Punisher vs Marshal Law
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Have any of you read Marshal law its a bad butt comic basically he's a hero hunter since a large percentage of the world is heros in his time since they were made to fight a war kinda like viatnam but lost the heros then lost purpose after the war and some act quite unheroicly becomming serial killers and the like anyway they pay marshal law to go and get these guys he has no qualms about killing them he doesnt feel much pain since thats one of his super powers he has advance weaponry i think his gun is like judge dredds in that it fires diffrent kindsa ammo, also he has super strength.
Don't know marshal law...seems like marshal would win...
I did this thread before - Frank has a tough match here. All the regular superheroes in Marshal Law's world fear him. He is a total bastard.
When you said Marshal Law, I was thinking about the guy from Tekken.
Marshal Law, though it's quite close. He is tougher though.
I say it's a win 6/10 to Marshal.
he is like punisher on steroids anyone who likes punisher probably would like this guy, he's like punisher if he had super powers.
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