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Ok heres how this works.
I will start off by stating a vs match up.
Whoever posts below me writes a short account (Just a few sentences) on how the battle would go eg who punches kicks whom, and who wins the fight.
Then they post a match up. the next person just describe that fight and so on.
I will post the first match up
Spider-man vs wolverine
Originally posted by willRules
Ok heres how this works.
I will start off by stating a vs match up.
Whoever posts below me writes a short account (Just a few sentences) on how the battle would go eg who punches kicks whom, and who wins the fight.
Then they post a match up. the next person just describe that fight and so on.
I will post the first match up
Spider-man vs wolverine Spidey knows not to fight wolvie up close so he stays away and attacks and then jumps away...spidey throughs various objects at wolvie such as trucks cars, ect. to wear him down...the fight last for about two days wolvie cuts spidey a few times and spidey has broke both his hands and feet...then spidey pores cement on wolvie...and kills him...
Hmmm.... This would be an amazing fight. Both Wolverine and Spiderman are excellent superheros. In my opinion i belive that Spiderman would win. A brilliant example of Spidermans power is in Secret Wars. Spidey nearly killed Wolverine in the Secret Wars.
There is a comic dedicated to this very subject, go read it. "spiderman vs wolverine"
Spiderman will defeat wolverine, (in fact I dont remember Wolverine ever getting a hit on Spiderman) but cant knock him out because of his adamantium skeleton. Even thought Wolverine has alot of experiment in the arts of fighting etc Spiderman is win. Spiderman is alot faster. If Spiderman were to focus and be in tune with his abilities Wolverine would not be able to hit Spidey.
Originally posted by jgiant
Pitt vs. Grey hulk
Pretty much even until Grey Hulk starts feeling the blows a bit too much. Pitt eventually finishes him off with a mental blade thingy. he then procedes to eat grey hulk and excrete him.
Black cat vs Lara croft
Originally posted by Nick1989
Hmmm.... This would be an amazing fight. Both Wolverine and Spiderman are excellent superheros. In my opinion i belive that Spiderman would win. A brilliant example of Spidermans power is in Secret Wars. Spidey nearly killed Wolverine in the Secret Wars.
There is a comic dedicated to this very subject, go read it. "spiderman vs wolverine"
Spiderman will defeat wolverine, (in fact I dont remember Wolverine ever getting a hit on Spiderman) but cant knock him out because of his adamantium skeleton. Even thought Wolverine has alot of experiment in the arts of fighting etc Spiderman is win. Spiderman is alot faster. If Spiderman were to focus and be in tune with his abilities Wolverine would not be able to hit Spidey.
I know I have read secret wars, it was great when he simply swatted him away.
Originally posted by willRules
Pretty much even until Grey Hulk starts feeling the blows a bit too much. Pitt eventually finishes him off with a mental blade thingy. he then procedes to eat grey hulk and excrete him.
Black cat vs Lara croft Black cat gets the drop on her and kicks her ass for a while then laura whips out a forty five and blows cat away...
Sav. Hulk vs. Prof. Hulk
Cool. Willrules it was very funny.
Savage Hulk, but barely. The Professor is much better with using his surroundings, since he has all of Banner's intelligence at his disposal. However, wherever they fought would be a barren wasteland afterward.
Venom vs Toxin
Toxin beats the heck out of venom, pimp slaps him then takes him to a bar where they drown in their sorrows until toxin pimp slaps him again.
Deadpool vs Nightcrawler
Bamphf! Bang! nightcralwers dead
Doc Ock vs Omega Red
omega red red hits ock hittinging his adamatium, dock hits omega, omega heals, and foes death factors,
Spawn Third age, meaning almost equal to TOAA vs. the spectre.
If spawn third age is equal to TOAA then Spawn hands down, he's god..he'll just think Spectre out of existence.
Classic Juggernaut Vs. Rune King Thor
after a long physical fight thor realizes that he could just zap this guy into another dimension and does just to put an end to this .... ODIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ridiculous speed blitz, and Flash wins before the figth starts...........
Rogue vs Venom
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by willRules
ridiculous speed blitz, and Flash wins before the figth starts...........
Rogue vs Venom
Wonderman (Classic) v Drax (Classic) not stupid nineties or blind joke
it has just occured to me that i disagree with some of the outcomes thus far..........
drax fries wonderman then beats him to death
powergirl vs. wonderwoman
looks like no one wants to comment on this one
Powergirl give it her all but steadaly loses groung to Dians superior fighting styles, she is then knocked out.
Kurse vs Doomsday (DOS) In a rubber room?
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