This team vs Lobo
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Lobo is a badass but how well does he do against a team of pretty powerful beings
Grey Hulk
This team would not be able to "kill" Lobo technically, but they would hand his ass to's how
Abomination & Wendigo holds one arm, Thing and Grey Hulk hold the other arm down...The Vision turns intangible and reaches in his body and pulls out his heart and all of his other inner organs....Sure, Lobo would regenerate with time, but by that time, the other four guys have stomped Lobo's remains into the ground!!!
I gotta say I think the only ones here who can do the damage is Abomination and Vision and as skilled as a fighter as Lobo is I think this guy would toss this team around like nothing seeing that there strength levels are nowhere near close to his own.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Fanboy
I gotta say I think the only ones here who can do the damage is Abomination and Vision and as skilled as a fighter as Lobo is I think this guy would toss this team around like nothing seeing that there strength levels are nowhere near close to his own.
Agreed. Lobo rules.
Lobo is badass, but that team could own him. However, it's amazing it would take that many people to hold him down and win.
Wendigo is above class100 so is Abomination and Thing & Grey Hulk is class 100 and Vision is also a badass I think they win 7/10 times
Originally posted by Comicbook_kid
This team would not be able to "kill" Lobo technically, but they would hand his ass to's how
Abomination & Wendigo holds one arm, Thing and Grey Hulk hold the other arm down...The Vision turns intangible and reaches in his body and pulls out his heart and all of his other inner organs....Sure, Lobo would regenerate with time, but by that time, the other four guys have stomped Lobo's remains into the ground!!! And all that would do, is make more Lobos.
The only way to 'beat' Lobo, is to get him to leave, or make him leave one way or another.
i heard that lobo got owned ny venom is that true?
Originally posted by juggernaut66666
i heard that lobo got owned ny venom is that true? Not that I know of.
The only canon crossover being JLA/Avengers, Lobo was wrecking the Shiar Imperial Guard by himself.
could lobo beat darkseid ?
Well since he has been denied to go to Heaven or Hell then yes he can beat Darkseid because Darkseids Omega Beam should not work on him
Originally posted by golem370
Well since he has been denied to go to Heaven or Hell then yes he can beat Darkseid because Darkseids Omega Beam should not work on him Darkseid would teleport him away.
does being erased count as going to heaven or hell
have any of you read the lobo monthy series cause i wanna know whats in it like what kinda stories can anyone help me?
If Lobo keeps his cloneing powers. Then yes he has a vary good chance of beating the team.
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