HULK KILLER HUMANOID... rises .... and will take on revenge ... End is near !
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no Juggernaut incarnation is UNSTOPPABLE....
and ok... he was short circuit in the comic.... BUT .. only... by the Marvel writers...
so .. the HULK KILLER HUMANOID .. has no really competitor ..besides... the Marvel writers
the Marvel writers have created a character, .. who perhaps become TOO powerful... to dominant.....
so... they have to destroying him in Tales of Astonish 87...
and no one will believe you .. if you putting Trion OR 8th day OR Classic Juggernaut against a powerhouse like HULK KILLER HUMANOID
i mean.. this guy.. has manhandled the Mindless Hulk like never before a guy did
perhaps Abomination... but REALLY not Juggernaut...
Originally posted by Scoobless
bugger off
I concur with that statment, i'm starting to get really peeved that betageuze is ragging on Juggernaut!

your are a joke

Captain REX
Did not understand a word he just said, really.
Yeah. Once again, I'll say it.
It's a big robot. Whoopdie freakin do.
It even states in every website that this doofus is weak against electricity. Electro could take him easily. Storm as well.
juggernaut and hulk could destroy him easy. Juggernaut charges him and continues running till he hits the ocean, while restraining his arms as best he can and he could shrug off most of the blows due to force feild. Hulk slams into him at full speed and jumps into the nearest body of water. HKH is done...
Darth Kal-El
Originally posted by Betageuze
no Juggernaut incarnation is UNSTOPPABLE....
and ok... he was short circuit in the comic.... BUT .. only... by the Marvel writers...
so .. the HULK KILLER HUMANOID .. has no really competitor ..besides... the Marvel writers
the Marvel writers have created a character, .. who perhaps become TOO powerful... to dominant.....
so... they have to destroying him in Tales of Astonish 87...
and no one will believe you .. if you putting Trion OR 8th day OR Classic Juggernaut against a powerhouse like HULK KILLER HUMANOID
i mean.. this guy.. has manhandled the Mindless Hulk like never before a guy did
perhaps Abomination... but REALLY not Juggernaut...
END Betagueze, Spider-man can take him on if he put his mind to it.
god dammit dude.. digi close this crap thread
now it is really a thread of people telling betageuze to bugger off and such.
Originally posted by outarddwarf
now it is really a thread of people telling betageuze to bugger off and such.
always more interesting than his actual thread starter concepts

Originally posted by Scoobless
always more interesting than his actual thread starter concepts
thats for darn sure!
Murda Mase
So is this HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs Writers?
I say writers win then.
Who is Hulk Killer Humanoid?
Originally posted by Murda Mase
So is this HULK KILLER HUMANOID vs Writers?
I say writers win then.
no this is betageuze trying to be funny or somthing and only succeding in being annoying!
oh and hulk killer humanoid is a robot that was giving hulk a hard time because it was really strong and when you puched it it acted like a sand bag and kinda sunk in absorbing the blow, but when they got water on it it short circuited and it is also vulnerable to electricity.
Darth Kal-El
now is he trying to be annoying, funny, or is he just really really stupid?
I'll take Digi's spot for this one.
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