Spawn runs the MARVEL gauntlet
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1.Bloodlusted Carnage in Manhattan
2. Dark Beast in the Danger Room
3. Baron Mordo
4. Ghost Rider
5. Blackheart in pergatory
6. Daimon Hellstorm in Hell
7. Mephisto in his realm
8. Odin in Asgard
9. Thanos with tech
10. Dr. Strange
11. 8th Day Juggernaut
12. Rune King Thor
13. Runner
14. Dormammu in the Dark Dimension
15. Demogorge
16. Cyttorak
17. Watoomb
18. Galactus
19. Agamotto
20. Entropy
where does he stop
a) with rest
b) no rest
if your talking third age spawn he goes all the way to the end perhaps less entrophy is faster then time itself
He gets to Black Heart but no farther
i dont know if its third age spawn his powers would be way up there just a normal angel i think can make a nova with out even trying ive heard how much more powerful would spawn be if its third age
as much as i love spawn, he not getting past 15 if he gets no rest, if he does stops at 19 no matter
dont even know what power level he is at
Forget the others, Magik I comes in and hacks him up with her magic destroying SoulSword.
The Ion
Stops at Dark Beast.
Originally posted by The Ion
Stops at Dark Beast.
you know were talking about third age right?
The Ion
Originally posted by Spawnrules
you know were talking about third age right?
Oh really? He stops at Carnage.
Originally posted by The Ion
Oh really? He stops at Carnage.
no point if i actually talk nobody belevies me
stops at runner........
Spawn's Hellblasts were shown to be powerful enough to melt down the Gates of Heaven, they were powerful enough to knock out Savage Dragon, they were powerful enough to kill Redeemer, who was specifically made by God to kill Spawn (was called Anti-Spawn at the time), were powerful enough to keep an Ancient God (much much MUCH above Skyfather) at bay (stalemated).
Spawn's got complete control over the nature around him. Not saying this would be a decisive factor, but maybe it could slow Lobo down with all the Earthquakes and tidal waves he'd be facing.
Spawn's regeneration is like i said one of the best i've seen in comics. He was ripped in half and was back in one piece the next page, he ripped his heart out and it regrew in two panels, he was cut up into several pieces (both legs chopped off, an arm, and his head i think) and he was ok in a few minutes.
Spawn's magic abilities include transmutation of matter into anything he pleases. Whether it's a car or a box of wine, or a sword, or etc. etc., he can do it.
Spawn's suit gives him a warning before attacks when he is unaware, so he's not going to get surprised.
Spawn's chains have been shown to be powerful enough to restrain an Ancient God, they can grow to any length and they can be used to transform into constructs like GLs do.
Spawn has shown the power to alter reality, as well as banish people to other dimensions.
Raenis the hellspawn killed the entire Olympian pantheon and became ruler of the Universe.
DU again..i dont do it cause i like space g as much as spawn
i think he'll stop ar rune king thor
Why exactly is Cyttorak rated below Agamotto and Watoomb?
Cyttorak and Watoomb are about equal, but Agamotto is beyond both of them. His magic is borderline omnipotency....Dr. Strange is the only person that can even encounter Agamotto...the rest go insane. The most adept magicians cant comprehend his being. Cyttorak doesnt seem to have that effect..
Thor Man
I thought third age spawn would lose horribly.
no your thinking of first age
third would stop at nineteen, second would stop at 18, and first will stop at 7 or 8
Originally posted by Madvillain
1.Bloodlusted Carnage in Manhattan
2. Dark Beast in the Danger Room
3. Baron Mordo
4. Ghost Rider
5. Blackheart in pergatory
6. Daimon Hellstorm in Hell
7. Mephisto in his realm
8. Odin in Asgard
9. Thanos with tech
10. Dr. Strange
11. 8th Day Juggernaut
12. Rune King Thor
13. Runner
14. Dormammu in the Dark Dimension
15. Demogorge
16. Cyttorak
17. Watoomb
18. Galactus
19. Agamotto
20. Entropy
where does he stop
a) with rest
b) no rest
Which Age Spawn ?
Originally posted by Tulika
Why exactly is Cyttorak rated below Agamotto and Watoomb?
Exactly He should be above Galactus. The most powerful version of Spawn stops hard at 16.
Since the OP does not specify, I take it the current incarnation.
Current Spawn does not get passed 3.
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