Llan the sorceror Vs MU earth (no rules of engagment)
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in all Llans battles he is restricted by the rules of engagment but in this battle there shall be no such restrictions he can go all out with all his powers and abilities with no such rules restricting him. he shall fight MU earth and Dr Strange is not allowed in this battle.
...the heck's Llan?
Llan is a Alpha Flight enemy, even made Strange crap his pants. Even one magical trap basically cost most of Dr.Strange's power to save himself.
Anyways we don't know what Llan is fully capable of without the rules in place. It greatly hinders him, but he is so ancient he follows them. Also it was Talisman and Strange that sent his armies away, they didn't actually beat him just cancelled him out. Since he opened the Gateway of Night and was about to destroy the Earth and Talisman w/Strange opened the Gateway of Day, cancelling out the armies which is stated in the rules.
"Llan is the most powerful of the ancient evils"
1. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/A_Flight4/AlphaFlight72-20.jpg
"Llan being the next worse thing to the devil himself" and Llan isn't a demon or a god, something far worse
1. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/A_Flight4/AlphaFlight72-09.jpg
He is opener of the way for all the evil that lurks outside
1. http://i31.photobucket.com/albums/c365/A_Flight4/AlphaFlight72-03.jpg
Here he is returning after 10,000 years. Scroll down to the heading "Llan the Sorcerer" and "Alpha Flight vs. Llan the Sorcerer"
1. http://www.killermovies.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=371981&perpage=20&highlight=&pagenumber=16
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