Thanos vs. Ares (Dc)
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the Darkone
Thanos would lose Ares defeated all of dc earth and almost destroyed it once sept wonderwomen convinced him not to and not defeated him but convinced big diffrence he beats thanos sorry

Thanos has destroyed the Titan Eternals home world killing his own mother. In fact Thanos has killed millions of people just to make Death happy
yeah with tech and stuff not under his own power and the IG doesnt count as his own power neight does an army in fact Ares has controll over all weapons he also controlled the armies of earth into fighting each other if thanos went against him with an armada it would trash itself fighting each other while thanos was left alone to fight someone who beat all earths heros and almost destroyed earth.
I think Ares will win due to his power level (I see Ares as being somewhere between Odin and Thanos). Thanos might be able to pull off an upset through trickery or prep.
King KAM
From what ive seen of Ares recently in DC i think the mad titan owns him
What issue (or title if it was beside WW's) did Ares defeat the whole of DC earth?
all i know is that it took darkseid to stop him a none jobber version
Wasn't that because he got a massive powerup from attaining the Godwave previously?
before that i believe he almost destroyed the earth by making its armies fight each other wonder women had to talk him out of it cause if everyone died no one would believe in him and thus he would not exist
I don't think that would constitute as defeating everyone by his raw power alone. However, Ares now seems to have retained some bits of the godwave and can freely temporarily grant some portion to it to his followers(Diana). I don't Darkseid even in non-jobbing mode though should've imprisoned him when he attained the whole of it from the source. With that power he could've disposed everyone even DS unless he himself was jobbing.
well i guess Ds is a cosmic god while ares is only a earth bound god
Well probably. Or probably cause he has more of a connection with the source even against Ares. He and his son i think.
the Darkone
Thanos would kick Ares ass, let's don't forget that Thanos has two upgrades. Thanos is highly powerful his true might he saw glimpse of it when he fought his son "Rot" the blast was so powerful even the cosmic abstracts had to take notice. Thanos has fought beings that will crush Ares, even though Ares destroyed earth big deal Thanos has destroyed a planet on his own powers before his upgrades. Thanos could very well be on a sky-father level of power and might but hasn't really shown it, Adam warlock stated when infinity watch etc where at Asgard and he told moondragon that whe haven't seen Thanos at his full potential or true power. Thanos stalemate a sky-father, and also his uncle Zuras stalemated a enrage Zeus and Zuras was weaken before battle, Thanos now is more powerful than his uncle ever was. Thanos has taken on a sky-father level being in Tyrant, out smarted In-betweener and grandmaster, stalemate with Odin, Fought his son Rot who is cosmic being, Floored a normal Galactus, defeated a Cube being in The Maker (aka True Beyonder, Kosmos),Fallen was literally abuse by Thanos and is lap dog, Defeated Silver Surfer on many occasions and the list goes on.
Thanos 10/10
Thanos dies even others think that thanos beating the fallen one so easy was bull and then him being cosmos thats crap and being earth is a big thing cause it takes a amazingly powerful being to do so when it was MU earth it took king thor he beat all its super heros so yeah it is a big deal just to beat the DC earth i dont see thanos doing that not if every hero was targeting him.
the Darkone
Thanos can't die, hello cursed by death. Thanos defeating fallen one wasn't crap imo. Thanos defeats Galactus herladers on a regular bases and now two upgrades, dude Thanos is to damn powerful because he hasn't shown his true powers doesn't mean he can't. Thanos powers could be on par with sky-fathers, we will find out soon enough in Annilhlation story arc this april thru summer into next year. Until I see other wise Thanos wins, 10/10.
thanos wins cause you say so? Ok well in MY opinion and on the logic that i dont believe thanos could defeat the entire MU earth let alone DC earth Ares wins and has the feats to show it, he hasnt shown his full potential who cares you all wanna put him on abstract level he isnt there and the mu gods arent that powerful anyway they are equal to heralds if anything thor is a powerful being but not uber powerful that he would take over the world under his own power he'd have to be king thor to do that but if there not skyfathers there not doing jack to anyone there are plenty of guys to beat them hercules stalemated MU ares and in one comic Hulk was getting ready to kill him
dc ares owned the justice league and was slapping superman around like if he was a fly,he was catching batmans batarang and it would blow up in his hands ,he would laugh at it ......hes a god to powerful...
the Darkone
Originally posted by Mider
thanos wins cause you say so? Ok well in MY opinion and on the logic that i dont believe thanos could defeat the entire MU earth let alone DC earth Ares wins and has the feats to show it, he hasnt shown his full potential who cares you all wanna put him on abstract level he isnt there and the mu gods arent that powerful anyway they are equal to heralds if anything thor is a powerful being but not uber powerful that he would take over the world under his own power he'd have to be king thor to do that but if there not skyfathers there not doing jack to anyone there are plenty of guys to beat them hercules stalemated MU ares and in one comic Hulk was getting ready to kill him
If you don't like my opinion don't f**king read them, like you are all knowing boy please. Ares win because you say so, what ever you say isn't the gospel. Sky fathers are not on hearlder level

are you smoking MU gods are not nothing Ok, Atum The God-Eater/ Demogorge will eat Dc gods and sh** them out. Did I say Thanos is on Abstract level read again or get some glasses, I said he could be on a sky-father level, read man before asuming sh**. Mider knows everything we can all rest now.
darkone im sorry if i offended you but its you yourself who stated i dont have the time to study up on character history and thus your opinion is made less reliable cause of that admitance not my fault. its not an easy thing to beat the JLA its like taking on three and a half supermen at once one with super mental powers another one with magic powers and a magic rope and another guy who has a magic hand, not to mention other heros that i havent mentioned that even though they seem less powerful are very much alot to handle plastic man alone is super powerful he makes reed richards look like a punk and is immune to mental attacks so yeah beating the jla is a big thing ares did this and even more only darkseid was able to stop him and no i dont believe thanos by himself could take out ALL the jla.
Darkone and Mider are two fanboys of the same caliber, just for two different companies........If only you'd met at a DC convention or a Marvel one......You coulda been such good friends
uniomni were you bored last night cause it seems you were just looking through threads to find someone to tell off so what if we have our fav characters a fanboy by proper definition states his fav character cannot be defeated by ANYONE can ares be defeated YES he has been defeated by Darkseid do i like thanos well let me see i own IG, thanos the end, and wish to get thanos quest so yeah i like thanos do i think he cant be defeated hmmmm when he got his butt kicked by mages i guess that question is answered thanks now be quiet and go actually contribute to the thread.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by the Darkone
Thanos would kick Ares ass, let's don't forget that Thanos has two upgrades. Thanos is highly powerful his true might he saw glimpse of it when he fought his son "Rot" the blast was so powerful even the cosmic abstracts had to take notice. Thanos has fought beings that will crush Ares, even though Ares destroyed earth big deal Thanos has destroyed a planet on his own powers before his upgrades. Thanos could very well be on a sky-father level of power and might but hasn't really shown it, Adam warlock stated when infinity watch etc where at Asgard and he told moondragon that whe haven't seen Thanos at his full potential or true power. Thanos stalemate a sky-father, and also his uncle Zuras stalemated a enrage Zeus and Zuras was weaken before battle, Thanos now is more powerful than his uncle ever was. Thanos has taken on a sky-father level being in Tyrant, out smarted In-betweener and grandmaster, stalemate with Odin, Fought his son Rot who is cosmic being, Floored a normal Galactus, defeated a Cube being in The Maker (aka True Beyonder, Kosmos),Fallen was literally abuse by Thanos and is lap dog, Defeated Silver Surfer on many occasions and the list goes on.
Thanos 10/10
I concur...

florred galactus is that why i saw thanos on the cover of his own series totally torn to shreds in galactus hand, and the only reason he hurt rot is cause rot could only be affected by its parents death and thanos, when has he ever stalemated odin, is that why he was the one down for the count at the end of the battle oh wow what a stalemate, and when he was fighting tyrant i remeber it was him being thrown around the place getting his butt kicked then he just said only cause im not dead i win wow what a win sounds more like he knew he wouldnt win.
dont forget warlock has defeated him,and also the original captain marvel,in the death of captain marvel...
I beleive Thanos would win this one. Yes, I am totally convinced that Ares is a powerful dude.....he is the God of War (I am making no reference to the video game ok)
Perhaps old school Thanos, pre-Infiniti Gauntlet would have fallen to Ares, IF Thanos was sloppy enough to fight unprepared. But today's Thanos? You gotta be kidding me.
I have defended Thanos on threads numerous times, so I don't intend to restate EVERY FACT about Thanos again. I will only name one: He is now immortal, and no not immortal by lifespan, but immortal by curse.
Mistress Death cursed Thanos with immortality, therefore he cannot die. Any life threatening attack would only temporarily disable him, he would recuperate and keep fighting. Also, don't underestimate his intelligence. Thanos has taken on people MUCH tougher than Ares (ex: Galactus, Tryant, In Betweener, etc.)
If Darkseid was able to stop Ares (which sum1 told me, but im not sure if thats true) than Thanos definately wins this one. Thanos is actually more of a threat to anyone than Darksied. The only thing Darksied has on Thanos is that Darksied is still absolutely evil, while Thanos is slowly maturing over time.
If Thanos wanted to destroy Earth, in today's version of Thanos, he could in a million ways. Right now that does not serve his purpose, he gave up on Death, and he is finding himself ( YOU GO THANOS !)
If Thanos were STILL as sadistic and twisted as he was years ago, f*ck it, EVERYONE including ARES would be in danger.
IF I still didn't convince you put it this way : Thanos has done things to TERRIFY the likes of Galactus, Eternity, Mephisto, and even Death herself. Ares has nothing on Thanos, .................entonces por favor no digen mas cosas estupidos o negativos trate de senor Thanos, ok ?
"Thanos stalemate a sky-father"
Oly- A stalemate implies equal measure. He held his own, he didnt equaled Odin.
- - -
"and also his uncle Zuras stalemated a enrage Zeus and Zuras was weaken before battle"
Oly- Zuras was back at top shape when figthing Zeus. Moreso the dialogue between the two implies that Zuras was doing more effort iirc. Of course this can be due to my interpretation, theyr both "skyfathers".
- - -
"Thanos has taken on a sky-father level being in Tyrant"
Oly- Not to be an ass but whoever reads this migth actually get an idea he again equaled him when he never did. And that was a Tyrant that was not at the same power level of the one, Galactus fought.
you do know that Darkseid owns thanos right? Thanos i dont think the gaurdians of the universe would be scared of him, and i think the lords of order and chaos would even be less scared of him darkseid can defeat an entire pantheon thanos cant even beat the sky father ares is wayyyyy more powerful then MU ares and we are not talking about just DC ares that darkseid can beat but an entire pantheon was stated by DC odin that it wouldnt be able to defeat darkseid, do you know how ares was stopped i remeber hearing darkseid manipulated time and space to stop him, also darkseid has switched entire planets before, he mind controlled 3 BILLION superman level beings, he made a joke out of magneto and juggernaut but its not canon but very fesable darkseid has hurt even the spectre, and in the same crossover when mags fought darkseid he was smacked like a nobody and juggernaut was also shown to be a nobody compared to him, when darkseid was at full power he defeated cyborg superman in like 2 seconds with out breaking a sweat if superman was not protected by the source he would feasably be as easily destroyed, darkseid can go through time and space like it was nothing.
darkseid has been said to have mind powers to great even for mister miricle to resist, he has ressurected his army before with his own power, caused lightning to accour with just getting mad, turned a superman level being into dust by just touching him or not even trying, defeated a guy who beat the crap out of orion and his guys like he was nothing darkseid turned around and beat the same guy who beat orion and his guys like he was a joke, darkseid also servived a solar system wide explosion and wasnt hurt very badly, lobo punched him in the face and hurt his hand.
he once threw orion out of the DCU and locked him out
"you do know that Darkseid owns thanos right?"
Oly- Current Darkseid wouldnt own Thanos when he loses against the top tier.
Post crisis Darkseid specifically in the later years its a joke.
- - -
"darkseid can defeat an entire pantheon thanos cant even beat the sky father ares is wayyyyy more powerful then MU ares "
Oly- Wich phanteon did Darkseid defeated on its own post crisis. None that i recall. The only time he tried to gain Olympus no gods wer there with the exception of Hermes.
- - -
"also darkseid has switched entire planets before, he mind controlled 3 BILLION superman level beings"
Oly- That was pre crisis. He doesnt have those displays of power post crisis - in - continuity. At least as formidable.
- - -
"he once threw orion out of the DCU and locked him out"
Oly- What do you mean with this?
when he came back after orion had defeated him in battle they say darkseid let himself be defeated for his own purposes he came back and kicked orion out of that dimension into another one and made it so he couldnt come back dont know how he made it back, and ask others about when DC odin said darkseid would waist his whole panthon cause it was said i believe, not even DC odin can time travil unaided or creat life out of nothing so he's not as powerful as Darkseid.
the Darkone
Most of Darkseid feats are pre-crisis era not post, Darkseid has been depower dramatically. Right now Thanos is more powerful than Darkseid w/o anti-life equation, Thanos has achieve more feats over the years than darkseid who can't even beat superman now, which to me is bullsh** damn Dc for that. Ares achieve some power as thanos has achieved universal power more than once, destroying half the marvel universe with the gauntlet and destroyed the whole universe in marvel the end, let's don't get on feats Thanos is >>> Ares by far. Never put nothing past Thanos,he's the type of person to hit you when you least expect it.
No, pretty much all but his most recent loss to Superman have been retconned already, being either Desaad in disguise or an avatar and not actually him.
Darkseids feats still place him WAY above Thanos.
And a good portion of his feats are POST Crisis, many people just ignore them because many of his LOSSES also come post crisis.
Darkseid is still someone who can defeat most anyone. Greater than skyfather, as his feats would show, in fact.
And to believe Thanos beats a skyfather is rediculous, when we already saw him try, and Odin smacked him around badly. It was a heavy lopsided fight. Yes, Thanos kept getting up, but he wasn't doing the damage neccisary to put one down.
Thanos is awesome with prep, however in this fight he has none, and simply can't do what's neccisary to put a god down without it.
Uhmm what issue did his loss to Superman got retconned?
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
Uhmm what issue did his loss to Superman got retconned? I said pretty much all but his most recent loss to Superman have been retconned. And even then, there's still room for explanation, but like I said, he was fighting Supergirl, Superman and Wonder Woman at the same time and smacking them around, until the fight got taken to the middle of the sun, where Superman is pretty godlike himself.
Originally posted by Juntai
I said pretty much all but his most recent loss to Superman have been retconned. And even then, there's still room for explanation, but like I said, he was fighting Supergirl, Superman and Wonder Woman at the same time and smacking them around, until the fight got taken to the middle of the sun, where Superman is pretty godlike himself.
what comic did this happen in?
Hmmm... my bad. I was kinda hoping someone could explain the whole darkseid with ALE currently on MM while just got relased on the most recent S/B from the wall if maybe it's connected somehow to a recton.
Desaad in disguise losing to Superman and a couple of his other low showings all covered.
The Avatar retcon, covering his loss to Doomsday, most other bad showings were ALREADY covered, but this recovers any others. He's apperently undefeated.
S/B what are you talking about?
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
Hmmm... my bad. I was kinda hoping someone could explain the whole darkseid with ALE currently on MM while just got relased on the most recent S/B from the wall if maybe it's connected somehow to a recton. The Seven Soldiers is tied into the Crisis, according to what they were saying on newsarama in one post, and we'd begin to see stuff affecting it in issue 6 or 7 or something.. so its hard telling what the timeframe is.
Quite, very confusing to place in a timeframe where they'll all fit together perfectly. but i'm kinda miffed most of all about new gods and darkseid on earth posing as a businessman and the rest as bums.
so MM is mister miricle or Martian Manhunter? so S/B equals seven soldiers?
Originally posted by Mider
so MM is mister miricle or Martian Manhunter? so S/B equals seven soldiers? S/b is Superman/Batman, where Darkseid and Superman fought last.
And MM is Mister Miracle's Seven Soldier issues.
Mister Miracle. S/B is superman/batman. S/B is rather hard to define in continuity cause while the stories cannot be place on accordance with the normal timeframe, the issue with Darkseid and Supergirl's introduction into mainstream still stands.
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
Mister Miracle. S/B is superman/batman. S/B is rather hard to define in continuity cause while the stories cannot be place on accordance with the normal timeframe, the issue with Darkseid and Supergirl's introduction still stands. Yeah, I thought for a long time that it wasn't continuity, but Supergirl and Darkseid seem to prove it is.
what issue of superman batman?
Superman/Batman #13 - Superman thought Kara was disintegrated, pinned him to the source wall only to find out later she got ported out of the way before she was wiped.
Superman/Batman #16 - he struck a deal with Darkseid with some sort of trouble involving batman's existence
Superman/Batman #23 - Superman agrees to free Darkseid cuz he owns him a favor.
Originally posted by Mider
what issue of superman batman? SUPERMAN/BATMAN 8-13
"not even DC odin can time travil unaided or creat life out of nothing so he's not as powerful as Darkseid."
Oly- Are you sure?
- - -
"And a good portion of his feats are POST Crisis, many people just ignore them because many of his LOSSES also come post crisis"
Oly- But not GREAT feats. Some losses wer retconned. Others werent. His track record against Superman its -bad-. Against Orion he fought for real until the end of the figth. Against Ryker the same. When Thanos smackdowns the top tier left and right, Darkseid has troubles with it.
Originally posted by olympian
"not even DC odin can time travil unaided or creat life out of nothing so he's not as powerful as Darkseid."
Oly- Are you sure?
- - -
"And a good portion of his feats are POST Crisis, many people just ignore them because many of his LOSSES also come post crisis"
Oly- But not GREAT feats. Some losses wer retconned. Others werent. His track record against Superman its -bad-. Against Orion he fought for real until the end of the figth. Against Ryker the same. When Thanos smackdowns the top tier left and right, Darkseid has troubles with it.
from what comic is that? i love the art
Vertigo Sandman. Season of Mists iirc.
i think you're right. and sandman was/is badass. odin can't stray because there are things that could . . . harm him.
those early sandman books were truly AWESOME.
so oly, did you say ares or thanos? actually seems reasonably close to me . . .
KuRuPT Thanosi
I love Juntai saying most of DS losses have been rectonned.. LOL awesome yet false.
Originally posted by KuRuPT Thanosi
I love Juntai saying most of DS losses have been rectonned.. LOL awesome yet false.
He's correct actually

KuRuPT Thanosi
Originally posted by -K-M-
He's correct actually
Please enlighten me... I really hope its not the throw away scan of DS saying you have only seen a image of his true self before.. Is this the line your basing this on?
Originally posted by KuRuPT Thanosi
Please enlighten me... I really hope its not the throw away scan of DS saying you have only seen a image of his true self before.. Is this the line your basing this on? I had some of the scans up there but they're dead by now.., but why would you try dissing on a post I made 4 years ago either way?
Omega Vision
Originally posted by Juntai
I had some of the scans up there but they're dead by now.., but why would you try dissing on a post I made 4 years ago either way?
He was hoping you wouldn't notice?
Originally posted by Juntai
I had some of the scans up there but they're dead by now.., but why would you try dissing on a post I made 4 years ago either way?
Juntai is one of the best posters on this board, take his word for fact regardless.
the Darkone
Thanos takes Ares armor and turn it into a new tiolet.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Ares. based on ?
Originally posted by Hellboy288
Thanos wankery meter is off the charts.
Ares wins this effortlessly. Just like when he beat WW, right ? Who has Ares beat in fair combat which makes you think so ?
Ares beats his face in
Originally posted by iceman24567
Ares beats his face in What makes you think so ?
Originally posted by iceman24567
Ares beats his face in
Thanos wins, Ares is a pussy who had his ass handed to him by Wonder Woman.
Just like Thanos was getting wrecked by the Runner. Diana is faster than runner. Prove me wrong Nihilist.
Originally posted by carver9
Just like Thanos was getting wrecked by the Runner. Diana is faster than runner. Prove me wrong Nihilist. What are you going on about now ? WW is nowhere near as fast as the Runner. Thanos also had a plan in mind to deal with the Runner.
Originally posted by quanchi112
What are you going on about now ? WW is nowhere near as fast as the Runner. Thanos also had a plan in mind to deal with the Runner.
The question is for nihilist. I also believe Runner is faster but I want him to tell me why Runner is faster than Wonder Woman.
Originally posted by Nihilist
Thanos wins, Ares is a pussy who had his ass handed to him by Wonder Woman.
So getting you're ass kicked by Wonder Woman is a bad showing now. My god, you brainless fanboys never cease to amaze me.
Originally posted by carver9
The question is for nihilist. I also believe Runner is faster but I want him to tell me why Runner is faster than Wonder Woman. I wonder about you sometimes.
To be fair, the last time Ares was "beaten" by Diana, he had planned for it and it served his overall plan.
Originally posted by carver9
Just like Thanos was getting wrecked by the Runner. Diana is faster than runner. Prove me wrong Nihilist. Runner had the gem and was using to teleport aswell as using his speed, on panel and statement facts'
You have to stop crying about my destroying your argument in the other thread.Originally posted by SquallX
So getting you're ass kicked by Wonder Woman is a bad showing now. My god, you brainless fanboys never cease to amaze me. Whats brainless about the fact that he got beat down by WW, Dianna wouldnt do the same to Thanos..i know it hurts that a Marvel character might beat a DC one.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
To be fair, the last time Ares was "beaten" by Diana, he had planned for it and it served his overall plan. Honestly though, are there any showings of Ares you can think of which makes the basis for him being able to beat Thanos ?
Originally posted by quanchi112
Honestly though, are there any showings of Ares you can think of which makes the basis for him being able to beat Thanos ?
I was just pointing out that I for one disagree with the idea of saying "WW beat Ares so WW can beat Thanos and as such, Ares > Thanos". It's obvious to me (and as a pretty well informed Wonder Woman fan) that Ares is clearly beyond her, and her "wins" come from the lasso and from Ares having a larger plan and letting her beat him.
As far as Ares vs. Thanos directly is concerned, I'm undecided.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
I was just pointing out that I for one disagree with the idea of saying "WW beat Ares so WW can beat Thanos and as such, Ares > Thanos". It's obvious to me (and as a pretty well informed Wonder Woman fan) that Ares is clearly beyond her, and her "wins" come from the lasso and from Ares having a larger plan and letting her beat him.
As far as Ares vs. Thanos directly is concerned, I'm undecided. The point isn't to me anyways whether WW beats him for the majority it's the fact WW can best him and has done so.
I still haven't heard anything Ares has done combat wise to put him anywhere near Thanos.
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