doomsday vs war hulk
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war hulk is not so tough he only stalemated juggernaut that's all he couldn't knock him out but no one knocked juggernaut out phisically except onslaught but there was juggernaut weakened and he wasn't invulnerable in all new exiles he tolld that he thinks that ruby's power is fading away that was before onslaught saga
War Hulk all the way. Walk Hulk broke a adamantium needle as if he were breaking a tooth pick in the Ultimate Series. He also torn Wolverine in half in the Ultimate Comics.
Black Adam
Originally posted by Nick1989
War Hulk all the way. Walk Hulk broke a adamantium needle as if he were breaking a tooth pick in the Ultimate Series. He also torn Wolverine in half in the Ultimate Comics.
War Hulk isn't Ultimate Hulk.
That being said Doomsday wins.
this guys doesn't even know who is war hulk
Oh.. i appolize guys. The forms of the Hulk are still abit foreign to me.
Black Adam
Originally posted by Nick1989
Oh.. i appolize guys. The forms of the Hulk are still abit foreign to me.
It's all right.
But even still Ultimate Hulk would have less of a chance against DD then war hulk would.
war hulk had potential... he could have beat doomsday. he not only stalemated juggernaut, but he man handled him like nobody has before... including onslaught. atleast this was all shown on panel and explained.
war hulk could summon as much strength as needed to accomplish pretty much anything. doomsday and supermans punches were shattering windows for a city block. war hulk through a pyramic (the entire thing from base to tip) like it was a baseball...
The Ion
Did War Hulk make Juggs piss himself in fear like Onslaught did?
Cosmic Cube
War Hulk never impressed me. Doomsday.
well he only had an issue to impress anybody, thats all the longer he lasted, but no he didnt "scare" juggernaut, just handled him , but with good reason of being able to do so...
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by KillAll
well he only had an issue to impress anybody, thats all the longer he lasted, but no he didnt "scare" juggernaut, just handled him , but with good reason of being able to do so...
What I mean is that Doomsday impresses me more.
how would war hulk handle superman
what comic did war hulk appear in again?
well doomsday has had more air time than war hulk, war hulk appeared at the end of hulk 456, and ended at the end of 457
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
how would war hulk handle superman
He wouldn't. Superman is too fast for any incarnation of the Hulk. The only way Hulk could even see Supes, much less fight him, is if Superman got jobbed.
I dont think anyone who just "cant die cuase he will come back" is immpressive. not too say DD isnt more than enough to kill any Hulk incarnation, its that characters who just "cant die" are boring IMO.
not to sound argumentative Cosmic Cube, I just dont like DD
reason i asked you if war hulk can handle superman is so youd figure out if war hulk could handle doomsday, doomsday is more powerful then superman these days ALOT more powerful so he would own war hulk.
Cosmic Cube
I don't either, but I respect the character for what he is. There are many characters who can "die and come back." The Hulk happens to be one of them. There are indeed incarnations of the Hulk that can defeat Doomsday, but I don't believe War Hulk is one of them.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
reason i asked you if war hulk can handle superman is so youd figure out if war hulk could handle doomsday, doomsday is more powerful then superman these days ALOT more powerful so he would own war hulk.
Did you read my argument?
the only Hulk I cant muster up is devil hulk, but he's never actually demonstrated strength so its tough to say
what incarnation could hurt doomsday?
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
what incarnation could hurt doomsday?
Savage, Mindless.
Cosmic Cube
People know so little about the Hulk, and judge so quickly.
Anyway, I don't believe Hulk would be able to hit Superman if Superman didn't want him to. That's why he would not win in a fight against him. However, I do believe that the Hulk would be able to land blows on Doomsday.
Doomsday being able to hit Superman is like Hulk being able to tag the Silver Surfer. Superman doesn't always fight as fast as he's capable of. He gets hit by lots of people who shouldn't be able to touch him.
Against Savage Hulk or Mindless Hulk, the best that any incarnation of Doomsday can hope for is a stalemate.
war hulk was more powerful then those was he not?
doomsday is actually just as fast as supes when they fought supes said he was like a blurr
how did Apocaylpse even get his hands on hulk?
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
doomsday is actually just as fast as supes when they fought supes said he was like a blurr Onlookers said he was like a blurr. The Hulk is a blurr too, when moving fast. Ask Superman.Originally posted by Mider
how did Apocaylpse even get his hands on hulk?
Choked Professor Hulk out with his tentacles and did some tests on him.
correct me if im wrong, but isnt DD immune to physical punishment after DoS?
if so, what the hell is ANY icarnation of the Hulk going to do to him?
drop a mountain on him, lol?
you say war hulk couldnt touch supes, supes tried to speed blitz Doomsday and got punched.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by inamilist
correct me if im wrong, but isnt DD immune to physical punishment after DoS?
if so, what the hell is ANY icarnation of the Hulk going to do to him?
drop a mountain on him, lol?
He isn't immune to physical damage. It would just stake someone stronger than Superman to defeat him.
However the point is arguable. Doomsday's powers aren't defined well enough to make an fact-based argument. "You can't kill him the same way twice" doesn't seem to be true. If it was, Superman would never have been capable of defeating him.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
you say war hulk couldnt touch supes, supes tried to speed blitz Doomsday and got punched.
Shouldn't happen. Superman often gets hit by people who shouldn't be able to touch him.
If you consider that, you must also take into consideration that the Hulk has landed hits on Quicksilver, a speeding Silver Surfer, and Superman himself. Shouldn't happen.
i still say he has super speed hulk being a blurr yeah right this fight was all out supes was pushing himself to his limits how would he not have used his full speed as well doomsday just must have had super speed comparable to supes.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
i still say he has super speed hulk being a blurr yeah right this fight was all out supes was pushing himself to his limits how would he not have used his full speed as well doomsday just must have had super speed comparable to supes.
Ok. The Hulk has super speed too. Superman was fighting for the sake of his universe when he and Hulk fought. I'd say he was going all out. You can't have your cake and eat it too.
since when has Hulk EVER had super speed superman ALWAYS has to fight for the sake of something weather it be a universe or the galaxy to the single planet earth or just a individual when has Hulk EVER demonstrated super speed sept a few hundred miles.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
since when has Hulk EVER had super speed superman ALWAYS has to fight for the sake of something weather it be a universe or the galaxy to the single planet earth or just a individual when has Hulk EVER demonstrated super speed sept a few hundred miles.
Your furthering my point. If Superman goes all out for "just an individual", he must do it pretty often.
I guess he's always had it, if he can land a punch on Superman. That takes some serious speed. Same for tagging Quicksilver and Surfer. Superman once said of the Hulk, and I quote: "Wow, he's fast."
Besides, Superman was moving much faster than Doomsday in DOS. He was the only blur.
You can't have your cake and eat it too.
neither can you when has superman met hulk?
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
Your furthering my point. If Superman goes all out for "just an individual", he must do it pretty often.
I guess he's always had it, if he can land a punch on Superman. That takes some serious speed. Same for tagging Quicksilver and Surfer. Superman once said of the Hulk, and I quote: "Wow, he's fast."
Besides, Superman was moving much faster than Doomsday in DOS. He was the only blur.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. But at base Value, Superman can go several times lightspeed, Hulk can go several times bike speed.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
neither can you when has superman met hulk?
Plenty of times. Avengers vs JLA, for one.
and in which one did supes state hulk was fast
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Juntai
But at base Value, Superman can go several times lightspeed, Hulk can go several times bike speed.
Superman can fly at several times lightspeed. No evidence exist suggesting that he can fight that fast.
If you're wondering, I'm not saying that the Hulk should be able to keep up with Superman. But he has. I'm trying to prove a point.
yeah in what comic did hulk keep up with supes
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
and in which one did supes state hulk was fast
I'll find a scan.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
yeah in what comic did hulk keep up with supes
Every one of them. Have you ever seen one wherein the Hulk wasn't trading blows with Superman?
ok well thats wonderful, hulk trades blows with juggs right yet he cant beat juggs even as war hulk he only stalemated him while most people on the thread believe that juggs would be owned by supes since he is that much faster but i guess hulk should have won since he can just speed blitz juggs
trading blows is one thing but that doesnt make him as fast as supes there are other guys who have traded blows with supes whom we know that are not as fast but in death of superman superman described doomsday to be a blurr meaning he had to implement his super speed in that battle but that doesnt mean he does in every battle.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
ok well thats wonderful, hulk trades blows with juggs right yet he cant beat juggs even as war hulk he only stalemated him while most people on the thread believe that juggs would be owned by supes since he is that much faster but i guess hulk should have won since he can just speed blitz juggs
Juggernaut is invinicble. Superman wouldn't be able to affect Juggernaut at all.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
trading blows is one thing but that doesnt make him as fast as supes there are other guys who have traded blows with supes whom we know that are not as fast but in death of superman superman described doomsday to be a blurr meaning he had to implement his super speed in that battle but that doesnt mean he does in every battle.
But, it makes Doomsday as fast as Superman? Is there some sort of double standard?
I've read DOS. Superman was the only blur in that fight. I didn't see Doomsday performing any speedblitzes.
superman was the one who said that i think id believe superman since he was the one in the fight.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
superman was the one who said that i think id believe superman since he was the one in the fight.
Strangely, I don't recall reading that. However, I do recall Superman pummeling Doomsday with superfast punches while Doomsday mindlessly charged forward.
i also recall superman being punched while trying to speed blitz him in hunter pray
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
i also recall superman being punched while trying to speed blitz him in hunter pray
I remember Hulk grabbing Superman by the face when Superman tried to speed blitz him. The next time, Hulk got knocked through a row of mountains, but that's just details.
The fight was a stalemate.
now that i think about it hulks powers can grow expentially as well but not permanatly i heard he was once blasted in half and regenerated even at that so at full potential hulk would give doomsday a problem but would hulk be able to take a blast from impriex?
the more powerful hulk gets the more durable and faster he gets i guess but i guess doomsday might work the same way.
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
I remember Hulk grabbing Superman by the face when Superman tried to speed blitz him. The next time, Hulk got knocked through a row of mountains, but that's just details.
The fight was a stalemate. But those crossovers are non canon. Fact is, Superman is far too fast for Hulk, and so is Doomsday, when powers are considered. If we're NOT considering powers, then Batman can hit Flash full sprint, like in the comics. But we both know that's not right.
In Death of Superman, when he dismantled the JLA, one of the first to confront him was Guy Gardner Green Lantern. His THOUGHT BUBBLE, said, . o O (Uhn! So fast I didn't see him mo--) and gets his head smashed on a rock. Speedblitzed a GL.
Later on, Booster Gold comments that he's faster than Flash.
And that's just the one comic.
Nearly every time Doomsday appears someone is remarking at how simply fast and powerful he is.
Doomsday being able to hit Superman is covered. He -is- that fast.
Hulk isn't.
only avengers and jla are canon i think
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