Ultimate Avengers vs Superman and Batman
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So this is the ROster
okay that is it no changes I don't care how much you ask unless you pay me. Yeah so Superman/Batman take on the Ultimate Avengers who wins?
Cosmic Cube
This is funny. Why does everyone want to see the Avengers lose to Superman?
This fight is as lopsided as possible.
These are freaking ULTIMATES! They'll die!
Originally posted by Cosmic Cube
These are freaking ULTIMATES! They'll die!
are you sure? I know he used the word "ultimate" but he may have just thought this was a great team.... not necessarily the version from the Ultimates universe
If they are The Ultimates then what happens is basically Superman/Batman: Public Enemies; where the duo takes out a team of super-powered heroes (including a Green Lantern) in a two-page spread (with Superman using everything from heat vision, arctic breath, super-speed and even creating a tornado to quickly take out the characters).
The only person who is a real threat in this team is Thor (however note that the Thor in this case is the Ultimates Thor, thus his threat level is not as high as it could otherwise be).
The rest are just placemarkers.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by spetznaz
If they are The Ultimates then what happens is basically Superman/Batman: Public Enemies; where the duo takes out a team of super-powered heroes (including a Green Lantern) in a two-page spread (with Superman using everything from heat vision, arctic breath, super-speed and even creating a tornado to quickly take out the characters).
The only person who is a real threat in this team is Thor (however note that the Thor in this case is the Ultimates Thor, thus his threat level is not as high as it could otherwise be).
The rest are just placemarkers.
Ultimate Thor is no threat to Superman. Believe me.
Superman alone takes it. Batman waits in the Batmobile until he's done, which won't be very long.
whats the strength level of ultimates thor.......
I'll wager Batman will beat Blackwidow in combat, is a better marksman than Hawkeye, and can think of a complicated plan for Quicksilver (it's not like he's Flash). If Deathstroke can punk Atom with a laser pointer, who knows what Bats will think of for Wasp. The other 3, well, Superman can give them a pretty good fight.
grey fox
Thor is way too low in the threat level to do anything , realistically he's uber. But against supes...good luck. Without the magic advantage that the 616 mjolnir brings thor goes down quicker then a ton of bricks.
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 285 lbs
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blond
Abilities & Accessories: Thor possesses immense superhuman strength, endurance, and resistance to injury. Much of his power seems to come from his belt, which is either powered by advanced technology or Norse iconography. His hammer, Mjolnir, enables him to fly, control storms, direct thunder and lighting, and teleport.
Intelligence: Normal
Strength: Superhuman (75-100 ton range)
Speed: Warp Speed (transcending light speed)
Durability: Superhuman
Energy Projection: Medium range, duration, single energy type
Fighting Skills: Experienced fighter
Oh just to tell you I got the Idea from a Superman/Batman Comic.
Originally posted by grey fox
Thor is way too low in the threat level to do anything , realistically he's uber. But against supes...good luck. Without the magic advantage that the 616 mjolnir brings thor goes down quicker then a ton of bricks. Are we 100% sure it's not magic yet?
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