Kevin, an intentionally mute sociopath who resides at "The Farm", kills women, and cannibalises their remains. The leftovers go to his pet wolf. He is sheltered by Cardinal Roark. Marv kills him after an exhausting exchange of blows by chopping off his limbs and letting the wolf eat him. Kevin is an agile, fast and skilled martial artist.
Miho is a tiny Japanese assassin who works out of Old Town. She is a walking arsenal, and carries a wide assortment of swords and other martial art's weapons tucked inside her clothing. She shows up in a number of stories, starting with "A Dame to Kill For," and ends up Dwight's partner (of sorts) in "The Big Fat Kill" and "Family Values."
Miho is the one character that really pushes the envelope in Sin City. She regularly does things that that really seem beyond the abilities of everyone else (Marv's climbing a building aside). Such stunts include walking (or rollerblading) along thin objects (such as a telephone wire), standing on top of a small or precarious object (such as the bucket of an earthmover), hurling a small stick inside a gunbarrel, firing an arrow through someone's neck (from outside a building and through a window), and bouncing a shuriken off of a wall and into someone.
Her high DEX and SPD are meant to simulate her fighting skills, which seem to be second to none. Miho never gets hit or hurt, and cuts her way though small groups in an instant.
Miho is the defender of Old Town, and the one woman the girls of Old Town call upon to get rid of troublesome people, like cops, criminals, and abusive johns. Miho doesn't care for racial slurs (like being called a "Jap *****/whore"

and will "play" with her target if such terms are used when referring to her. Such play usually has her putting all her levels into DCV and dodging her opponent's blows while hitting him (usually with contemptuous ease) in return.
Quote: None. Miho never speaks, ever. She might be mute, but I'm not sure.
As stated, Miho is a whirlwind of death, and slaughters hordes of Mafia, terrorists, criminals, and even cops in her several Sin City appearances. The power pool contains her arsenal, which has contained anything from a swastika-shaped shuriken to a Japanese longbow. Her martial arts are based off of moves seen in the comic series. It seems to be all kicks, with no blocks (Miho dodges instead) or punches.
Miho's flight is to allow her to stand on narrow ledges, street signs, telephone wires, and the like and not fall of. Her 6 levels with combat are to allow her to make some of the incredible shots she takes in the series (like tossing a fighting stick into a gunbarrel, or hurling a shuriken off of a wall and through someone's neck). Miho almost always makes called shots, and uses her levels to counter the hit-location modifiers.
Miho is tiny, standing maybe 4'10" maximum and weighing a mere 80-90 pounds. She has short black hair, a very slim figure, and dark eyes. Normally she dresses in tight jeans and a loose upper kimono, into which is tucked all sorts of weapons. A wakazashi (sometimes two) hangs from her belt.
(Miho created by Frank Miller, character sheet created by Michael Surbrook)