Luke Cage & Ironfist VS. Batman & Robin
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It's the Dynamic Duo vs. Powerman (Luke Cage) and Ironfist...
The fight goes down without notice and they're fighting in the backalleys and rooftops of Gotham City...
I think it depends if Cage and Ironfist could be put down with some type of sleeping-gas attack. Other than that, I don't see how Batman and Robin could win.
good fight.
i'd have to give this one to . . .
hmmm . . .

Thought this was a cool idea for a battle...two teams with two partners that have worked with each other for years and work great together...the best of the best when it comes to teamwork...what do the rest of you think?

Anyone else?
Iron Fist takes down Batman
This is happening in Gotham?
I don't know...
Marvel Boy
Cage and IronFist wins
Besides the homefield. I don't see what advantages Batman and Robin have and frankly I don't think that enough to off set the super power IF and Cage poses.
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