Fantastic Four vs. Doom
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Four scenarios:
1)No prep
2)2 hours prep for Doom
3)2 hours prep for the Four
4)2 hours mutual prep
Have we ever seen fight and defeat the whole Fantastic Four before? Barring the plot devices of the comic...who REALLY wins?
I think ff take it in all 4 senarios, doom still needs to breathe ryt? so IW bubble-head tactic can win them the match, no?
that bubble would not work cause doom has breathing devices in his battle suit.........
his latest suit technology can teleport so i see him teleporting right out of the bubble and kos sue .....
i am so totally over doom now. like really. i ust read FF:1234 and in it Doom discovered a machine from a fallen space ship that was basically a 4-d engine. something that controlled time space, annd warped reality, and he was controlling thier lives on a very subtle plain, then what... Reed noticed the subtle changes in himslef and how he felt like he was being coerced, so what did he do? lock himself in his think tank for 3 days, and buiilt a machine of his own, despite not knowing what Doom's looked like, and even dicovered an alternate dimesnion while he was at at. Doom is played out to me now
hahaha...Doom = PWNED
ooh yeah, and hi and reed were literally playing a reality warping chess game. the machines were voice activated, and whatever they said happened in realtime, and doom got beat at his own game. and at the end he was in his palace like NOOOOOOO!!!.....lame mother f ****er

, after a dismal showing like that he's dead to me now
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