Shao Kahn vs. Adam Warlock
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this has the makings of a great fight..
but who wins?!!
Warlock. Did anyone say soul gem?
you're forgetting Kahn doesnt need a soul gem to devour souls. they might cancel eachother out..
Originally posted by GODSCRIBE
you're forgetting Kahn doesnt need a soul gem to devour souls. they might cancel eachother out..
Khan doesn't have a soul gem, Warlock has. Warlock w/soulgem will rape Khan in so many ways it isn't even funny. Warlock would still beat him without the soulgem to be honest.
End of debate.
Originally posted by Maestro
Khan doesn't have a soul gem,
no shit...
i said he doesnt even need a soul gem to devour souls. thats his whole this guys eats souls for a living. does the soul gem compare to that?
and hand to hand would be even closer. he is immensely powerful, not to mention his bground in martial arts.
cherry cola
Khan for the win. "You weak pathetic fool!"
well remove the soul gem how would it go even with out the soul gem warlock makes a fool of thor as if he was nothing
Originally posted by GODSCRIBE
no shit...
i said he doesnt even need a soul gem to devour souls. thats his whole this guys eats souls for a living. does the soul gem compare to that?
and hand to hand would be even closer. he is immensely powerful, not to mention his bground in martial arts.
Soul gem was a piece which made up the infinity gauntlet showing how powerful it is, if Khan is on par with a piece of the IG perhaps he may have a chance, but no he isn't hence khan loses, also take into fact that warlock is a good strategist and can use the soul gem to its full potential, which doesn't give khan a remote chance.
Originally posted by Mider
well remove the soul gem how would it go even with out the soul gem warlock makes a fool of thor as if he was nothing
yeah, but you have bad grammar.
and you care becauseeeeeee
Originally posted by Maestro
fact that warlock is a good strategist and can use the soul gem to its full potential doesn't give khan a remote chance.
What's his biggest feat with the gem? I dont recall him doing anything so spectacular.
He still wins probably, just not as easy as you put it.
Originally posted by Mider
and you care becauseeeeeee
i dont care...see.
good then get off my grammer's back anyway i dnot think kahn can take a soul less he first beats the dude in mortal kombat.
has anyone read the mortal kombat comics to see how strong the comic book version of shao kahn is?
he is a master of black magic and eats souls...he also has those shadow blitzes and can open extradimensional portals. im not sure about raw strength, but a punch from him can level tall buildings.
Cosmic Cube
Infinity Soul Gem vs a soul devouring sorcerer. Emphasis on "Infinity."
i doubt Adam can steal Kahns soul. its so black...adam would probably die in the process. that guy is like, satan. he is the personification of evil in the MK world in case you didnt know.
he did that in the comics?
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by GODSCRIBE
i doubt Adam can steal Kahns soul. its so black...adam would probably die in the process. that guy is like, satan. he is the personification of evil in the MK world in case you didnt know.
The soul goes into the gem. It wouldn't affect Adam at all.
were all the mortal kombat comics good?
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