Dark Lantern vs Silver Surfer
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Dark Lantern/Kilowog-Biologically typical Bolovax with superhuman strength, durability and the ability to join with the minds of others of his species; possessing a Green Lantern Ring granting the ability to create forms and devices of green energy from their imagination, transmute materials, phase through solid objects, invisibility, super-sonic flight, super-human strength, speed, stamina, durability, immunity to harsh environments and an ability to communicate with all known sentient species.
Genius level intelligence with advanced skills as a geneticist and educator.
Silver Surfer-Power Cosmic granted by the astrogod Galactus enables god-like strength, speed, stamina, agility, and invulnerability to all known diseases and environments, and a heightened level of cosmic awareness enabling the perception of all forms of energy and limited telepathy.
Ability to channel cosmic energy can generate powerful force blasts or rearrange the molecular structure of energy or mass. Manipulation of cosmic energy can be used to heal the wounded or mesmerize others.
Indestructible "surfboard" responds to mental commands and can achieve interstellar travel at greater than light speed
Could go either way, Kilowog is one of the best Gls ever, and Surfer is just a badass.
why do you say black lantern?
I didn't I said dark
whatever why did you call him dark lantern
Thats what he is called
Dark Lantern
Nick Name
Civilian ID
Green Lantern of Space Sectors 674 & 2814
Green Lantern Corps Recruiter and Trainer
Legal Status
Deceased citizen of the extinct planet Bolovax Vik with no known criminal record.
Nation or Planet of Origin
Bolovax Vik
Group Affiliation
Green Lantern Corps
Guardians of the Universe
Justice League International
Rocket Red Brigade
Base of Operations
8' 3"
620 lbs.
Eye Color
Hair Color
Skin Tone
Dark Green
Known Powers
Biologically typical Bolovax with superhuman strength, durability and the ability to join with the minds of others of his species; possessing a Green Lantern Ring granting the ability to create forms and devices of green energy from their imagination, transmute materials, phase through solid objects, invisibility, super-sonic flight, super-human strength, speed, stamina, durability, immunity to harsh environments and an ability to communicate with all known sentient species.
Genius level intelligence with advanced skills as a geneticist and educator.
Note: The imprisonment within the Main Power Battery of Parallax - a yellow being composed of pure fear - created an impurity making Green Lantern Rings incapable of manipulating objects colored yellow, and the champions of the Guardians of the Universe, the Green Lanterns, susceptible to the only thing that could break their will - fear.
The Power Ring is limited to a 24 hour charge and must be recharged in the Power Battery on a daily basis.
Green Lantern Power Battery: Portable power battery capable of drawing power from the Central Power Battery on Oa.
Green Lantern Ring: Device worn upon the finger to focus the energies of the Central Power Battery.
In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight, let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's light!
Common Enemies
Black Hand
Eclipso I
Mad God Sector 3600
Regularly Appearing
Green Lantern Vol. 3
First Appearance
Green Lantern Vol. 2 #201 (June, 1986)
Dark Lantern
Green Lantern: Legacy - the last will and testament of Hal Jordan (June, 2002)
Steve Englehart & Joe Staton
For as long as could be remembered, the planet Bolovax Vik had been the home base of the Green Lanterns of Sector 674. When Green Lantern Branwilla died, the citizens of Bolovax Vik used their ability to join minds into a "mass mind" and decided to choose Kilowog as the next Green Lantern. It was believed that his skills as a geneticist would serve him in diplomatic relations with other races.
Leaving his home planet, Kilowog excelled at the regiment of the Green Lantern Corps, becoming both a recruiter and trainer of new members. One of his many pupils was Hal Jordon of Earth.
Kilowog served with the Corps until he was slain by his former student, who after losing his mind became the galactic menace Parallax. Although he was dead, Kilowog's spirit was resurrected as part of a plot by the demon Neron.
Vengeful over the destruction of the Green Lantern Corps and the planet Oa, Kilowog's spirit was restless until Jordon, resurrected as the Spectre, was instrumental in the planet's resurrection. Although no longer desiring vengeance Kilowog remained for a time a wandering spirit known as the Dark Lantern.
what powers does he have what can he do or what has he done?
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