Originally posted by Comicbook_kid

I'm surprized no one else has posted any responses about this fight because this battle is a no-brainer!!! In fact, it's embarrassing!!

What in the hell can Iceman do to Ymir that Ymir can't do 1,000,000 times better and faster????? Ymir is a 1000 foot tall, immortal, invulnerable, frost giant that gives Thor and Odin a run for their money!!! Not to mention the fact he has thousands of years of battling the gods of Asgard under his belt for good measure. You really think an immortal enemy of the gods is even going to notice an insignificant flea like Iceman??? Ymir can do things with ice that Iceman only dreams he could do!!!! Ymir wins this one in about..oh, let's say... two seconds!
okay comicbook enthusiast. i get the point.