Black Bolt vs. Exodus
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the Darkone
Black Bolt
If Black Bolt is allowed to speak, my money is on him. However, if it's a fist fight, I'd still side with good old BB, but that's because I'm an avid fan. So, let's get some conditions in here.
Spoken word puts Exodus down.
Darth Macabre
Black Bolt clears his throat....Exodus dies.
Or Exodus just shuts his mind down before he can think

Exodus 4 the win.
the Darkone
Originally posted by soleran30
Or Exodus just shuts his mind down before he can think

Exodus 4 the win. You can't shut down his mind, black bolt has mind powers also. Exodus has a slim chance of winning, black bolt can throw antimatter bombs at exodus all day.
Originally posted by soleran30
Or Exodus just shuts his mind down before he can think

Exodus 4 the win.
If BB's telepathic brother can't do it, neither can Exodus.
Exodus doesn't even have to see BB to mess with his mind..........just help manipulate him to do things he might not regularly do.........then once again just put a TK shield around BB and let him scream

wouldn't Exodus only get stronger if BB tried using his TP powers to block Exodus?
Originally posted by Superherovandal
wouldn't Exodus only get stronger if BB tried using his TP powers to block Exodus?
It's not true TP, so no.
hehe smokin sig Khell
I still would love to see TK users actually do something creative with this ability cuz it really should smoke most people especially high lvl users..................
TP also since you have control over parts of your brain and other parts simply function off basically shutting down parasympathetic functions in the autonomic functions of the brain would be awesome!
exodus drops an island on exodus
Originally posted by Mider
exodus drops an island on exodus
lol I assume you meant something different but yeah know if BB was really pissed I doubt that island would save him from BB's vaunted "whisper." I keed I Keed Exodus 4 th3 w1n
Also, Black Bolt can shatter a negative barrier with his voice. Psionic shields crumble.
Originally posted by Marcus4600
Also, Black Bolt can shatter a negative barrier with his voice. Psionic shields crumble.
lol so what no TK shield he makes himself intangible or he doesn't stop the sound energy he just helps to redirect it away from the meantime he is making BB wet his pants as he loses control of his nervous system lol.
exodus is i simply outmatched here, black bolt wins.
the Darkone
Originally posted by Mider

are you smoking exodus drops an island on exodus
Uh, I guess no one here knows what a negative barrier is. Yeah, Black Bolt goes, "I've been working on the railroad." or sings a song by Killswitch Engage, and it's over. Everything just dies, including Exodus. By the way, his psionic abilities can be dodged! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Respect Blackbolt!
Originally posted by Marcus4600
Uh, I guess no one here knows what a negative barrier is. Yeah, Black Bolt goes, "I've been working on the railroad." or sings a song by Killswitch Engage, and it's over. Everything just dies, including Exodus. By the way, his psionic abilities can be dodged! MWAHAHAHAHA!
Respect Blackbolt!
How can you dodge mind control? All Exodus has to do is simply start to play with different parts of his mind! Have his brain forget it has a speech area..............have his brain forget he can talk.................blah blah its to easy of a win with a mega high level TP/TK for a win................I mean TK his heart to stop it from moving............Rupture his organs with TK................smoosh his brain with TK anything really

the Darkone
Originally posted by soleran30
How can you dodge mind control? All Exodus has to do is simply start to play with different parts of his mind! Have his brain forget it has a speech area..............have his brain forget he can talk.................blah blah its to easy of a win with a mega high level TP/TK for a win................I mean TK his heart to stop it from moving............Rupture his organs with TK................smoosh his brain with TK anything really
Black Bolt is on Prime Eternal level in power and ability
Black Bolt is one of the most powerful beings on earth, black bolt powers are greater than you think.
the Darkone
Originally posted by the Darkone
Black Bolt is on Prime Eternal level in power and ability
Black Bolt is one of the most powerful beings on earth, black bolt powers are greater than you think.
type in Black Bolt in "search" again
I have read the Black Bolt piece seen black Bolt pick up hulk with his electron control and whirl him over head etc etc...............
However Exodus is also one of the most powerful tp/tk in marvel (bad showings for jobbering) That said TP/TK are played like monkies for the most part as compared to muscle powers or power cosmic. Will BB win I am sure he can win some can Exodus win absolutely and simply from and A&P standpoint I can think of hundreds of things to slam BB without ever touching him or trying to make him into a monky with TP

i would say that this battle would become a draw... i would say that BB would have a slightly advantage until Exodus started useing his vameric absorbtion powers to drain lifeforce.
can black bold make an island float or cover it in a force field while fighting the avengers and x-men i believe at once ?
I was the biggest Exodus fan for so long, but the "jobbing" excuse is useful if a character clearly deviates from his normal power level specifically to lose. But with Exodus, his BAD showings have come to outweigh his GOOD showings. Bloodties was a looooong time ago. And he's never been as powerful as he was in that storyline. So when he gets owned by Havok, or Thena or Hulk, it's not jobbing anymore, I'm sad to's him.
You'll have to specifically say "Bloodties Exodus" from now on.
can black bolt do what bloodties exodus has done?
the Darkone
Black Bolt moved his whole Kingdom which is bigger then genosha to the blue side of the moon on his own powers without any help from anybody else. Black Bolt can powered the whole city for eons on his own powers, he killed the spinhx who lost to Galactus.
the Darkone
Originally posted by Mider
can black bolt do what bloodties exodus has done?
He fought and defeated Gladiator and Ronan the acusser. Black Bolt has anti-matter powers, molecule conversion, telepath, electron magnetic powers. Exodus was written badly by Chuck Austen who is the worst writer in comic book history.
prime eternals are sky father level
the Darkone
Originally posted by the Darkone
Black Bolt moved his whole Kingdom which is bigger then genosha to the blue side of the moon on his own powers without any help from anybody else. Black Bolt can powered the whole city for eons on his own powers, he killed the spinhx who lost to Galactus.
Black Bolt feats and powers are >>>> than Exodus, every issue that Black Bolt has appeared in his powers are on Heralders levels and beyond.
the Darkone
Originally posted by rougeredmage
i would say that this battle would become a draw... i would say that BB would have a slightly advantage until Exodus started useing his vameric absorbtion powers to drain lifeforce.
Black Bolt will overload him like X-man did to him. Black Bolt is not to be f**ked with, Black Bolt is the perfect being. Exodus will hang a little while but if he enrage Black Bolt by threating his family and people Black Bolt will disintegrate him with his scream, this the same scream that destroyed a negative barrier.
Black Bolt to this day is the most constant character.
Black Bolt 10/10
Black Bolt. All he needs to do is scream. Exodus doesnt have the durability to help him here.
so he's skyfather level?
the Darkone
Originally posted by Mider
so he's skyfather level?
Pretty damn close, it doesn't matter he will kill exodus with ease.
the Darkone
Originally posted by Mider
can black bolt do what bloodties exodus has done?
damn mider you don't know sh** do you

, Black Bolt is one of the beings that you don't want to f**k with ask magneto. Even magneto doesn't want any part of Black Bolt right their that tells you something.
so what would happen if say Exodus prevented BB from opening his mouth?
the Darkone
BB uses his anti matter powers, molecule conversion, or spend enough electrical energy to give exodus a stroke like how magneto clone did to jean grey. BB will just kick his ass physically and use the master blow, pick you poison.
Originally posted by demigawd
I was the biggest Exodus fan for so long, but the "jobbing" excuse is useful if a character clearly deviates from his normal power level specifically to lose. But with Exodus, his BAD showings have come to outweigh his GOOD showings. Bloodties was a looooong time ago. And he's never been as powerful as he was in that storyline. So when he gets owned by Havok, or Thena or Hulk, it's not jobbing anymore, I'm sad to's him.
You'll have to specifically say "Bloodties Exodus" from now on.
I really hate to admit it, but you're right. The way BB is written he'd win 10/10. If they were both written to potential though, he'd win 6/10. I feel an idea for a new thread coming on

Black Adam
Originally posted by Soleran
so what would happen if say Exodus prevented BB from opening his mouth?
I don't know. Wouldn't BB still be able to hum or make some type of noise through his closed mouth....
the Darkone
A full potential exodus still couldn't beat Black Bolt, Black Bolt will rape Exodus all day. Black Bolt will throw anti-matter bombs at Exodus all day. Black Bolt 10/10
Has BB ever thrown anti-matter bombs on panel?
the Darkone
yeah he has, trust me BB will own exodus all day. BB 10/10
if BB farts or gets a bad case of indigestion with gas will that literally be dropping bombs?
the Darkone
that would be scary, and really don't want to f**k with BB at all.
The Fake Macoy
If BB is allowed to speak, he wins every time. If he can't speak, then it would be more interesting.
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