop at the Thunderbolts..definately.
Black bolt z
Stops anywhere from 7-9.Although def at 9.
No way they're getting past 9. 3 of the JLAs aren't even an issue in that fight.
Kasper Gutman
Stopped at 9 for sure.
Originally posted by HaSon
You were semi-right up until Green Lantern: Rebirth.
Yea. Kyle's been yellow-free since his start, and upon their return the same applied to other vet lanterns.
And there's not a GL on the team anyway.
they stop cold at 9
They go to 9 and stop here. Illuminati/Defenders is faaaaar to stacked.
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