Iron Man runs the gauntlet!
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1.The Walrus (just for kicks)
2.Green Goblin
3.Alistair Smythe (Ultimate Slayer)
4.Living Laser
5.Iron Man 2020
7.Three Sentinels
8.Steel (John Henry Irons)
Iron Man gets his armor from the second series of his animated show, and can switch from any armor in his history before the battle. However, he's not allowed to switch during the battle. How far would he get?
(also, if you think that the guantlet needs to be switched around a bit, feel free to tell me.)
he gets to magneto, and gets dominated.
who is smith and what can he do. i think he loses to metallo isnt he like indestructable?
Smythe u mean?
Originally posted by Marcus4600
1.The Walrus (just for kicks)
2.Green Goblin
3.Alistair Smythe (Ultimate Slayer)
4.Living Laser
5.Iron Man 2020
7.Three Sentinels
8.Steel (John Henry Irons)
Iron Man gets his armor from the second series of his animated show, and can switch from any armor in his history before the battle. However, he's not allowed to switch during the battle. How far would he get?
(also, if you think that the guantlet needs to be switched around a bit, feel free to tell me.)
The animated show ...

.... if we're using non-canon sources can we use "What If" versions? .... if so Iron Man owns everyone on the list
u ever heard of the spider slayers?? well he's the guy who makes them, first is father started to make them and then he took over and made stonger better models to kill spiderman. He is funded and works for the kingpin also...he made him self in to a spider slayer later, heres his bio as a spider slayer:
In order to defeat Spider-Man on his own, Alistair enhanced himself by encasing his entire body in a biorganic carapace that not only served as a full body armor, but increased his strength and gave him the ability to walk again by interconnecting with his spine. The physical structure of the carapace gave Alistair bird-like talons for feet; a long, curved blade-like weapon jutting from each shoulder; a pair of smaller, jagged blade weapons on each forearm; and a specially made web-shooter that fires from the forearm area. Eventually, Spider-Man defeated Alistair and made sure he'd been taken to custody as well as the other asylum inmates who survived the ordeal.
Smythe is considerally stonger than spiderman.
Originally posted by Scoobless
The animated show ...

.... if we're using non-canon sources can we use "What If" versions? .... if so Iron Man owns everyone on the list
No, not what if versions. I was talking about the morphing ability of his armor in the second season of his show. Basically, before each battle, his suit can morph into any suit he's used before, save the Hulkbuster or Asgardian, because that's just cheating.
Personally I think Iron Man can go all the way. His armour is de-magnetised and it probably has efficient artillery to go one-on-one with what magneto can dish out.
^ and if necessary, could use the Stealth armor when he took on the Black Panther, which is made of plastics. I'm suprised people think he could run the gauntlet. Of course, I haven't seen any Supes fanboys in here yet.
Tony Stark
He runs it...
Gauntlet complete...
Cosmic Cube
He beats Magneto too.
Don't you think Tony would know about magnetic fields?
And he has PREP. Iron Man could take down top tier guys like Superman with prep.
This gauntlet is beneath him.
Yeah, he could take Superman by analyzing his biophysical structure and determining what type of radiation could harm him, then emulate it within his repulsor rays. I would definately say that Iron Man is Marvel's champion.
Where would I go to start a Respect Iron Man thread?
magneto beats him like hell
^ Even with the plastic stealth armor?
it doesn not matter magneto can kill him because the iron in his blood
Magneto doesn't have to affect Iron Man directly. He just takes a ffew tons of metal junk, wraps it around Iron Man and beats him with a few-hundred-ton battle cruiser. I doubt highly that Iron Man would have any weaponry Mags would be unable to counter.
However, that's not the only one I think Iron Man can't beat. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you'd expect that Iron Man 2020 would have an armour 15 years more advanced than the current one's? Wheter or not that's the case, an Iron Man of any kind is more fearsome than Metallo. Metallo is like Ultron, but crappier, as my friend put it.
Without much info on the 2020 version, I'm guessing he'll only make it there.
He beat 2020 before. He's a bit smarter than Arno Stark, and outwitted him.
he can rip iron man into pieces by grabbing not the armr but the body inside because in the blood there is iron he can do this even polaris did in uncanny x-men
One problem. If he uses a demagnetized armor, which his newest model is, it forms a barrier around him that Magneto couldn't penetrate. Iron Man took that into consideration when he beat it. The fight between him and Magneto would be a battle of magnetism vs repulsor rays. However, if Iron Man gets close enough to Magneto and punches him, I don't think Magneto can withstand the hit. Iron man can lift about 80 pounds in his current armor. It would be a tough match, which is why I put it in there.
magneto can enhance his strength to the 100 ton class range through his magnatism and stuff. Even if tony gets close to punch him, tony is decked instead.
cherry cola
I doubt the punch would have much effect I have seen him take a punchfrom iron man before and remain standing Magnet

ark Seduction
he dies at number 1 under the walrus's speedblitz!!!
how you like them apples scoob!!
Originally posted by Marcus4600
1.The Walrus (just for kicks)
2.Green Goblin
3.Alistair Smythe (Ultimate Slayer)
4.Living Laser
5.Iron Man 2020
7.Three Sentinels
8.Steel (John Henry Irons)
Iron Man gets his armor from the second series of his animated show, and can switch from any armor in his history before the battle. However, he's not allowed to switch during the battle. How far would he get?
(also, if you think that the guantlet needs to be switched around a bit, feel free to tell me.)
Hmm, I would rank Steel under Metallo if we're going by current versions.
I say he stops at Metallo (B13 tech is pretty nasty) and I can't see Tony beating Mags without some serious 1 sided prep.
If its the old Metallo though, he makes it to Mags.
No, I'm talking the newest Metallo. With the prep I gave him, he could wear the old War Machine model armor, and his new armor features a new thruster system, and his strength is a bit more amped. It also features an energy shield that is nearly impenetrable by any energy based fire. . I have a feeling he constructed it just in case Sentry got out of line. Also, the War Machine armor has the power and firepower to take out a small city by himself. The reason I put Metallo in there is because it would be a great fight.
With nearl all of these armors I think Tony might be able to run the table
ThorBuster armor would seem to be the most useful as the magic would be difficult for most guys in the gauntlet to handle.
Originally posted by leonidas
he dies at number 1 under the walrus's speedblitz!!!
how you like them apples scoob!!
Speedblitzes are a figment of your imagination.... seek help!

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