Annihilus vs. Green Lantern(Kyle)
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Battle takes place near the Moon.
For those who dont know the abilities of Annihilus:
Body Armour: Annihilus insectoid hide provides him with some protection from physical and energy attacks.
Flight: Annihilus can fly and when using the Cosmic control rod he can cross vast areas of space in minutes.
Cosmic Control Rod: Annihilus wields a rod that can manipulate vast amounts of cosmic energy. Whilst wielding the rod Annihilus does not age, he is invulnerable to Disease, Radiation, Heat and Cold, he can fire bolts of cosmic energy, animate non-organic matter and increase his physical attributes.
Untold years ago, voyagers from the world Tyanna in the Negative Zone, an other-dimensional universe made of anti-matter, set forth to seed the barren worlds of the Zone with living organisms that they had bio-engineered in the form of spores. One of the Tyannan ships crashed on the barren volcanic planet Arthros, and the dying voyagers released all of their life spores as their final act.
One of the spores grew into an insectoid being who possessed great intelligence through mutation. This being, who would become known as Annihilus, discovered the Tyannan starship and found within it a knowledge-transference helmet. Annihilus used the helmet to learn the history and the accumulated knowledge of the Tyannans. Using that knowledge, Annihilus increased his strength and intelligence and created the Cosmic Control Rod from the canisters that held the life spores and the technology of the starship. The Cosmic Control Rod not only enabled Annihilus to wield great power, but also extended his life span indefinitely as long as he possessed it. Annihilus used his newly acquired power to become the master of the other life forms that had risen on Arthros from the spores, and soon he set forth to conquer the neighbouring worlds in the Negative Zone.
WTF? Annihilus has trouble with the Fantastic Four. Kyle Ranor would one-hit him.
Annihilus almost fought Thor to a stalemate and Thor would woop GL's butt. This is a better match than you think.
the guy is pretty stupid (Annihilus) kyle could just make a big can of raid and be done with him. Serouly though GL would end up wining the majorty because he's a tad more powerful and a tad smarter
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