Spider-Man without webbing vs Goro,Motaro & Kintaro
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Each one of these guys have to at least lift 2 tons and there are good fighters but Spider-Man without webbing is still very strong,fast and agile
Height: 8' 2"
Eye Color: Red
Weight: 850 lbs.
Note: While Goro was billed at 8' 2" (249 cm) in the first Mortal Kombat in 1992, in the games, he looks nowhere near that height. However, in the GameCube release of Mortal Kombat: Deception, Goro is nearly as tall as Onaga, the Dragon King, who towers over the other warriors, so it is likely that he is at his listed height again
Motaro-Height: Probably more than 2 mts tall
Eye Color: Black
Weight: Could range between 1210-1650 lbs (550-750 kg)
Note: Because Motaro's lower body is that of a horse, it's accurate to say he weights roughly the same as a fully grown stallion, probably more due his robust upper body and tail
Kintaro-Kintaro is a gigantic humanoid with four arms. He was introduced as a replacement to the great Shokan prince Goro, and was everything Goro was (including being of the Shokan race), but only meaner, bigger and harder to defeat. Being the supreme commander of Outworld's armed forces, he is only second to Shao Kahn himself. He has more clearly defined feline aspects than Goro, with tiger stripes on his back, and has the ability to spit fireballs from great distances
Goro would give him flash-bakcs to his Man-Spider days. During the initial shock, he'd hit Spidey once.
After that, it's a curbstomp...come on, this is like MK's version of the Enforcers. And all the enforcers ever did was get one lucky shot it and then get owned.
Spidy doesn't need webbing to beat jobbers down....it's just handy for wrapping them for the police later on.
I am sorry but before MK1 wasn't Goro undefeated for 500years?
And Spidey's still alive after 500 issues!
...nah, it's usually hard to mix comics and video games/tv etc. because usually the comics are on a much larger or more powerful scale. Goro's 2 tons pales in comparison to Spidey's 10, not to mention his other considerable powers. Goro's a baddas, no doubt, but it's different power scales.
It's like asking if an olympic weight-lifter could take on Cap. In theory, maybe, but the way Cap's written he would punk 20 such guys.
Originally posted by DigiMark007
And Spidey's still alive after 500 issues!
...nah, it's usually hard to mix comics and video games/tv etc. because usually the comics are on a much larger or more powerful scale. Goro's 2 tons pales in comparison to Spidey's 10,
15 tons.... and that's before any changes from "The Other" storyline
If it weren't for me then there wouldn't be threads with spider-man without his webbing, ever since I made that wolverine vs spidey (without webbing). Well at least I think I invented it, there was never a spider-man (without webbing) vs threads when I came here.
lol thank god for you then... hey, what kind of spidey is that in your sig, Steve??
Yo, if you're going to pit MK fighters against Spidey, at least make it badass magicians, not brawny bastards. ut then again, as the hours of memory tell me, Kint could just dash up, bash Spidey, then dash back over and over (I think that was Kintaro, but it could also be someone else...)
Originally posted by DigiMark007
And Spidey's still alive after 500 issues!
...nah, it's usually hard to mix comics and video games/tv etc. because usually the comics are on a much larger or more powerful scale. Goro's 2 tons pales in comparison to Spidey's 10, not to mention his other considerable powers. Goro's a baddas, no doubt, but it's different power scales.
It's like asking if an olympic weight-lifter could take on Cap. In theory, maybe, but the way Cap's written he would punk 20 such guys.
Digi your making it sound here like he only fighting one of them instead of all of them at the same time.
MK's monster's only chance is that they have ungodly durability which would resist getting hit by a 15 tonner with bullet-time reflexes and an early semi-precog system to complement that or if they riddle him with large unescapable projectiles. Other than that, Spider-man has fought worse and survived(well to be fair, most with webbings)
Maybe... but I figure Scorpion, Sub, Kahn, etc... the big guns could deal him a nice, neat ass kicking. These guys may have been big at one point, but now they are lasy year's news, you know? I'd like to see Dragon King vs Spidey!!
How about Eyedol from Killer Instinct at full difficulty? Spidey would never even get his jump key pressed before he was club-raped by that dastardly super-move spammer.
Yes, I'm bitter.
The Sinister Six fought Spiey at the same time too. And almost any one of them can lift more than these three combined. Spidey too much here.
I also realized that MK's a game, not comics. I guess the presence of SM blinded me momentarily. lol
Anyway, sorry but closed.
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