Gorilla Grodd vs Mister Sinister
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Mister Sinister. Grodd would put up a fight, but in the end, mr.sinister's regen and powers pwns him.
nathan summers
This isn't even a contest. Sinister would wipe the floor with Grodd and make a monkey out of him.
He looks pretty strong.
Darth Kal-El
Goes either way. 5/10 for both. GG has taken on Flash on several occasions. Mr. Sinister took on the X-men for several occasions too.
Originally posted by golem370
He looks pretty strong.
he is, but his strength doesn't even factor in considering that no brute force has been able to harm sinister yet.
Psionic attacks are almost useless unless it's god level(nate grey)
nathan summers
Sinister also possess a degree of super-human, strength, speed, agility and endurance. All of which are unmeasured. He's far from helpless and weak. Grodd's strength is next to useless if he can't damage Essex, like Sixth Winged stated. And since we know he doesn't have telepathy on the level of Nathan Grey, he hasn't got a chance.
give us feats for gorilla grodd
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