Black Adam Vs Hyperion (supreme Power)
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The Ion
BA. Too much experience.
I'd say B.A. too. He seems a lot tougher.
Black Adam
Black adam wins. way more experience.
Not to mention, Hyperion is lame ideas extravaganza!
Sir Whirlysplat
Hmm Supreme Power 16 have a look at the last panels sometime. I have never seen Black Adam in thirty years of reading comics do anything on that scale.
Black Adam
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
Hmm Supreme Power 16 have a look at the last panels sometime. I have never seen Black Adam in thirty years of reading comics do anything on that scale.
what did he do?
He hits Wonder Man twenty miles with one punch breaking all of his ribs and busting his arm then Wonder Man tries to counter attack but can barely can stand then Hyperion goes nuts and drives Wonder Man threw a planet and into a sun.
compared to his one
The first is 6foot2 1,090 pounds the second one is 6foot4 460pounds
Black Adam
Golem I think thats the wrong Hyperion.
Or I may be wrong. I though this was about the Max series one?
The Ion
Originally posted by golem370
He hits Wonder Man twenty miles with one punch breaking all of his ribs and busting his arm then Wonder Man tries to counter attack but can barely can stand then Hyperion goes nuts and drives Wonder Man threw a planet and into a sun.
Wrong Hyperion. We're talking about the non-lame version.
The Ion
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
Hmm Supreme Power 16 have a look at the last panels sometime. I have never seen Black Adam in thirty years of reading comics do anything on that scale.
You mean 18? The 10.5 richter scale event? Nice feat, one of my favorites but that doesn't change the fact that he needed help to beat that superpowered thug.
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by The Ion
You mean 18? The 10.5 richter scale event? Nice feat, one of my favorites but that doesn't change the fact that he needed help to beat that superpowered thug.
I do mean 18 and no I think he could beat Redstone alone it was only that they wanted Redstone alive, Check out his mini

He really doesn't need much help in issue 1 and 2.
this hyperion reminds me alot os supes.......
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
this hyperion reminds me alot os supes.......
All Hyperions should my friend

your not my friend YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED KENNY........
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
your not my friend YOU BASTARD YOU KILLED KENNY........

people that remind me of superman. hyperion all 4 of them ,count nefaria,gladiator, quasar , sentry , wonderman,
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
south park...
I know

Black Adam
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
south park...
Lisa needs braces.......
The Ion
Originally posted by Black Adam
Lisa needs braces.......
Black Adam
Originally posted by The Ion
Lisa needs braces.....
The Ion
Originally posted by Black Adam
Lisa needs braces.....
Black Adam
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
Can't sleep......Clown will Eat me.....
Black Adam
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
I need more OJ.
Black Adam
Alright enough with the simpsons quotes.
So far Hyperion's greatest feat is making a big ass crater and an earthquake.
I still say BA wins.
Originally posted by Black Adam
Alright enough with the simpsons quotes.
So far Hyperion's greatest feat is making a big ass crater and an earthquake.
I still say BA wins.

Hyperions totally inexperienced. He has great potential though.
Sir Whirlysplat
Nah his biggest feat was beating 4 powerhouses in his mini

at once
Black Adam
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
Nah his biggest feat was beating 4 powerhouses in his mini

at once
Really? Still need to catch up un the old supreme power issues.
Who did he beat?
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by Black Adam
Really? Still need to catch up un the old supreme power issues.
Who did he beat?
Nuke a kind of Wildfire ripoff, A cross between The Blob and Hulk, And a Scarlet Witch/Zatanna cross

as well as a resident Super genius.
Black Adam
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
Nuke a kind of Wildfire ripoff, A cross between The Blob and Hulk, And a Scarlet Witch/Zatanna cross

as well as a resident Super genius.
You mean the mini. I have that one.
he beat the the blob ripoff. Nuke knocked him around a bit. He got back up and the Zatanna ripoff did something to the time stream or universe or whatever her powers are.
Thats not really beating them.
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by Black Adam
You mean the mini. I have that one.
he beat the the blob ripoff. Nuke knocked him around a bit. He got back up and the Zatanna ripoff did something to the time stream or universe or whatever her powers are.
Thats not really beating them.
He knocked Nuke out beat the Blob rip off and Zatanna lost control as he flew at her.
Black Adam
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
He knocked Nuke out beat the Blob rip off and Zatanna lost control as he flew at her.
I'll have to re read it. and find it for that matter since its under a big ass pile of boxes and clothes.
Black Adam
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
LISA NEEDS BRACES!!!!.........
not really. It's not like BA hasn't gone up against super teams before.
Originally posted by Black Adam
not really. It's not like BA hasn't gone up against super teams before.

Sir Whirlysplat
Yup but Nuke is basically Wildfire, he gives Supes or Adam Trouble alone, Durability feats, Look at Ledger in Africa v Hyperion, Big Explosion
Adam doesn't take that sort of thing normally.
Black Adam
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
Yup but Nuke is basically Wildfire, he gives Supes or Adam Trouble alone, Durability feats, Look at Ledger in Africa v Hyperion, Big Explosion
Adam doesn't take that sort of thing normally.
Nuke has appeared in only three issues. He hasn't show anything except flight and that bubble technique that didn't even hurt hyperion.
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by Black Adam
Nuke has appeared in only three issues. He hasn't show anything except flight and that bubble technique that didn't even hurt hyperion.
But we got the Bio and we got told his power level

He is a Wildfire clone right down to the containment suit!
Black Adam
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
But we got the Bio and we got told his power level

He is a Wildfire clone right down to the containment suit!
a bio? thats how your comparing him? he still hasn't show anything impressive.
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by Black Adam
a bio? thats how your comparing him? he still hasn't show anything impressive.
Well we know how hard it is to hurt Hyperion

Adam has always got hurt

Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
But we got the Bio and we got told his power level

He is a Wildfire clone right down to the containment suit!
Wheres this bio?! I want!!!

Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Wheres this bio?! I want!!!
Its in his synopsis in Hyperion 2 Emil explains his power level to Arcana and we see it all in Flashback.
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by JOE NUNEZ
It's not that Hyperion Joe

grey fox
Hyperion is a supes clone , and supes owns black adam (forget the magic lightning for a minute)
Originally posted by grey fox
Hyperion is a supes clone , and supes owns black adam (forget the magic lightning for a minute)
Its really not as simple as that, come on now GF
Hyperion is extremely inexperienced. When he fought against a super powered trained soldier he was in major trouble and required aid. He just rushed in thinking his powers would be enough to get him through but he got whacked about the place. He has great potential but he's still an amateur. Yes he did do well against some powerful foes in his mini, however they were woefully inexperienced as well having little to no combat experience. Thats been the case with virtually all of his foes with the exception of the super powered psycho who had army training and look what happened there. Yeah Hypes crater feat wasnice but Black Adam regularly holds his own against people who can do that type of stuff in their sleep.
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Its really not as simple as that, come on now GF
Hyperion is extremely inexperienced. When he fought against a super powered trained soldier he was in major trouble and required aid. He just rushed in thinking his powers would be enough to get him through but he got whacked about the place. He has great potential but he's still an amateur. Yes he did do well against some powerful foes in his mini, however they were woefully inexperienced as well having little to no combat experience. Thats been the case with virtually all of his foes with the exception of the super powered psycho who had army training and look what happened there. Yeah Hypes crater feat wasnice but Black Adam regularly holds his own against people who can do that type of stuff in their sleep.
He didn't require aid against Redstone, they wanted him alive he had him in a Nelson but they had planned to take him alive. He hasn't needed help at all yet. I would say the battle with Joe Ledger equally showed this, as did Hyperion issue 2. And no you don't see 10.5 level often and it was a warning he could cause an extinction level event.
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
He didn't require aid against Redstone, they wanted him alive he had him in a Nelson but they had planned to take him alive. He hasn't needed help at all yet. I would say the battle with Joe Ledger equally showed this, as did Hyperion issue 2. And no you don't see 10.5 level often and it was a warning he could cause an extinction level event.
Regardless Redstone clearly had the better of him and showed himself to be the better fighter of the two. Hyperion was in trouble and got sent across the horizon many a time.
Joe Ledgers military training is of no real aid to him when employing his power. He too is woefully inexperienced with his newfound power, Hyperion had had more practice with his as they were inherent too him however he still hasnt shown impressive combat feats against someone skilled in the use of their powers. The Joe Ledger case isnt a good example of why Hype would fare well against Black Adam. Black Adam and Joe are completely different. BA is a ruthless killer with a wealth of combat experience and with many good showings against Dcs top tier heroes who could certainly achieve Hypes best feat to date and more. If anything the Redstone fight is a good example of why BA would take him out. Hes too unproven for you too make it out as being as clear cut as youre doing.
Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Regardless Redstone clearly had the better of him and showed himself to be the better fighter of the two. Hyperion was in trouble and got sent across the horizon many a time.
funny I thought he had Redstone in a full Nelson lifted off the ground when the gum was inserted.
I know who Black Adam is I was reading about him a decade before you were born.
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
funny I thought he had Redstone in a full Nelson lifted off the ground when the gum was inserted.
Yep. Shortly before getting swatted across a variety of state lines for the majority of the battle. Redstone just knew how to fight. BA knows how to fight and has years of combat experience in employing his abilities against a variety of powerhouses, many of the Supes/Hype/Glad mould i.e super-strength, super-speed and flight.
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
I know who Black Adam is I was reading about him a decade before you were born.
Cool. So you should know what youre talking about then. Right?

Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Yep. Shortly before getting swatted across a variety of state lines for the majority of the battle. Redstone just knew how to fight. BA knows how to fight and has years of combat experience in employing his abilities against a variety of powerhouses, many of the Supes/Hype/Glad mould i.e super-strength, super-speed and flight.
Cool. So you should know what youre talking about then. Right?
He got hit by Redstone twice and then took him out. Simple as that, he underestimated him. He has never really been hurt by anyone. Even the Nuke and Ledger Battles where he was knocked down he got straight back up. It always goes that way in comics the hero gets hit a few times then wins, thats almost every comic.
Difference with Adam, is he gets the early hits in like most villians (and in his case I use the term loosely as he has his code) and then he loses. I have never seen him perform an extinction level event feat.
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
He got hit by Redstone twice and then took him out. Simple as that, he underestimated him. He has never really been hurt by anyone. Even the Nuke and Ledger Battles where he was knocked down he got straight back up. It always goes that way in comics the hero gets hit a few times then wins, thats almost every comic.
Regardless, he is unproven and BA's experience and good showings against characters of the same mould is his major advantage here.
Redstoone was a better fighter than Hype and thats why he had the upper hand throughout the fight before eventually being defeated. BA is a good fighter plus has major experience in using his abilities
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
Difference with Adam, is he gets the early hits in like most villians (and in his case I use the term loosely as he has his code) and then he loses. I have never seen him perform an extinction level event feat.
Ive never seen Supes go for a number two but do you think that means he cant?
Black Adams multitude of showings against characters who could easily match and almost certainly surpass Hypes top feat show you that he's on Hypes level at least physically. On top of that he has major experience fighting against characters of similar abilities to Hype, characters who've performed better feats in terms of both speed, strength and durability.
Hype is unproven, he has never faced an opponent experienced in the employment of their abilities. BA not only fits the bill but also is of that same Supesesque mould. Hype has no obvious advantages in this match up. BA has fought characters with the same abilities as Hype, characters who are almost certainly more powerful and if not definitely more experienced than Hype with those powers.
your all making great points.

Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Regardless, he is unproven and BA's experience and good showings against characters of the same mould is his major advantage here.
Redstoone was a better fighter than Hype and thats why he had the upper hand throughout the fight before eventually being defeated. BA is a good fighter plus has major experience in using his abilities
Ive never seen Supes go for a number two but do you think that means he cant?
Black Adams multitude of showings against characters who could easily match and almost certainly surpass Hypes top feat show you that he's on Hypes level at least physically. On top of that he has major experience fighting against characters of similar abilities to Hype, characters who've performed better feats in terms of both speed, strength and durability.
Hype is unproven, he has never faced an opponent experienced in the employment of their abilities. BA not only fits the bill but also is of that same Supesesque mould. Hype has no obvious advantages in this match up. BA has fought characters with the same abilities as Hype, characters who are almost certainly more powerful and if not definitely more experienced than Hype with those powers.
All drivel the number of blows exchanged in the Redstone bought was minimal and as soon as Hyperion turned it up he came out on top. Hyperion has not lost yet. Adam has hardly if ever won. So we have someone who is 4 : 0 with 4 wins in the win column v someone who is probably about 2 : 60 with 60 loses in the loss column. Yup Adam has lots more experience of losing. As for more powerful than Hyperion we'll have to wait and see!
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
All drivel the number of blows exchanged in the Redstone bought was minimal and as soon as Hyperion turned it up he came out on top. Hyperion has not lost yet. Adam has hardly if ever won. So we have someone who is 4 : 0 with 4 wins in the win column v someone who is probably about 2 : 60 with 60 loses in the loss column. Yup Adam has lots more experience of losing. As for more powerful than Hyperion we'll have to wait and see!
Its not as simple as that and you know it. The characters BA fought against and lost were experienced in the application of their abilities, they were not amateurs. Alot of them were of the Supes mould and were almost certainly stronger and definitely more experienced than Hype anyway so thats a bit of a moot point. Being able to consistently engage such foes over the years hand to hand and do well shows he's on their level physically and therefore on Hypes. Hyperion has never engaged a being who can do virtually everything he can do, who has far superior experience using those abilities in general and with fighting against the superman archetype which Hypes belongs to.
Hype has had a few on panel fights and despite eventually prevailing, hasnt done particularly well in any of them. To compound that all of those fights were against beings similarly inexperienced in their powers. The so called powerhouses you referred to earlier being quickly lumped together on a team as a desperate measure by the US government having little to no combat experience. With that in mind plus the fact that he's only been in about 4 confrontations its really not as simple as comparing their win to loss ratios. Come on mate.
BA has all the major advantages here. Hype has none. From what we've seen so far BA would far more likely prove to be the victor.

Sir Whirlysplat
Originally posted by GalacticStorm
Its not as simple as that and you know it. The characters BA fought against and lost were experienced in the application of their abilities, they were not amateurs. Alot of them were of the Supes mould and were almost certainly stronger and definitely more experienced than Hype anyway so thats a bit of a moot point. Being able to consistently engage such foes over the years hand to hand and do well shows he's on their level physically and therefore on Hypes. Hyperion has never engaged a being who can do virtually everything he can do, who has far superior experience using those abilities in general and with fighting against the superman archetype which Hypes belongs to.
Hype has had a few on panel fights and despite eventually prevailing, hasnt done particularly well in any of them. To compound that all of those fights were against beings similarly inexperienced in their powers. The so called powerhouses you referred to earlier being quickly lumped together on a team as a desperate measure by the US government having little to no combat experience. With that in mind plus the fact that he's only been in about 4 confrontations its really not as simple as comparing their win to loss ratios. Come on mate.
BA has all the major advantages here. Hype has none. From what we've seen so far BA would far more likely prove to be the victor.
BA win loss record would indicate in any confrontation he is more likely to lose than win. Hyperion hasn't lost yet despite fighting a lot of heavyweights, shit his taken over the world by issue 3 of his mini, by this point his taken all comers.
Originally posted by Sir Whirlysplat
BA win loss record would indicate in any confrontation he is more likely to lose than win. Hyperion hasn't lost yet despite fighting a lot of heavyweights, shit his taken over the world by issue 3 of his mini, by this point his taken all comers.
Not as simple as that for all the aforementioned reasons. BA fought seasoned heroes and true powerhouses, Hype fought a few times against woefully inexperienced foes with virtually no combat experience so of course he would win. When fighting said opponents he had great difficulty.
When fighting Redstone he was losing for the majority of the battle when fighting the team they didnt know what the hell they were doing as they'd just been slapped together as a quick fix solution and had no experience whatsoever. Hyperion didnt conclusively defeat the team he had an edge in the battle before Arcannas amateur tamperings brought the battle to an end. It certainly was far from easy for him.
BA is certainly on his level going by his multitude of showings against foes arguably greater than Hypes and definitely more experienced. Hypes has never fought a foe like BA. One who is physically on his level (debatably greater in areas like speed) and who has great combat experience with said abilities. Going by how Hype has struggled against total amateurs in virtually all of his confrontations id say BA is definitely the more likely to win. He has a poorer win to loss ratio because of the class of foe he engages.
Hypes may have taken over the world in issue 3 but that is a Hype from a different reality, it is not the same Hype we're debating about here. On top of that thats not so impressive considering he is one of only a handful of those on the entire planet with super powers. We dont yet know the circumstances in which he took over the planet yet and plus its not the Hype we're debating about anyway, the one we've been following through the supreme power series.

well written Apoc comes and owns them all meh.
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