Deadpool runs the Gauntlet.
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Deadpool gets 30 seconds prep before each fight. He is fully healed between each new fight.
He is carrying 2 pistols, a machine gun and a shotgun. 2 swords, his teleporter and a few grenades. he always has these weapons available for every fight.
His opponents get 3 seconds prep. Thats right 3 seconds.
1. Aunt may in Queens parker residence.
2. Robin in the Batcave
3. Cyclops without optic blasts in the X-mansion
4. Nightwing on a rooftop.
5. A few sentinels in new York (Original models)
6. Psylocke in the X-jet hangar.
7. Captain America on the avengers lawn
8. wolverine in the X-mansion gardens
9. Luke cage on top of Stark tower.
10. Dr Doom in his Latverian castle.
Deadpool and his opponents can use any environmental advantages to help them.
How far does he get before he dies?
This is a good guantlet for Wade.
First, I think that all that would happen with Aunt May is he'd make her a deal: You bake me cookies, and I won't hurt you. Deadpool wins.
Anyway, for those that don't know the Merc with a mouth, his powers are as such: Extreme regenerative capability that dwarfs Wolverine's
Possibly the best hand to hand combatant in the Marvel Universe
Amazing reflexes, and knows many martial arts
Teleportation device on his belt.
I'd say that 5, 7, and 10 would give him the most trouble, but he might clear it. It's a big might though.
Darth Kal-El
if he's fully healed then, he gets up to Doom and loses. but its possible for the sentinels to overload his healing factor thus killing him
Originally posted by Marcus4600
This is a good guantlet for Wade.
First, I think that all that would happen with Aunt May is he'd make her a deal: You bake me cookies, and I won't hurt you. Deadpool wins.
Anyway, for those that don't know the Merc with a mouth, his powers are as such: Extreme regenerative capability that dwarfs Wolverine's
Possibly the best hand to hand combatant in the Marvel Universe
Amazing reflexes, and knows many martial arts
Teleportation device on his belt.
I'd say that 5, 7, and 10 would give him the most trouble, but he might clear it. It's a big might though.
i agree with all those except Deadpool is nowhere near the best Hand to hand combatant in the MU, wolverine or Cap outclasses him quite easily in terms of fighting skills, but wade easily outclasses logan in healing. Don't get me wrong Wade is quite good H2H but he is nowhere near the best...........
Either way, Wade's a beast. Gambit once paid him off instead of fighting him, saying that commiting suicide would have the same effect as fighting Deadpool. I do know a way he could beat Doctor Doom though.
"Hey, did you know you were in a movie recently? Yeah, you were played by Julian Macmahon."
Murda Mase
Originally posted by willRules
i agree with all those except Deadpool is nowhere near the best Hand to hand combatant in the MU, wolverine or Cap outclasses him quite easily in terms of fighting skills, but wade easily outclasses logan in healing. Don't get me wrong Wade is quite good H2H but he is nowhere near the best...........
Yet they lose to him though
And he is suppossed to be one of the best no matter what some foolish writers make him out to be sometimes....
Originally posted by willRules
How far does he get before he dies?
Was this a trick question?
Hes immortal.
Originally posted by Murda Mase
Yet they lose to him though
Fighting skills isn't everything. Captain america or Wolverine have better fighting skills than galactus, do you reckon they can beat him?
Originally posted by Murda Mase
And he is suppossed to be one of the best no matter what some foolish writers make him out to be sometimes....
wolverine is the best there is at what he does which is fight. By that it means he is one of the best hand to hand combatants, but thats just in fighting skills. Deadpool outclasses him in other areas which is why he wins aginst logan sometimes. personally I think deadpool is nowhere near the best hand to hand in the MU, he is just one of the best healers in the MU.
This is very difficult actually. I believe several people should be lower or higher. I specify who and where in the battle. These are some pretty good scenarios either way though.
2.Robin may actually prove to be too much here. He has the
homefield advantage and all his gadgets along with whatever other junk is in the batcave. The 3 seconds Robvin has when he hears Deadpool coming may be enough to activate something that could incapacitate Deadpool like Gas/Electricity/whatnot. Deadpool has a chance, but Robin also has a chance.
Deadpool 6/10
3.Cyclops won't have his optic blasts but he, like Robin, has the home field advantage. Cyclops is very tactical and will probably try and lead Deadpool to the Danger Room and change the settings to "kill Deadpool". It really depends on if Cyclops can manipulate Deadpool.
Cyclops 5/10
4.Nightwing, I am sorry but you loose. Open space+ Deadpool+guns =dead Nightwing. I think Nightwing should be placed at #2 instead of Robin.
Deadpool 10/10
5. I don't see Deadpool making it past the sentinels. I can't think of much he can do harm them other than the couple of grenades he has. Sentinels should be #9.
Sentinels 10/10
6.I will assume this is the ninja Psylocke we all know and love. She will be tough but I hink Deadpool can still pull a few wins. She is probably better at hand to hand, but Deadpool could always jsut blow up all his weapons at once. He would heal, while Psylocke wouldn't..
Psylocke 7/10
7. Captain America, I think, should be between Robin and Cyclops. Deadpool is going to have to work for this one but he will win eventually. His healing factor, phsyical abilties, and weapons will eventually wear down Captain America. That being said, Captain America is reflexive enopugh to score some shield knockouts when he hears Deadpool approaching during the 3 seconds prep time.
Deadpool 6-7/10
8.Wolverine should be below Robin but above Nightwing due to his healing factor. Wolverine COULD take this with some strategy, but Wolverine always like to run right up to Deadpool in a show of masculinity. Wolverine will hang in there for a bit, but Deadpool's superior weaponry, healing factor, and jokes will give him the win.
Deadpool 7/10
9. Luke should be ranked after Wolverine's altered rank. Luke Cage won't exactly lose to Deadpool so much as Luke will lose to Deadpool's healing factor. I doubt Deadpool can do anything significantly harmful to Luke, but Luke is never going to lay a hand on Deadpool and Deadpool's healing factor will allow him to fight for far longer than Luke.
Deadpool 10/10 (unless Deadpool does something stupid....)
Dr.Doom 10/10
cool assessment. You missed out how he would fair against Aunt may though
Anyone else?
He get's up to ten and dies. Knowing Wade's personality he will underestimate Doom and when fighting Doom you need all your wits about you
1. Aunt may in Queens parker residence. heh he might give up with offered the cookies as mentioned is he even that messed up to beat up an old lady or would he push her on her butt and say I WIN and go on to the next opponent
2. Robin in the Batcave=pretty equal if you ask me it would all go down to who's the better tactician and stuff i dont think that batman has anything in his batcave that can hurt him that he couldnt get out of sept perhaps mr freezes gun
3. Cyclops without optic blasts in the X-mansion=if he stays out of the danger room he can win
4. Nightwing on a rooftop. he gets blown up nightwing i mean
5. A few sentinels in new York (Original models)=if wolverine can take out a few so can deadpool
6. Psylocke in the X-jet does deadpool do against psychics answer that and then if he does badly he might lose but if he does well against psychics he would win
7. Captain America on the avengers lawn=is there anything special about the avengers lawn, meh he better be super fast and knock the shield out of his hand then go for the kill with a grenade
8. wolverine in the X-mansion gardens=it would be close but i think deadpool wins
9. Luke cage on top of Stark tower.have no idea how he'd win but im not saying he couldnt but cage's skin is suppose to be so tough adimantium cant get through so ive heard but yeah i guess he can be ko'd
10. Dr Doom in his Latverian castle.with prep he can win he'd need to pull out a uber weapon though like when he took cables powers.
Originally posted by Mider
5. A few sentinels in new York (Original models)=if wolverine can take out a few so can deadpool
I thought the same thing
Originally posted by Mider
7. Captain America on the avengers lawn=is there anything special about the avengers lawn, meh he better be super fast and knock the shield out of his hand then go for the kill with a grenade
as far as I can remember there are lots of statues of the Avengers and probably a few small craters from disassembled.
What surprises me is that nobody has really expected Deadpool to use much of the environment. Its how he stopped the Hulk before
Here's what I predict.
1. Aunt May will be throwing cookies like ninja stars until Deadpool shoots her and bungs her in the oven.
2. One hit from bullet and Robin is dead. that will Be hard though seeing as Tim dodges bullets as easily as wade heals from them. However one swift kick from Wade to tim's head, and the 3rd Robin goes tumbling off one of the big cliff edge thingys and gets impaled on a stalagmite.
3. Scott will be throwing chairs and tables and trying to get to the danger room. Assuming he doesn't reach it in time, a bullet to the back of the head and scott will be saying hello to Jean.
4. Nightwing will be doing back-flips and kicking wade until Deadpool drops, then gets back up again cos of his healing. Dick grayson will end up suffering from severe decapitation or a simple shove off of the roof.
5. This would make a great comic. Wade would have to make his way up onto a rooftop and plant a grenade on the back of their heads, or start cutting the heck out of their ankles. However the sentinels have a huge advantage with the step on the target and zzaapp with lasers technique. Deadpool might be able to last long enough..............
6. This is one where the environment really helps. I foresee Deadpool evading Psylocke and starting up the blackbird, and simply running her over. or he could push her into an exhaust duct. Or simply stab or shoot her. If Psylocke has her Telepathy, then she will mentally rape him.
7. Cap has a great environmental advantage here dodging bullets with help from the statues. Wade needs to climb a tree and use the shotgun. Cap's shield is a huge problem, but after a little while, im sure Wade with some well placed shots and using his sword, can "disassemble" Cap.
8. Another great fight which despite their similarities and past history hasn't happened much, only 3 or 4 times in all. I for-see Wade winning through a stab underneath the chin and through the brain. unfortunately not much environmental advantage here unless he drowns Logan in the pond.
9. Wade can't do much to physically harm power-man so he would have to use the huge environmental advantage to go for a "ring out" win. He could get Cage close to the edge and destroy the floor, or use his own leverage to give him a free flying lesson.........
10. There is very little chance of wade winning this one. 3 seconds prep isn't really need for the evil genius who is always prepared. Wade would also have to contend with the Doom bots. There is one way wade can win this. And its by using the environment. Doom's castle has a functioning time machine. Deadpool goes back to when Doom is a little baby and gives him a lovely ickle bullet. But its unlikely to happen. wade is pretty much screwed for this one.
i remember in one thread how someone said he could beat Doom. It went something like Deadpool says " U know u got played as by Julian McMahon and u sucked real bad." I would think this would cause Doom's immense ego to make him commit suicide.
Originally posted by Superherovandal
i remember in one thread how someone said he could beat Doom. It went something like Deadpool says " U know u got played as by Julian McMahon and u sucked real bad." I would think this would cause Doom's immense ego to make him commit suicide.
lol and how would wade beat the rest?
this is off topic but has anyone heard of the new blood of apocalypse arc im asking cause i wanna know if anyone's heard if there going to amp him up to his good showings like when he took a scream from dead bolt and laughed it off or when he stalemated the high evolutionary not these weak sad showings were he is defeated by mags or cable, or humiliated by archangles or sinister and a gang of thugs, they should amp him up like he is in the cartoon's in one cartoon just cause he got pissed he basically just grew to a giagantic size and killed the x-men with a energy blast end of x-men, they went back in time to change history he just didnt grow but flew away instead, anyway, in x-men evolution he was even more powerful he was stronger then professor x as a telepath and took down the sentinals on his own and just waved his hand and made mags vanish same thing with storm he then made them his horsement with amazingly amped up powers
can't that go in the x-men thread? its completelty unrelated...................
Wade gets to Logan. He has a decent chance of beating Logan but only around 40%.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Wade gets to Logan. He has a decent chance of beating Logan but only around 40%.
why only around 40 %??
they have around the same strength, deadpool is probably faster and more agile, logan has better fighting skills, Wade has WWWAAAAYYY better healing............I see it pretty much even, or maybe Wade has an advantage because of his superior healing.............
Originally posted by willRules
why only around 40 %??
they have around the same strength, deadpool is probably faster and more agile, logan has better fighting skills, Wade has WWWAAAAYYY better healing............I see it pretty much even, or maybe Wade has an advantage because of his superior healing.............
Deadpool has a better healing factor but honestly it doesn't make much a of a difference. Wade uses swords and gun and thats when he needs to use to put Wolverine down... which could take forever. Damage from guns and swords is damage that Wolverine can and has healed from in seconds, I mean when Yuriko stabbed Wolverine in the heart with a sword he didn't even fall over, it just left a brief opening for her to exploit. Wolverine's edge in the fight comes from the rather large skill edge that he has and the fact that he can sever limbs in this fight, where as Slade can not. Stab wounds, even ones to major organs will barely slow either of these two down but if Logan took of Deadpools head the fight will be over if only for a ten count.
Originally posted by Marcus4600
Either way, Wade's a beast. Gambit once paid him off instead of fighting him, saying that commiting suicide would have the same effect as fighting Deadpool. I do know a way he could beat Doctor Doom though.
"Hey, did you know you were in a movie recently? Yeah, you were played by Julian Macmahon."
funniest thing ive read today!
Originally posted by willRules
cool assessment. You missed out how he would fair against Aunt may though
Anyone else?
I though it was obvious so I left it out. Aunt May wins 10/10.
Originally posted by Mider
5. A few sentinels in new York (Original models)=if wolverine can take out a few so can deadpool
I don't think Wolverine should have taken out any either lol.
Originally posted by willRules
they have around the same strength, deadpool is probably faster and more agile, logan has better fighting skills, Wade has WWWAAAAYYY better healing............I see it pretty much even, or maybe Wade has an advantage because of his superior healing.............
I agree. Deadpool should beat Wolverine. He is better in everything but fighting skills and experience. He also has more weapons.
Originally posted by inamilist
funniest thing ive read today!
Thank you. I try.
Wade vs Wolvie has happened before, and Wade has won. Someone talked about Wolverine regenerating a stab to the heart? WADE REGENERATED HIS ENTIRE HEART BY HIS OWN WILL! Also, Wade's not stupid enough to let Wolverine lob his head off. I say Wade would win this one, but it would be one of the toughest in the gauntlet.
Originally posted by Marcus4600
Thank you. I try.
Wade vs Wolvie has happened before, and Wade has won. Someone talked about Wolverine regenerating a stab to the heart? WADE REGENERATED HIS ENTIRE HEART BY HIS OWN WILL! Also, Wade's not stupid enough to let Wolverine lob his head off. I say Wade would win this one, but it would be one of the toughest in the gauntlet.
No I said Wolverine was stabbed in the heart and it didn't even fase him. Sectret Wars 5, Wolverine's heart is exploded from the inside, he grows a new one in 3 panels.
Wolverine and Deadpool have fought 6 times, and Deadpool as 2 wins. The first time he won Wolverine had no healing factor. The second time he one he had prep time and a team with. Please tell me how either of these wins help your arguement? I'm dieing to know.
King KAM
Cap cuts his head off with the shield....DP wil take atleast 3 hours to heal from it.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
No I said Wolverine was stabbed in the heart and it didn't even fase him. Sectret Wars 5, Wolverine's heart is exploded from the inside, he grows a new one in 3 panels.
Wolverine and Deadpool have fought 6 times, and Deadpool as 2 wins. The first time he won Wolverine had no healing factor. The second time he one he had prep time and a team with. Please tell me how either of these wins help your arguement? I'm dieing to know.
correct me if I am wrong but I thought Logan did have his healing, his excuse was he was recovering from a fight with magneto when he lost his adamantium. Even though Wade beat him cos Logan was using predictable moves or something to that effect..............
And the issue where Deadpool gets therapy doesn't count cos he was just standing around asking Logan to attack him for the entire fight..............
Originally posted by King KAM
Cap cuts his head off with the shield....DP wil take atleast 3 hours to heal from it.
OR Deadpool shoots Cap in the head...............Cap will take at least 3 confused writers and a continuity error to come back to life from it..........
Originally posted by willRules
OR Deadpool shoots Cap in the head...............Cap will take at least 3 confused writers and a continuity error to come back to life from it..........
OR Deadpool blows Captain America up with some grenades.
OR Deadpool decapitates Captain America with a sword.
OR Deadpool breaks Captain America's neck like he did to that terrorist on Providence.
Originally posted by willRules
correct me if I am wrong but I thought Logan did have his healing, his excuse was he was recovering from a fight with magneto when he lost his adamantium. Even though Wade beat him cos Logan was using predictable moves or something to that effect..............
And the issue where Deadpool gets therapy doesn't count cos he was just standing around asking Logan to attack him for the entire fight..............
Wolverine's healing a factor went into remission after Magneto ripped out his adamantium out. Logan had no healing factor in that fight, Deadpool said as much, he said as much its not really up for debate. That issue is the issue where is healing factor starts up again, after Deadpool ran him through with his sword. That said Wolverine hit Deadpool three or four times before Deadpool managed to down him.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
Wolverine's healing a factor went into remission after Magneto ripped out his adamantium out. Logan had no healing factor in that fight, Deadpool said as much, he said as much its not really up for debate. That issue is the issue where is healing factor starts up again, after Deadpool ran him through with his sword. That said Wolverine hit Deadpool three or four times before Deadpool managed to down him.
ok my bad, I haven't read the issue in a while. How many fights have they had in total.
I count
the one where Dadpool beat Wolverine even though Logan didn't have his healing.
The one where Wolverine beat Deadpool even though Wade was not really fighting back, just playing around.
There is one where Deadpool beats wolverine, the whole watchtower incident thingy.
What other ones are there?
However since all of these fights, Deadpool has been upgraded by Thanos and in the Cable and Deadpool storylines he healed from a pile of goo, he far outclasses Logan in healing............Deadpool wins in this fight as far as I am concerned............
King KAM
Originally posted by StyleTime
OR Deadpool blows Captain America up with some grenades.
OR Deadpool decapitates Captain America with a sword.
OR Deadpool breaks Captain America's neck like he did to that terrorist on Providence. The shield will block the grenade blows....
Cap made a carreer out of blocking bullets....
And if DP pulls out the Swords....only an idiot seriously thinks that DP has a chance....he never beats any top level h2h guys....and Cap is THE top dog.
Originally posted by King KAM
The shield will block the grenade blows....
Cap made a carreer out of blocking bullets....
And if DP pulls out the Swords....only an idiot seriously thinks that DP has a chance....he never beats any top level h2h guys....and Cap is THE top dog.
The sheild can block the grenades themselves, not the explosions.
Captain can't block bullets if he is busy trying to block a sword. Deadpool can dual-wield last time I checked.
Once again, Deadpool would be using a gun and a sword up close. Captain America can only block one of them.
King KAM
Originally posted by StyleTime
The sheild can block the grenades themselves, not the explosions.
Captain can't block bullets if he is busy trying to block a sword. Deadpool can dual-wield last time I checked.
Once again, Deadpool would be using a gun and a sword up close. Captain America can only block one of them.
Yes DP can double weild.... to bad he cant use both too effectivley...and if he swings with the sword...caps shield should break it on the first swing...
and as long as cap is behind his sheild, the blast wont hurt him due to the concave shape of the shield, which re-directs the energy.
and cap would probably nade DP back, or hit him with the shield.
1. Deadpool might get hit a few times with a purse but he would take Aunt may he is sick enough to do that
DP 10/10
2. I think Deadpool could take this but the bat lair probably is more to Robins advantage he knows the area well Deadpool would likely be able to take whatever Robin throws at him
DP 7/10
3. Cyclops isnt that great without his blasts Deadpool would kill him before he could do anything.
DP 9/10
4.Nightwing wont pose as too much of a threat seeing as how he is just older Robin and doesn't have as much an advantage and not as much weaponry Deadpool would shoot or stab him
DP 10/10
5. A few im thinkin bout 3 if half the X-men can take them DP can. He has guns and two badass swords.
DP 8/10
6.This one would be tough he would have to keep his distance and stay on the move to avoid her telekenetic powers
DP 6/10
7. Well im not to familiar with the more recent avengers or the old ones i prefer the characters from one comic series where they should be. But i don't think there is too much deadly on the yard and DP took on an evil Cap in a few panels now there is a high possiblility DP will lose but without caps shield he isnt nearly as deadly. And Deadpool i think could stop it Punisher did i think Deadpool can as well. then he wont be as remorseful as Punisher was and he will shoot Cap's ass
DP 6/10
8. He has done it before why not now they fought a few times depends when were talking about really are wolverines claws bone or adamantium he beat wade with a distraction thanks to other people but Wolverine has gotten beaten down my Dead-pool before so
DP 5.5/10
9.Luke cage (whoever that is i dunno)
Originally posted by willRules
ok my bad, I haven't read the issue in a while. How many fights have they had in total.
I count
the one where Dadpool beat Wolverine even though Logan didn't have his healing.
The one where Wolverine beat Deadpool even though Wade was not really fighting back, just playing around.
There is one where Deadpool beats wolverine, the whole watchtower incident thingy.
What other ones are there?
However since all of these fights, Deadpool has been upgraded by Thanos and in the Cable and Deadpool storylines he healed from a pile of goo, he far outclasses Logan in healing............Deadpool wins in this fight as far as I am concerned............
Wolverine 88 - Wolverine has no healing factor, Deadpool wins
Wolverine Annual 1998 - The fight is interupted but Wolverine has the edge
Deadpool 27- Deadpool is slightly more insane the normal Wolverine wins the fight
Wolverine 154 - Deadpool and a confront Wolvere, Logan has the edge but Deadpool pulls out a win thanks to prep time
Wolverine 155 - Brief fight completely even before it gets broken up
I think they fought in an X Force issue somewhere also
King KAM
Cap still wins this.......
In Deadpool's own series he wasn't fightign wolverien much, just getting Logan angry to attack him to help with his therapy..........................
oh and King Kam, cap doesn' have superhuman speed, he may be a able to dodge bullets but one hit and he is down, deadpool can take all the hits in the world. if Cap had Superhuman speed I would say he had a good chance, but last time I checked his speed was peak human.
King KAM
Originally posted by willRules
In Deadpool's own series he wasn't fightign wolverien much, just getting Logan angry to attack him to help with his therapy..........................
oh and King Kam, cap doesn' have superhuman speed, he may be a able to dodge bullets but one hit and he is down, deadpool can take all the hits in the world. if Cap had Superhuman speed I would say he had a good chance, but last time I checked his speed was peak human. Dont tell me cap doesnt have superhuman speed as if i dont know, i have read over 100 of caps comics, and constantly research him i know him well, the thing is DP cant take all the hits in the World , the Cat just EMBARASSED him, and the Cat wouldnt even dare step to Capn america, cap dodges bullets all the time, Hundreds of them, he just dodged a sniper shot, and a close range pistol shot 2 weeks, ago, and then kicked the crap out of someone who has the Super soldier serum and a Metal arm....Cap can take DP
Originally posted by King KAM
Dont tell me cap doesnt have superhuman speed as if i dont know, i have read over 100 of caps comics, and constantly research him i know him well, the thing is DP cant take all the hits in the World , the Cat just EMBARASSED him, and the Cat wouldnt even dare step to Capn america, cap dodges bullets all the time, Hundreds of them, he just dodged a sniper shot, and a close range pistol shot 2 weeks, ago, and then kicked the crap out of someone who has the Super soldier serum and a Metal arm....Cap can take DP
ok sorry if I offended you..........
I still think those fights with Cat were C.I.S. Deadpool just needs to pop several bullets in Cat to end the thing, he could have done so several times in Cable and Deadpool issue 7 plus Wade healed fairly easily from everything cat threw at him, and surprisingly quickly to the throwing stars. Captain America would be no doubt injuring deadpool, but Wade would keep healing and all he needs is one hit to end it.................The peak human agility doesn't outweigh the superhuman healing in this fight IMO......

Originally posted by King KAM
Yes DP can double weild.... to bad he cant use both too effectivley...and if he swings with the sword...caps shield should break it on the first swing...
and as long as cap is behind his sheild, the blast wont hurt him due to the concave shape of the shield, which re-directs the energy.
and cap would probably nade DP back, or hit him with the shield.
Like I said, Captain America using his shield to thwart a sword attack would only allow Deadpool to shoot him
The shield doesn't cover all of Captain America's body. Deadpool could just throw several grenades at once.
Deadpool will have an easier time dodging the shield than Captain America will dodging multiple gun shots and/or sword swipes.
Originally posted by King KAM
Dont tell me cap doesnt have superhuman speed as if i dont know, i have read over 100 of caps comics, and constantly research him i know him well, the thing is DP cant take all the hits in the World , the Cat just EMBARASSED him, and the Cat wouldnt even dare step to Capn america, cap dodges bullets all the time, Hundreds of them, he just dodged a sniper shot, and a close range pistol shot 2 weeks, ago, and then kicked the crap out of someone who has the Super soldier serum and a Metal arm....Cap can take DP
Deadpool wasn't using any firearms during that fight. Cat has also dodged Cyclops's optic blast before so he no slouch in the speed department either. Noone said Deadpool was the greatest hand to hand combatant out there, but he doesn't need to be. He is pretty much physically superior to Captain America in every way and he has a healing factor.
Deadpool can beat Captain America.
King KAM
Originally posted by StyleTime
Like I said, Captain America using his shield to thwart a sword attack would only allow Deadpool to shoot him
The shield doesn't cover all of Captain America's body. Deadpool could just throw several grenades at once.
Deadpool will have an easier time dodging the shield than Captain America will dodging multiple gun shots and/or sword swipes.
Deadpool wasn't using any firearms during that fight. Cat has also dodged Cyclops's optic blast before so he no slouch in the speed department either. Noone said Deadpool was the greatest hand to hand combatant out there, but he doesn't need to be. He is pretty much physically superior to Captain America in every way and he has a healing factor.
Deadpool can beat Captain America. im sorry that you feel this way...too bad that you are wrong....and i hope that you dont actually read any captain america.....
Deadpool has so many fan boys....i aint even funny...whenever has he done somethings to make him be held in such a light....???
Originally posted by King KAM
im sorry that you feel this way...too bad that you are wrong....and i hope that you dont actually read any captain america.....
Deadpool has so many fan boys....i aint even funny...whenever has he done somethings to make him be held in such a light....???
and the same can't be said about Captain america though, right?
Cap doesn't have an advantage in durability in this fight, nor in speed or agility. He might do in strength. he definitely does in fighting skills. However as fast as cap is, it is still peak human speed, you will know this. Peak human speed can't dodge all the bullets in the world, it can dodge lots granted, but not all and it only takes one bullet to end this, coupled with the fact that Deadpool can survive anything cap can throw at him and the fact deadpool will be using his swords, guns, grenades, teleporter etc I do not see cap winning this.............
Originally posted by King KAM
im sorry that you feel this way...too bad that you are wrong....and i hope that you dont actually read any captain america.....
Deadpool has so many fan boys....i aint even funny...whenever has he done somethings to make him be held in such a light....???
You say it like Captain America has no fanboys. I am also anything but a Deadpool fanboy.
Originally posted by willRules
and the same can't be said about Captain america though, right?
Cap doesn't have an advantage in durability in this fight, nor in speed or agility. He might do in strength. he definitely does in fighting skills. However as fast as cap is, it is still peak human speed, you will know this. Peak human speed can't dodge all the bullets in the world, it can dodge lots granted, but not all and it only takes one bullet to end this, coupled with the fact that Deadpool can survive anything cap can throw at him and the fact deadpool will be using his swords, guns, grenades, teleporter etc I do not see cap winning this.............
Although, I am not even sure if Captain has the advantage in strength. Deadpool broke that neck of the terrorist on Providence with 2 fingers. Deadpool legs are also insanely strong seeing how easily he scaled a building by simply leaping upwards.
good point

here is a picture of deadpool in strange armour from the end of the dead reckoning storyline kicking Captain America in his man essence.................
the sentinels would be a real problem. srank mentioned logan regenerating a heart problem -- logan was also oinned and unable to do a thing when an old man drove his sword through a door and into logan's heart. if the sword is LEFT there, logan's in deep do-do. that could go either way though.
i think cap is certainly capable of taking pool down. dd has had good showings against him and imo appeared to be the superior fighter and to have the upperhand in their meetings that i've read. i'd say cap 6/10 against pool.
no way he's beating doom, but the rest i give him all or the majority.
Originally posted by willRules
here is a picture of deadpool in strange armour from the end of the dead reckoning storyline kicking Captain America in his man essence.................
grey fox
Originally posted by willRules
here is a picture of deadpool in strange armour from the end of the dead reckoning storyline kicking Captain America in his man essence.................
Meh , it means nothing . You could take down any male character by kicking him in the balls , Wolverine and galactus could be taken down with a swift kick to the nuts even.....
Why doesnt deadpool have may fanboys? e's kick ass...
Originally posted by grey fox
Meh , it means nothing . You could take down any male character by kicking him in the balls , Wolverine and galactus could be taken down with a swift kick to the nuts even.....
So why can't he use this tactic to beat cap? answer: he could use this tactic to beat cap.........
He COULD use it, but he won't even need to.
King KAM
Originally posted by willRules
and the same can't be said about Captain america though, right?
Cap doesn't have an advantage in durability in this fight, nor in speed or agility. He might do in strength. he definitely does in fighting skills. However as fast as cap is, it is still peak human speed, you will know this. Peak human speed can't dodge all the bullets in the world, it can dodge lots granted, but not all and it only takes one bullet to end this, coupled with the fact that Deadpool can survive anything cap can throw at him and the fact deadpool will be using his swords, guns, grenades, teleporter etc I do not see cap winning this............. where has deadpool showed more agility or speed??? the only thing that DP has is his Durability and his strenght, he can lift over a ton. but he has never been shown to be more agile than the cap nor faster.
Deadpool has taken on all the X-force you know in his first issue he has also beaten Juggernaut using his wits in fact surpirsingly enough many of his fights are won by him using his head sometimes literally he has tons of weapons and has taken down so many main characters by himself like Sabretooth(when he was dying and some sludge) and im sorry but i think your a cap fanboy so you have no place talking about other fanboys.
Besides Cap was most recently OWNED by Cable who Deadpool has beaten on several occasions. And im sure DP will use Cap's goodness to his advantage Captain America isnt big on killing Deadpool on the other hand is insane. Both of them have been beaten by the punisher. But the main thing is DP is low enough to play unfair he will use hostages hit Cap in the nuts as he has done before and anything else he can do
Originally posted by leonidas
the sentinels would be a real problem. srank mentioned logan regenerating a heart problem -- logan was also oinned and unable to do a thing when an old man drove his sword through a door and into logan's heart. if the sword is LEFT there, logan's in deep do-do. that could go either way though.
i think cap is certainly capable of taking pool down. dd has had good showings against him and imo appeared to be the superior fighter and to have the upperhand in their meetings that i've read. i'd say cap 6/10 against pool.
no way he's beating doom, but the rest i give him all or the majority.
The character who stabbed Logan in the heart couldn't be killed by any living man (or something like that), the whole incident was one a large piece of PIS so the writers could get around the prophecy and set it up for Wolverine to kill him. Also the guy wasn't that old...
Originally posted by FG725
Deadpool has taken on all the X-force you know in his first issue he has also beaten Juggernaut using his wits in fact surpirsingly enough many of his fights are won by him using his head sometimes literally he has tons of weapons and has taken down so many main characters by himself like Sabretooth(when he was dying and some sludge) and im sorry but i think your a cap fanboy so you have no place talking about other fanboys.
Besides Cap was most recently OWNED by Cable who Deadpool has beaten on several occasions. And im sure DP will use Cap's goodness to his advantage Captain America isnt big on killing Deadpool on the other hand is insane. Both of them have been beaten by the punisher. But the main thing is DP is low enough to play unfair he will use hostages hit Cap in the nuts as he has done before and anything else he can do
I agree except Im not sure the fight with punisher was a clear victory for frank. Every time he got Deadpool except for one occasion, was when Wade wasn't fighting him.............
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
The character who stabbed Logan in the heart couldn't be killed by any living man (or something like that), the whole incident was one a large piece of PIS so the writers could get around the prophecy and set it up for Wolverine to kill him. Also the guy wasn't that old...
but wolvie was still pinned . . .
i'd disagree with the pis. if you think about it, it makes sense -- how could he heal if the sword was still in him?
and all the early wolvie issues were pretty crappy.

Originally posted by leonidas
but wolvie was still pinned . . .
i'd disagree with the pis. if you think about it, it makes sense -- how could he heal if the sword was still in him?
and all the early wolvie issues were pretty crappy.
If someone is going to sab you in the hear you want them to leave the blade in, you'll live longer.
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
If someone is going to sab you in the hear you want them to leave the blade in, you'll live longer.
not enough to make much of a difference though...................
Originally posted by srankmissingnin
If someone is going to sab you in the hear you want them to leave the blade in, you'll live longer.
only until someone can safely remove it so the wound can heal/be healed. tough to heal it if that pesky piece of metal is in the way . . .
I think people are really underestimating what 3 Sentinals can do...
Also a broken neck will kill Deadpool for about a three or so days. HEck T-Ray killed him for a week.
Silent Master
Deadpool's healing has gone up in recent times though hasn't it, I seem to recall people stating that in the recent Cable/Deadpool comic that Cable had TK'd Deadpool's brains out and he healed in a few seconds.
Originally posted by Silent Master
Deadpool's healing has gone up in recent times though hasn't it, I seem to recall people stating that in the recent Cable/Deadpool comic that Cable had TK'd Deadpool's brains out and he healed in a few seconds.
I think that was ment as a joke, also i think it took a bit longer than a few seconds. but regardless deadpool has arguably one of the best regen factors in the marvel universe
I really dont see cap beating Deadpool simply because not only does he have superior healing factor (which unquestionably outclasses caps peak of human performance stat) and its not like deadpool is gona sit and get hit 400 times by captain america. He has more tools than cap does, caps shield is raw, but he better not toss it. Caps mind would be very caught up dodgeing bullets, swords, grenades, and he would get tired before Deadpool, considering the fight even got to that stage. Cap is raw, i agree, but sentinels pose more of a threat to deadpool than cap does
Deadpool will be killed by Spider-man for beating Aun May.
Originally posted by Warmonger
I think people are really underestimating what 3 Sentinals can do...
I completely agree.
Originally posted by ExtraMision5555
I think that was ment as a joke, also i think it took a bit longer than a few seconds.
No it wasn't. Cable blew his brains out.
In the comic when deadpool said a phraze to the extent of blow my brains out, but then cable actually did blow it out, i ment joke as in, i dont think they were really going at it. if i remember correctly it was a humarous event
lol@pso reference
unless were talking about different occasssians
Oh. No they weren't fighting. I thought you meant the people on the board made the event up.
Originally posted by StyleTime
Oh. No they weren't fighting. I thought you meant the people on the board made the event up.
oh lol, yeah i was pertty sure we were talking about the same thing just wasnt sure
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