Quan Chi vs. Dr. Strange
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who wins?
what has he done that would possibly stand up to strange?
Cosmic Cube
I think someone's a MK fan.
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by Mider
Hey I'm a MK fan, but Quan Chi doesn't stand a chance.
Dr. Strange uses the crimson bands of cytorrak and teleports Quan Chi to space.......or about a thousand different ways to get rid of him.
K Von Doom
isn't teleporting someone away just the same as running away themself? it's pretty much "i can't deal with this person so i'll put as much space between us as i can".
Cosmic Cube
Originally posted by K Von Doom
isn't teleporting someone away just the same as running away themself? it's pretty much "i can't deal with this person so i'll put as much space between us as i can".
Not according to the forum rules.
Originally posted by K Von Doom
isn't teleporting someone away just the same as running away themself? it's pretty much "i can't deal with this person so i'll put as much space between us as i can".
It's called Battlefield Removal. If you're on the receiving side, then it's called ring-out against you. If you're on the giving side, that constitutes as a win.
we dont even have feats for the other guy and your all saying strange wins
Sentry has no feats relevant yet. But we judge superman is fairly better than him cause he has more feats. Is this any different?
yeah it makes this a stupid thread thanks
Then why don't make it more intelligent since you think it is stupid that way?
why dont you since you know so much
I do? since when? Oh right, you're the one who said it's stupid.
hmmm a fight were only one side is properly known and you dont think its stupid? what if i brought a character in here that was amazingly powerful against a lesser being and everyone said the better known one was more powerful ONLY cause he was better known.
Or probably cause you judge it that way without providing anything to suggest otherwise. Any feats at all for shang-chi? You seem to think we are ignoring some if there's actually any and yet there are matches which are decided upon that way.
like i said no one has posted any so how would they know, same thing with the Silver Surfer vs Doomsday thread oh well doomsday is just a big stuipd thing yeah one who servived the omega blast so what would meolecular reconstruction do there isnt even any science behind the omega blast making it beyond sciencetific explenation, and since he was hit by it it might very well have made him immune to it, or they say that silver surfer wouldnt be hurt by doomsday yet doomsday has hurt a being made of pure energy since he evolved to that point, or how about mind stuff could ss mess with DD's mind lets think about that well DD's mind was messed with by manchester black who has been shown to be as strong as martian manhunter and even then it took him a few seconds to become immune to manchester blacks power, later he servived the power of imperiex probably making him immune to those level of powerful blasts, later on he was able to servive a battle with gog who could vaporize superman with one blast my point is that DD is clearly enough to take on Silver surfer but since he is not as read up on or well known as ss the forum says he would win with out anything to back him up i dont have any feats for quan chi but you dont have any feats for him to meaning you dont know how powerful he is.
But that's the problem, Quan Chi has no real personal significant feat whatsoever. The best i can think off would be the time Shang Tsung and him double teamed Shao Khan and kill him and even that is because of treachery. Other than that, he doesn't realy have anything significant or have bearing in this match. That is why people aren't posting any. Have you ever considered that? Lot's of matches are decided when a person doesn't have any feats to back up his side. Such is the case on this match. It's not the fault of other posters if they can't really site one, and like other matches, it is not also their fault if they vote upon who has actual proof and impression on the character.
And no, it's not the same as doomsday cause we can actually site proof from his comic book appearance and he isn't obscure either whilst Quan chi's canonical feats or appearances isn't that accessible to us. I also cited the Sentry and Superman comparison, he has no feats and even though we get the description of stronger the million suns exploding, we still continue to dismiss him being stronger or even an equal to Superman yet cause he doesn't have any feats while if we based it on the description alone, Sentry is easily more powerful than the whole of the JLA.
i would think there talking about the comic book version the thing is who has read the comic
I'm not aware of any relevant feats even in a comic version of Quan chi cept killing Scorpion's family and running from him to escape his vengeance.
meh well if thats what all he could do then i guess strange owns him like a guy owns a peace of furniture can just throw it around and toss it in the trash if he so pleases
they were giving more relevent argument for shao khan against warlock though they said in the comics he could punch a building down and move so fast he could go through dimensional portals is what i can remeber but this would make sense seeing as he is more powerful then quan chi maybe shao khan should be in this battle not saying he would win but he would make a better opponent since he is more adept at using magic then either shang tsung or quan chi
chilled monkey
Quan Chi was defeated by Nightwolf.
I think Strange takes this one.
He was? ............................if he did, this match is already pre-destined for him to lose.
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