He-Man VS. The Juggernaut (Classic version)
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After years of trying every trick in the book to get inside and usurp the throne of Castle Greyskull, Skeletor comes up with his greatest evil scheme...if he can't get inside Castle Greyskull, he'll trick someone else into doing it for him.
Knowing that whoever he picks, he will have to be as powerful as He-Man, if not moreso, but much more dim-witted and nowhere near as clever. Using his evil magic to scour endless dimensions, he finally finds the pawn he needs in his chess game to become the ruler of Eternia....The Unstoppable Juggernaut.
Using his dark sorcery to open an interdimentional portal, he brings Juggernaut to Eternia and bribs him to attack Castle Greyskull and smash thru the door of the castle. Skeletor and Juggernaut arrive at Castle Greyskull and just as Juggy's about to turn the door into splinters, Juggernaut runs smack dab into the most powerful man in the universe......He-Man!!!!!
So, who wins this one? The most powerful man in the universe or the most unstoppable force in the universe????

Darth Macabre
He-Man wins... The sorceress over powers Juggernauts enchantment.
He-Man is potentially a lot stronger but he has a cap on durability. I say Juggs wins, unless He-Man gets super pumped and throws him into the sun or something.
Originally posted by Darth Macabre
He-Man wins... The sorceress over powers Juggernauts enchantment.
Interesting thought.
Where's Adam Poe???

It won't take long.
If you listen to the wank both these guys get then He Man would rip him in half and throw him to another galaxy, from which Juggernaut would heal and walk back. This would continue for eternity.
By the Power of Greyskull!!! I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!
Even though He-Man has a strict code against killing, I wonder if he could cut Juggernaut's head off with his Sword of Power. Also, I wonder how well He-Man would fare against Juggy's force field? Could he eventually get thru something that Thor's hammer couldn't even dent? Would He-Man kill to prevent the destruction of Eternia, Greyskull, and the Sorceress? What do the rest of you think?
um we don't know how juggernaut's unstoppablity will fare against mystical barrier of Castle Grayskull so its not even sure he can get in
anyway if we suppose he get sin (or gets He-Man to get out & fight him) we first gotta know how durable is He-Man??? (against slashing & piercing attacks)
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by SoulDevourer
um we don't know how juggernaut's unstoppablity will fare against mystical barrier of Castle Grayskull so its not even sure he can get in
anyway if we suppose he get sin (or gets He-Man to get out & fight him) we first gotta know how durable is He-Man??? (against slashing & piercing attacks)
Why do you need to know how durable he is against slashing and piercing atttacks when all Cain has to do is continually punch him in the face?
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
Even though He-Man has a strict code against killing, I wonder if he could cut Juggernaut's head off with his Sword of Power. Also, I wonder how well He-Man would fare against Juggy's force field? Could he eventually get thru something that Thor's hammer couldn't even dent? Would He-Man kill to prevent the destruction of Eternia, Greyskull, and the Sorceress? What do the rest of you think?
He-Man is not breaking Cain's forcefield. He-Man can not kill Cain.
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
He-Man is not breaking Cain's forcefield. He-Man can not kill Cain.
Here is He-Man punching through Hordak's indestructible forcefield...using his Thunderfists attack.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
Here is He-Man punching through Hordak's indestructible forcefield...using his Thunderfists attack.
That shows nothing that says that he can break Cain's forcefield. Not all forcefields are the same. Thor can break Magneto's with his hammer but failed to do the same to Cain's with same hammer. I'm betting that Cain is more durable than that guy.
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Why do you need to know how durable he is against slashing and piercing atttacks when all Cain has to do is continually punch him in the face? thats unless He-man stops Cain's fist & rips it off his arm lol
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by SoulDevourer
thats unless He-man stops Cain's fist & rips it off his arm lol
He-Man can break someone's unbreakable skin? I didn't know that. Good thing Cain has a FF to keep him away from his hands and continue the punishment.
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
He-Man can break someone's unbreakable skin? I didn't know that. Good thing Cain has a FF to keep him away from his hands and continue the punishment. since when is juggie unbreakable skin? hes flesh & blood, hes not like silver surfer. he can be injured with enough force (at least if he aint got cyttorak gem)
we dunno how his forcefield will hold against HeMan's sword. depends whos magic is stronger
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
He-Man can break someone's unbreakable skin? I didn't know that. Good thing Cain has a FF to keep him away from his hands and continue the punishment.
There is a chance He-Man could cut through the force field with his sword...that or his sword could absorb the mystical energy in the force field. His sword acts much like Thor's hammer in many aspects, with being able to absorb and re-direct certain energies being among them.
Originally posted by SoulDevourer
since when is juggie unbreakable skin? hes flesh & blood, hes not like silver surfer. he can be injured with enough force (at least if he aint got cyttorak gem)
You don't know much about Juggs, do you?
The Heap
He-Man's sword could possibly absorb/re-direct Cain's forcefield.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by The Heap
He-Man's sword could possibly absorb/re-direct Cain's forcefield.
Thing is that Cain doesn't need it for this fight. How do you redirect a forcefield?
He-Man is no match for the avatar of destruction.
Hyperion Prime
I love Juggernaut and He-man. I think He-Man takes this in much the same way Thor did. I think he can use his sword to cut off Juggs source of power. I actually think Skeletor is uber enough that his power rivals Cytorak. Skeltor May be able to amp up Juggs power.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
I love Juggernaut and He-man. I think He-Man takes this in much the same way Thor did. I think he can use his sword to cut off Juggs source of power. I actually think Skeletor is uber enough that his power rivals Cytorak. Skeltor May be able to amp up Juggs power.
Why does everyone think Cain needs his FF to handle this?
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Why does everyone think Cain needs his FF to handle this?
Because Thor was taking it to Juggs with brute force once he brought down Juggs force field. He-Man can rock Juggs.
Nemesis X
Juggernaut murders He-man and it's about time I see this doofus get slaughtered. After He-man gets killed, Juggernaut kills Skeletor and takes the power from grey skull. You know how obsessive Juggy gets with power.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
Because Thor was taking it to Juggs with brute force once he brought down Juggs force field. He-Man can rock Juggs.
really you're going to reference this? Cain has taken blows from Mjolnir without FF, and he has taken blows from beings who physically surpass Thor like WWH.
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
really you're going to reference this? Cain has taken blows from Mjolnir without FF, and he has taken blows from beings who physically surpass Thor like WWH.
Juggernaut has never taken blows from Mjolnir without a forcefield, except when it Juggs was powered up during the 8th day.
For the record WWH is overrated.
The Heap
Originally posted by Nemesis X
Juggernaut murders He-man and it's about time I see this doofus get slaughtered. After He-man gets killed, Juggernaut kills Skeletor and takes the power from grey skull. You know how obsessive Juggy gets with power.
Skeletor would probably teleport his ass into another dimension. Or have Tri-Klop's and Trap-Jaw beat his ass.
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
Juggernaut has never taken blows from Mjolnir without a forcefield, except when it Juggs was powered up during the 8th day.
For the record WWH is overrated. How is WWH overrated?
Originally posted by Mindset
How is WWH overrated? I guess because WWH almost defeated the MU and some people don't like it. durhulk
He really didn't do much when you think about it, he beat the same people he could have beat when he was Savage Hulk, except Strange, but Strange let his guard down.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
Juggernaut has never taken blows from Mjolnir without a forcefield, except when it Juggs was powered up during the 8th day.
For the record WWH is overrated.
Really he didn't take blows from Mjolnir in their first fight? Seriously you're going to say that? WWH hits harder than Thor and even in that minute Thor still couldn't KO Cain. Cain has taken more damage than Thor's fist without his FF. The FF is not the source of his invulnerability.
Do you think that Thor's fist can split a small planet in two?
Originally posted by Mindset
He really didn't do much when you think about it, he beat the same people he could have beat when he was Savage Hulk, except Strange, but Strange let his guard down. Well, I'm a Hulk fan and still was left a bit put off by the spanking he gave the X Men. But it was a different Hulk and went with it.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Badabing
Well, I'm a Hulk fan.
And you wonder why no one likes you. Anti-Ban Shield Go!!!
Imo any Hulk should be able to do that to the X-men, it wasn't exactly their strongest line up.
Jugs is over-rated. He-man is the Master of the Universe!
More or less it was what he did to Colossus and taking Scott's full blast that threw me a bit. But I went with it. The writers explained it enough for me to accept.
Originally posted by Badabing
I guess because WWH almost defeated the MU and some people don't like it. durhulk
Yup. Even though thats just what Hulk does, and this was pretty much the most pissed we've ever seen him and definitely the most focused, people still find a way to discredit it. and I had no issues with the Xmen fight. Maybe they should have had them fight a little smarter but I was fine with the outcome.
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
Here is He-Man punching through Hordak's indestructible forcefield... It wasn't a very 'indestructible' force-field, then. ermm
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Really he didn't take blows from Mjolnir in their first fight? Seriously you're going to say that? WWH hits harder than Thor and even in that minute Thor still couldn't KO Cain. Cain has taken more damage than Thor's fist without his FF. The FF is not the source of his invulnerability.
Do you think that Thor's fist can split a small planet in two?
I have there first fight. Not one time did Thor hit Juggernaut with Juggs having his shield down!!! Heck when Thor threw his hammer it was Juggs FF that slowed the hammer down.
I think Thor could split a planet in two with his fist. I am pretty sure He-Man could also.
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by Badabing
More or less it was what he did to Colossus and taking Scott's full blast that threw me a bit. But I went with it. The writers explained it enough for me to accept.
He has taken Scotts full blast before. It was when Hulk was looking at Apocalypse as a father figure.
WWH is Overrated. He didn't do anything that he could not do as mindless or Savage Hulk.
I couldn't care less he defeated the whole Marvel Universe. He has done it before. He did when he was hulk seperated from Banner.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
I have there first fight. Not one time did Thor hit Juggernaut with Juggs having his shield down!!! Heck when Thor threw his hammer it was Juggs FF that slowed the hammer down.
I think Thor could split a planet in two with his fist. I am pretty sure He-Man could also.
Thor also punched him in their first fight without a FF and it did no damage to Cain. Cain also took a Godblast from him without a FF and it did no damage. So yare you suggesting that Thor's fists are stronger than his GB? Also Thor can not split a planet with his fist alone. What proof or feats do you have that says that he can?
Space M ummy
He man wins this 10/10.
Jugg's forcefield has been shown more than once to have a magic weakness.
Mojoverse weapons (forged in a hybrid magic/science dimension, EXACTLY like eternia) have gone through it twice that I'm aware of-
1.) longshots knives went right through the seals of juggs' armor, weakening it enough that rogue was able to just pull the helmet off. This was classic Xmen and most certainly a full powered juggs.
2.) Shatterstar's blades not only went through jugg's "field" but cut him up considerably and jugg's was bleeding all over the place. Juggs' response? "yeah, you can cut me with those but I heal real fast."
This was Xforce #3 (?) I think, where spiderman guest starred along with them. It's worth noting that juggernaut was not fast enough to catch or hit spiderman here.
A THIRD time magic weapons owned the juggernaut was when Thunderstrike (a watered down thor!) Cut off juggs' helmet and nearly decapitated him with the bloodaxe that used to belong to the executioner. Juggs' response? "What is that, a magic axe?" Juggs immediately stopped fighting RIGHT THEN and ended up negotiating with 'strike to go away, or something.
He-Man's power sword is CLEARLY stronger than 1 and 2, and probably on par with 3. In addition, He-man has been shown to have superspeed on more than one occasion, (turning sand into glass with his hands, deflecting laserblasts back at targets, creating tornados) so it's unlikely juggs can hit him if he was serious about it.
No way juggernaut takes out he man.
Nemesis X
Originally posted by The Heap
Skeletor would probably teleport his ass into another dimension. Or have Tri-Klop's and Trap-Jaw beat his ass.
And you laugh at my logic? Juggernaut would own Skelator and his stupid henchmen.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Space M ummy
He man wins this 10/10.
Jugg's forcefield has been shown more than once to have a magic weakness.
Mojoverse weapons (forged in a hybrid magic/science dimension, EXACTLY like eternia) have gone through it twice that I'm aware of-
1.) longshots knives went right through the seals of juggs' armor, weakening it enough that rogue was able to just pull the helmet off. This was classic Xmen and most certainly a full powered juggs.
2.) Shatterstar's blades not only went through jugg's "field" but cut him up considerably and jugg's was bleeding all over the place. Juggs' response? "yeah, you can cut me with those but I heal real fast."
This was Xforce #3 (?) I think, where spiderman guest starred along with them. It's worth noting that juggernaut was not fast enough to catch or hit spiderman here.
A THIRD time magic weapons owned the juggernaut was when Thunderstrike (a watered down thor!) Cut off juggs' helmet and nearly decapitated him with the bloodaxe that used to belong to the executioner. Juggs' response? "What is that, a magic axe?" Juggs immediately stopped fighting RIGHT THEN and ended up negotiating with 'strike to go away, or something.
He-Man's power sword is CLEARLY stronger than 1 and 2, and probably on par with 3. In addition, He-man has been shown to have superspeed on more than one occasion, (turning sand into glass with his hands, deflecting laserblasts back at targets, creating tornados) so it's unlikely juggs can hit him if he was serious about it.
No way juggernaut takes out he man.
Juggernaut doesn't need his FF to win this.
Originally posted by Space M ummy
He man wins this 10/10.
Jugg's forcefield has been shown more than once to have a magic weakness.
Mojoverse weapons (forged in a hybrid magic/science dimension, EXACTLY like eternia) have gone through it twice that I'm aware of-
1.) longshots knives went right through the seals of juggs' armor, weakening it enough that rogue was able to just pull the helmet off. This was classic Xmen and most certainly a full powered juggs.
2.) Shatterstar's blades not only went through jugg's "field" but cut him up considerably and jugg's was bleeding all over the place. Juggs' response? "yeah, you can cut me with those but I heal real fast."
This was Xforce #3 (?) I think, where spiderman guest starred along with them. It's worth noting that juggernaut was not fast enough to catch or hit spiderman here.
A THIRD time magic weapons owned the juggernaut was when Thunderstrike (a watered down thor!) Cut off juggs' helmet and nearly decapitated him with the bloodaxe that used to belong to the executioner. Juggs' response? "What is that, a magic axe?" Juggs immediately stopped fighting RIGHT THEN and ended up negotiating with 'strike to go away, or something.
He-Man's power sword is CLEARLY stronger than 1 and 2, and probably on par with 3. In addition, He-man has been shown to have superspeed on more than one occasion, (turning sand into glass with his hands, deflecting laserblasts back at targets, creating tornados) so it's unlikely juggs can hit him if he was serious about it.
No way juggernaut takes out he man. Juggs was reduced to nothing but bones and it didn't even bother him.
Space M ummy
Originally posted by Mindset
Juggs was reduced to nothing but bones and it didn't even bother him.
That was versus d'spayre. kind of an odd fight as d'spayre's power level (and ability to hurt the juggernaut) was feeding off of cain's mental anguish. D'spayre was trying to use juggernaut's "misery" against him as a weapon and it didn't work.
D'spayre was in turn powerdrained and BFR'ed by "Spite" though- juggs didn't defeat him.
more of a mental/supernatural fight than a physical one- Classic Juggs has been KOed by Nimrod, in a physical fight, on this plane before (whereas the d'spayre fight was not on this plane and not physical) so his true level of durability is a lot lower.
he-man would murder him. decapitation by the power sword is at LEAST a KO.
Originally posted by Space M ummy
That was versus d'spayre. kind of an odd fight as d'spayre's power level was feeding off of cain's mental anguish. D'spayre was trying to use juggernaut's "misery" against him as a weapon and it didn't work.
D'spayre was in turn powerdrained and BFR'ed by "Spite" though- juggs didn't defeat him.
more of a mental/supernatural fight than a physical one- Classic Juggs has been KOed by Nimrod, in a physical fight, on this plane before (whereas the d'spayre fight was not on this plane and not physical) so his true level of durability is a lot lower. So Juggs wasn't reduced to bones and it didn't bother him?
Nimrod koed Juggs through use of sonics, not seeing the similarity.
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by Wei Phoenix
Thor also punched him in their first fight without a FF and it did no damage to Cain. Cain also took a Godblast from him without a FF and it did no damage. So yare you suggesting that Thor's fists are stronger than his GB? Also Thor can not split a planet with his fist alone. What proof or feats do you have that says that he can?
For someone who is unstoppable, Thor punched Juggs up into the air and back when he emerged from the wreckage. Knocked Juggs off his feet.
You act like I don't have this comic. Thors fist and the the godblast both did damage. This is about He-man and Juggs. I am not trying to hijack this thread.
Kris Blaze
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
For someone who is unstoppable, Thor punched Juggs up into the air and back when he emerged from the wreckage. Knocked Juggs off his feet.
You act like I don't have this comic. Thors fist and the the godblast both did damage. This is about He-man and Juggs. I am not trying to hijack this thread.
That's Thor.
This is he-man.
Hyperion Prime
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
That's Thor.
This is he-man.
Wei Phoenix asked me a question. Did you not see me type I am not trying to hijack this thread

The Heap
Originally posted by Nemesis X
And you laugh at my logic? Juggernaut would own Skelator and his stupid henchmen.
Skeletor > Jugg's.
Nemesis X
The Heap of bull**** is what you are. I demand proof on how that wimpy Skeletor can own the Juggernaut. Don't even say "Skeletor sends him to another dimension" because that's pretty much saying that Skeletor is a chicken and won't even fight him.
Skeletor is vastly underrated. He is an immensely powerful sorcerer and greatly skilled in the dark arts. He's nothing to sneeze at...especially in the latest comics and animated series. Given time, he very well may come up with a way to stop the Juggernaut.
Wei Phoenix
Originally posted by Hyperion Prime
For someone who is unstoppable, Thor punched Juggs up into the air and back when he emerged from the wreckage. Knocked Juggs off his feet.
You act like I don't have this comic. Thors fist and the the godblast both did damage. This is about He-man and Juggs. I am not trying to hijack this thread.
Thor's GB did not hurt Cain and there were no signs of pain. Pushing someone back/slowing them down is not hurting them. Nowhere did Cain say anything about his GB hurting him and the only time his fists ever hurt him was in their second fight.
It's already funny that you think Thor could split a planet in two with his fists, do you also think that he hits harder than WWH who also punched Cain and did no damage to him? Knocking someone down doesn't equal damaging them.
This is ridiculous. Juggernaut would end He-Man...quickly.
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
Skeletor is vastly underrated. He is an immensely powerful sorcerer and greatly skilled in the dark arts. He's nothing to sneeze at...especially in the latest comics and animated series. Given time, he very well may come up with a way to stop the Juggernaut.
Skeletor possesses a host of magical skills. Among these is his ability to transform his appearance to take on the likeness of others. He can also transform external objects into other forms and substances by magic. He can also bring inanimate objects to life, or mystically imbue objects or beings with specific but temporary powers.
Skeletor can project highly powerful concussive bolts of mystical energy. He can also create magical energy fields, which serve various purposes. Skeletor can create a field of sufficient resilience to repel mystical attacks, or physical objects such as large caliber projectiles. He can also surround objects in mystical energy to levitate them. He can also mystically levitate himself.
Skeletor also has a number of mental and extrasensory powers, which are analogous to psionic abilities. He can broadcast his thoughts into other minds as well as plant compelling hypnotic suggestions. These telepathic abilities do not appear to be limited by distance: Skeletor can even cast his thoughts across dimensions. Skeletor cannot, however, perceive the thoughts of others. He does have certain extrasensory powers of perception, however, enabling him to see and hear events in distant places simultaneous to their occurrence. He can also mentally project an image of himself, in a manner not unlike astral projection, through which he can communicate with beings in other places.
Skeletor can also magically create rifts between dimensions, allowing him or other objects passage from one universe to another.
Skeletor also has a vast knowledge of spells, which he can use for many magical effects.
Kris Blaze
That's a description of Loki's abilities, not Skeletor's.
The Heap
Originally posted by Nemesis X
The Heap of bull**** is what you are. I demand proof on how that wimpy Skeletor can own the Juggernaut. Don't even say "Skeletor sends him to another dimension" because that's pretty much saying that Skeletor is a chicken and won't even fight him.
Originally posted by Kris Blaze
That's a description of Loki's abilities, not Skeletor's.
don't do that again.
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